IF God exists, if any of what religious people say about him is true, then it's pretty obvious that remaining hidden from us is part of his plan. I mean it's pretty clear to me that he wants us to accept him on faith.
Over the years many religious intellectuals (and no that is not an oxymoron) have come up with 'proofs' of the existence of God. But if you read these proofs you see that they were that kind of proof deliberately designed to convince people who already believe something. If you didn't believe in God and you read, say, Anselm's Ontological proof or Paley's parable of the clock, you would be completely unsatisfied.
In all these thousands of years, NOBODY, as far as I know, has come up with a proof designed to convince someone who was skeptical, and I think this tells you something! It tells you that you can't prove God's existence through evidence and logic.
In fact evidence and logic points the other way! If God exists, then, if he really did design the universe, it must have been deliberate on his part to hide the evidence of his existence!
2007-11-04 06:36:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Bible is a book written by "inspired" men. Instead of scientific proof, would you settle for some logic?
Is it conceivable that the car you drive happened by accident? Or is it more conceivable that someone sat down, drew up a plan, then manufactured it according to specs. Everything, down to the last detail had to work just right or it might not work at all.
Then consider the earth a few degrees out of tilt and life as we know it couldn't exist. We'd freeze if we were further from the sun, toast if we were a few degrees closer. Now, this thing revolves, tilts, rotates without a computer program or designer???
Or the marvel of the human body. Take something as simple as a tear duct, it just happened or evolved? Or what about the capacity of the human mind, more complex than any computer we've built; yet our computers are designed and programmed intentionally and for a purpose.
My challenge would be to offer me evidence that the intricate details of nature just happened without a designer or purpose. For me that takes more faith, than I have.
2007-11-04 06:46:41
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you are open to the possibility of a God existing...i think you would consider yourself more agnostic than atheist. If you don't want to consider the bible as evidence of God, then I would recommend that you continue to be open-minded (as you are) and try to find some legit Christians, Jews, or Arabs that you can talk to. All of these religions believe in a God, although each have a different view. Try to find out what these people believe, and their reasons behind it. I know that in my life, I have no other choice to believe in God, because of the huge acts he has done for me. He is the only one that never lets me down. Call me crazy.........I have to believe that my life has a purpose, a meaning, a future and that a loving God has worked it all out for me.
2007-11-04 06:41:50
answer #3
answered by littleyellowbird 3
I don't belong to a religion either.
The only evidence i can think of is if someone experiences a miracle, they might think it is the doing of God.
Or if something happens that is completly against the law of physics. One may give God credit. There are some pretty amazing things out there.
God is also a way to answer unsolvable questions such as, Where do you go when you die? Or How was the earth created?
I believe God exists in the faith of people. There doesn't have to be material evidence.
2007-11-04 06:37:32
answer #4
answered by Fishy!!! 5
the evidence against god is just beginning to pile up until it's undeniable.... till then the alternative answer is available...
when humans leave religions they get a sense of spiritual healing... when that occurs we can't help but sense ourselves connected to something bigger than we are.. the churches are quick to say it's god's power.. the truth is we are simply reconnecting with the life force, spirit, of the earth.. nature itself... everything , rocks , trees, animals, insects all emit information about itself... that information builds up into energy which causes a reaction that is the cause of evolution... that is called the spirit of nature.. that it has reached the ability of natural selection is in the proof of the other things.. rocks, plant life, animals, and even insects are not subjected to long term illnesses... just humans who redirect the energy called spirit through unatural religions experience the destructive illnesses... this is an omen to the human race... the question is will they get the truth before it's to late...
2007-11-04 07:09:01
answer #5
answered by NO Labels 3
There is no way to prove He exists; meaning there is no tangible evidence supporting that statement. However, it is not blind faith that people choose to follow. With their faith, they feel His presence in their daily lives. Maybe its just the feeling from the belief itself that empowers them, but maybe it's also His guiding hand. Unfortunately t's not a situation where I could show you a picture and say, "Here's God and I on vacation in Hawaii". I wish I could explain this better and give you a better argument because I feel as if you deserve a better one for being open-minded about it.
Although I do believe in God, I am not an expert in religion. I do not have a specific Church that I am an active member of because I am still questioning things myself. I do, however, definitely have the faith that He is guiding me through some recent experiences that have happened. Sometimes I sit and think, "There's no other explanation other than that it was Him who navigated me".
2007-11-04 06:46:57
answer #6
answered by punkymunky22 2
I believe in the existence of God thru my heart and soul only, call it blind faith maybe. I don't believe in bibles, shrouds, crosses, rosary beads, praying chants, tithings,baptismals,sacred cows, Buddah statues, virgins name Mary, yada, yada, yada.... Who God really is is a mystery, why God lets evil and suffering occur is an open question in my mind. I know when I worked at an elderly care home, I've seen people die. When their breathing is labored and the end is near, I believe God's already taken their souls. People thru awful trauma often don't remember much about the incident. I'm hoping it's God's intervention. I don't believe that a thing called Satan is being let rule the world by God. That doesn't make a whole heck of alot of sense, does it? I don't believe God is going to let unbelievers and sinners be tortured in some lake of fire either. Man is the world's enemy...ourselves. Do you think God thinks war's okie dokie? I don't. I think each of us has our own theories and beliefs and non beliefs. We shouldn't push it, argue it, or kill over it. Just follow your heart as much as you can. It is your best guide to pleasing God, I think.....
2007-11-04 07:34:15
answer #7
answered by zen 6
if u want to see GOD u need to look in u r heart
but if u want to see some miracles of Islam and of Allah search goolge and u will see man what i am talking abt dont bollow this ans off try it man seriously an du will see the hard core evidence of Allah believe me man science cant prove God but that is enough to prove the existance of a superior being u know th e theory of big bang right man the science get destroyed at the point of big bang. science says that everything comes from a pre existing thing but big bang destroys that if u belive in genises but still if u dont believe in it then how can u explain that science is real think abt it man
2007-11-04 07:09:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No with a capital N.
Stand by a hoard of answers about how God is beyond science, and that God doesn't want to prove his existence and how the "just know". Christians are soooo obvious.
Perhaps that's because they can't think for themselves and are induced to give the same generic, religious answers?
2007-11-04 06:37:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well if you ask the fundies, noah's footsteps are in the grand canyon.
They try to twist history around to make it fit their biblical perception, however mostly they just come out looking totally insane. Was there a dude named jesus? Sure. Was he a nice guy and maybe help out an entire creed of peole? Sure, you read about heros of ancient civilizations all the time. In HISTORY books. Did he part waters, make woman from a rib, have a talking magic snake w/ legs, create divine following, and have the power to redeem you in the after life? Come on now. Being a cannibal isnt going to help anything but digestion.
2007-11-04 06:36:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous