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So, how were there Israelis before the establishment of the Israeli state in 1948?

You say the Palsetinains are Arab immigrants, true but so as the Jews who are immigrants from the west.

You say the Jews lived there a long time ago, yes and so as the Arabs, so this doesn't make 'Israel' their country.

Saying the Palestinians are immigrants, yes but so as the Jews who immigrated from the west.

Saying the UN gave Israel to you, yes but the UN also gave lands to the Palestinians and the Israelis Occupied a parts of them in 1967.

You say the whole Jerusalem is your's, NO, the eastern part is Palestinian and was occupied in 1967 and should be returned.

You want me to recognize Israel and you don't want to recognize me as Palestinian.. how is that called a logic.

How is the word Palestinain created in the 1980's when even the Jews were called the Palestinian Jews before 1948?

Please answer my questions and don't try to escape from them by throwing some insults..

2007-11-04 02:41:09 · 17 answers · asked by Mimi 6 in Travel Africa & Middle East Israel

MikeInRI , don't worry the question is not directed to a certain person. It is directed to all of those who deny the presence of the Palestinian people.

I wanted an asnwer because, I see all their claims are not justified and I am giving them an opportunity to justtify them now.
Maybe they can convince me that I don't exist. It is an opportunity and I don't want them to lose it.

2007-11-04 03:07:36 · update #1


The questions are too truthful and hard to be answered.


2007-11-04 03:38:25 · update #2


You didn't answer my question. You just copied and pasted things from the internet. I am not posting anti- Israeli info, I am replyting to anti-Palestinian posts by logical questions and ask for a clear answer.
I know when you copy and paste from the internet and I can go and look for this information by myself. I know it all though but I am asking for a specific answer for a specific question

2007-11-04 04:12:57 · update #3


Whom was the history book you read written by. It probably was witten by a Jew and they say whatever they want people to hear and read. What you stated is a Jewish propaganda that I have read hundreds of time and I don't believe in.
Once you refer me to a neutral source, that is not Jewish (or American) or Arabic, then I may believe that propaganda.

2007-11-04 04:17:59 · update #4

Hillary C :
Lol, but what does this joke have to do with my question. There were no Palestinains at that time but THERE ARE Palestinians now. Your joke applies to the history not the present.

2007-11-04 05:03:18 · update #5

17 answers

These are tragically flawed arguments.
1) No one says there were Israelis before 1948. They were Zionists and Palestinian Jews, but not yet Israelis. They were trying to rebuild Israel, as the area itself was called Israel well before it was called Palestine.
2) Yes, Jews immigrated from the West (and East), that is certainly not in dispute. However, since Jews have a unique identity and an ethnic tie to the land, the fact that they immigrated recently has no bearing on their connection/right to said land. Conversely, if Palestinians are just Arab immigrants, then they are no unique people and have no unique right to a state. If they are simply Arabs, then there are a number of Arab states that would fit their ethnic needs.
3) Yes, both Arabs and Jews have lived in Israel, but the claim is that since Jews lived there well before Arabs got there, they have a stronger right to the land.
4) The UN did agree on a partition plan, but it was rejected wholesale by all Arabs, and even when Palestinians had an opportunity to found as a state between 1949 and 1967, they opted instead to live under Jordanian rule and expend their resources attacking Israel. The point is not so much that the UN gave Israel land, rather that it gave Israel land and Israel did something with it.
5) People say that Israel should keep Jerusalem undivided, as it is the capital of both modern Israel and Judaism. Technically, the Eastern half was Jordanian, as they were the occupiers of Jerusalem before Israel, but that's just a side point.
6) The word Palestinian existed for a long time, but that it refers specifically to a perdominately Muslim ethnic group from the area is a new usage, i.e. the claim that there is a Palestinian people. As you said yoursefl, before 1948 Jews were called Palestinian Jews, meaning the term did not refer exclusively to those now called Palestinians, and further had no unique aspect to it, as anyone who lived in then-Palestine was a Palestinian. The point here is that if there is no unique Palestinian people, then, logistics aside, there is no need for a unique Palestine, as they are just Arabs who as stated above have a wealth of countries in the world.

These are my answers, and I believe I have refrained from throwing insults.

2007-11-04 23:10:57 · answer #1 · answered by Michael J 5 · 4 2

Too many questions all at once. I will answer you simply. Recognize Israels right to exist without any conditions. Stop the fighting, killing and bombings. Once all hostilities have stopped for say... 72 hours, we will start peace talks. We will need some real skilled diplomats to solve this but we will get no where if both sides don't realize they will not get everything they want.

