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I think things are getting really nasty here now. What a shame, as at times many of us have managed to have polite and enjoyable discussions. Why don't we try a ceasefire?

Can we reach consensus on the following points:

a) there are some really spiteful people on both sides that use this forum to spread bad feeling. Ivri Anokhi is one, Chris is another, Shishkebab at times but not always does this. Let's all boycott any of their posts and maybe they'll go away.

b) Israel exists. The country is a reality. Muslims, deal with it! Stop going on about how we 'stole' it from you: we didn't. And even if you can't agree with us that we didn't, this endless anger and arguing gets us where? Nowhere.

c) Jews: stop saying there are no such things as Palestinians. I get the historical argument and I know you have good points but fact is, anyone who was born in Palestine is by definition Palestinian. Deal with it!

And let's ALL just ignore the really nasty posts. How about it?

2007-11-04 04:43:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

edit for 'mimi', I call you a person. I judge people by their words and deeds and not where their passport states they come from. We're all very sensitive, let's all have a rest from arguing about Israel etc, for a while :)

2007-11-04 05:01:03 · update #1

'eu citizen', well, your answer shows you sadly can't respond in the same spirit I posted my suggestion. Think am gonna give up. This forum just becoming silly.

2007-11-04 05:02:19 · update #2

edit for tal, stop being so aggressive, I'm Jewish and if I want to post my question here, as it pertains to this forum, then I will! If you don't like my questions don't read them.

2007-11-04 05:30:21 · update #3

edit for 'ivri' - you have been very spiteful in your comments to and about Tabatha. You were an utter hypocrite, accusing her of 'poor Jewish education' when all the time, you have behaved like a poor human being, let alone a bad Jew. I can define spiteful, it's you that obviously can't. It's pathetic that you lecture other people while behaving so atrociously yourself.

2007-11-04 09:11:18 · update #4

12 answers

Count me in! I am always on ceasefire, and will welcome any who is willing to do likewise. Extremists from all sides will always try to derail us, but they will not succeed.

Mimi - if you have Palestinian heritage, then a Palestinian you are, and you have a right to live in your ancestral homeland. However you will not be able to exercise this right until a Palestinian State is created.

The principle of the two-state solution is to have one state where Jews can move to and be sure that their interests will be safeguarded, and another state which will offer the same for all Palestinians. A binational one-state solution would not be able to guarantee that for either group, and so is not a practical solution.

Londoner In Israel

Edit to EUCitizen: Yes BrwnIran is Ultra's alter-ego

Edit to whiitefang: Do I understand you correctly - are you suggesting that people who were born in Gaza or Bethlehem and have lived there all their lives should pack their bags and head over to Jordan? Why should they do this - how could you justify denying such people the right to stay in the only home they have ever had?

2007-11-04 05:22:57 · answer #1 · answered by Londoner In Israel 3 · 5 3

Edit: I object to being called "spiteful." And the asker had the nerve to call me "an utter hypocrite" and other unforgivable insults.

What I am is realistic.

I know the facts and write them, even if by doing so I am not politically correct.

And just for the record, the "Palestinians" are a made up people, who were invented to bring about the destruction of Israel.

All the Arab leaders admitted that.

Two examples:

"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not," Professor Philip Hitti, leading Arab historian: to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946. And later: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria." Ahmed Shukeiry, later founding chairman of the PLO, to United Nations Security Council, 1956.

"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel." Zuheir Muhsin, late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council. Dutch daily Trouw, March 1977.

Now if the asker wants to call me spiteful or hypocritical because I have exposed the false nature of her thesis, then I suggest that she use a dictionary to find out what spiteful means. She claims she has done so, but I suggest that she check on the word "hypocrite."

Hope that helps.


2007-11-04 06:28:12 · answer #2 · answered by Ivri_Anokhi 6 · 1 5

I have hated the stupid and thoughtless arguments and answers that are so common here. I left this particular page for a while as a result.

But don't make the mistake of just taking any issue in contention and sweeping it under the rug. That plays into the hands of the hate-mongers....

I will not accept anyone as a "Palestinian"... there never was such a state, nor such a people. I believe they should be given Jordanian citizenship, for anyone who reads a modicum of history will see that's why Jordan was created.

That doesn't make the Arabs born in Gaza, Bethlehem, Jericho, etc etc. any less human or humane... or deserving of a life.... I just hope that they are willing and able to do their share to halt the terrorists that run so freely in their midsts.

2007-11-04 05:37:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Thank you for this post. Of course we should have more respect to each other but I can't ignore the nasty posts sorry.
I have to defend my point otherwise I will seem weak and I am sorry for what I will say now. I know it is not appropiate on this beautiful question but I have some notes.

You say you didn't steal our land, yes but you did occupy the lands in 1967 and those were Arabic and not Israelis according to the division in 1947. Other than tha I agree with you the rest of the land was given to you by the UN and nobody can say it is stolen.

You also said anybody who was born in Palestine is called Palestinian but what about people like me who were not born there and have never been there. Should they call me Air? I don't have any citizedship. I lived in Iraq for 7 years, they didn't give me a citezenship. I liven in Lebanon for 13 years and they didn't give me a citizenship. So you can't call me an Iraqi or Lebanese because similpy I am not, they don't want me to be one of them so why should I relate myself to them.
I am Palestinian, and to whomever says no, I will keep saying I am a Palestinian and nothing but a Palestinian.


2007-11-04 04:58:47 · answer #4 · answered by Mimi 6 · 6 4

look at it this way:

there is one big chunk of land (Earth)... and there are two big groups of people. both groups are dropped on Earth.

do they kill each other? or do they settle their differences and live in harmony?

The earth ( as quoted by the american indians, not word for word):

"the earth is not to be owned, the earth i there for our benefit and we must tend to it. The white man's paper money is worthless. we do not own the land."

I find that true... we cannot own the earth... yet we do. we shall see what comes of it.

I believe that the world is to be shared equally. I myself refused to budge when my parents wanted to buy a 9 acre lot. it is pointless. most of the land is open area... and there are people homeless.


the world should be shared. sentimental values mean nothing. will you point at the past mistakes of people? or will you strive to correct them?...


2007-11-05 06:31:58 · answer #5 · answered by Rastafarianhobo 4 · 0 0

I also get the good historical argument that jews dont inherently own the land of Palestine and their claims of ownership based on a something thousand year old books is a very long yarn.

But im willing to forget it in the name of peace...

"edit" sorry Paperback ceasefire never gonna happen, despite all you try. the world doesnt spin that way. I write all my posts knowing full well there will never be a fix to the middle east problem.

This forum is getting silly ive already made the preperations for the big move to an ofifcial politics forum....

2007-11-04 05:00:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

Londoner admits that he moved to Israel just two years ago.

And this entitles him to present himself as an expert on the Middle East?

Very funny. With more experts like him, Israel could become ours without needing to fire a single shot.

2007-11-05 04:10:56 · answer #7 · answered by Arafat 2 · 1 1

Paperback I agree with you (have a star). There are extremeists from both sides and no matter how much you convince them they will never change there idea or points. And the arguments lately are getting out of hand. I agree we should ignore these ppl until they leave so our dicussions canbe more civilized.

2007-11-04 12:48:59 · answer #8 · answered by JASMINE 2 2 · 2 2

For God sake can't you read this is supose to be the travel section. Post your question in the Political section. I'm not a Jew but I know my history there is no Palistinian people they belong to Jordan. Thats a historical fact.

2007-11-04 05:25:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

I get the historical argument and I know you have good points

take this and put it in b) and your sentence will make sense ~

2007-11-04 04:58:25 · answer #10 · answered by B 3 · 3 2

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