Israel and the Jews have a right to exist. So do the Palestinians. But the Palestinians will not kill all the Jews and evict them from Palestine like so many idiots suggest. Neither will the Jewish idiots get what they want either. There must be some middle ground. If the Jews do not seriously negotiate, the US should then stop all aid to Israel, so should all of Europe. Same goes for the Palestinians and the Arab governments that support them.

You do not look at things with an open mind. The Jews were there 1st BEFORE the Arabs now known as Palestinians. So the Jews are not immigrants from the west, as you claim. They are returning to the land that was stolen from them by the armies of Islam.

2007-11-04 07:03:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

The use of the term "Palestinians" to refer to Arabs living in the Land of Israel is a new phenomenon.

Until 1948 (and actually until 1964) the Palestinians were the Jews who lived in the Land of Israel. Not the State of Israel, which came into existence in 1948 in a part of the Land of Israel.

The Arabs themselves know this and have stated it. One example:

Some facts:

"The fact is that today's Palestinians are immigrants from the surrounding nations! I grew up well knowing the history and origins of today's Palestinians as being from Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Christians from Greece, Muslim Sherkas from Russia, Muslims from Bosnia, and the Jordanians next door. The civil and tribal wars between Yemenites (from Yemen) and Kessites (from Banu Kais of Saudi Arabia) ... are well known among Palestinians.

"My grandfather, who was a dignitary in Bethlehem, almost lost his life by Abdul Qader Al-Husseni (the leader of the Palestinian revolution) after being accused of selling land to Jews. He used to tell us that his village Beit Sahur (The Shepherds Fields) in Bethlehem County was empty before his father settled in the area with six other families. The town has now grown to 30,000 inhabitants."

- Walid, a Palestinian Arab defector, talking about the recent immigration of Arabs to Palestine. quoted from "Answering Islam"

One more example: Syrian President Hafez Assad once told the late PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat:

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people."

Only a clear and decisive victory by Israel over the "Palestinians" and their backers can bring peace to the Middle East.

2007-11-05 04:32:33 · answer #3 · answered by Gam Zo Letovah 3 · 1 1

You want actual historic facts . Well here they are History of the middle east written by historians both Christians and Muslims throughout the world. These are the facts not propagander.

History shows and proves the fact that the Israeli State Israel at no time ever , ever did it refere or belong to the Arab or Palistinians . For 400 years almost the entire Middle East was occupied by the Ottoman Empire ( Turkey) There was no Syria, Iraq, Lebanon not even Jordan, It was the European powers again because of the influence oil created these countries. In 1948 when the Jews were given back the land of their fore fathers without oil concessions the Arabs nations protested and attacked Israel from the north,South East , they all had a very short memory and purposely forgetting that they themselves were given land in the exact same way. It is a known fact to all intelegent people around the world that the word Palistine is derived from the word Philistines. In fact all who lived there Jews,Christians,Arabs Greeks were all called Palistinians. Historians have proved that there is no Palistinian nation. After conquering the land of Israel the Romans renamed it after the biblical enemies of the Jews. The Philistines who were never ever Arabs but "Greek". Again a historical fact the British unlawfully violated the Mandate and instead of giving back the biblical land of Israel back to the Jews who had been living there for thousands of years .In 1922 the British gave almost 80% of the Jewish biblical land of Israel to the Hashemite Arabs now known as Jordan including the West Bank. As a Palistinian I know it's hard to absorb . I take no sides but history is factual.

2007-11-04 04:08:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

And also, if a people don't like what they got by negotiation, they go to war. Various Palestinians and Arab peoples did this over who got what land in the Mid-East. If you don't like the negotiated result, you go to war and take the war result. That's pretty much the history of the world, as I see it. So they go to war, get a worse result, go to war again, lose more....3 or 4 times. Isn't there supposed to be a learning curve? There certainly was a loss of sympathy curve for me. So they get the war result (past wars). And shut up about it already, stop disrupting world peace.

2016-05-27 07:34:48 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

"Saying the UN gave Israel to you, yes but the UN also gave lands to the Palestinians and the Israelis Occupied a parts of them in 1967."

actually, the UN gave that land to jordan, and the palestinians didn't complain about occupation when jordan was occupying it.

occupation is not the issue. the arabs didn't care about the jordanian occupation. they couldn't stand israel before the occupation. and since israel ended its occupation in gaza, gaza has only gotten worse, more hateful toward israel and more dangerous for its residents.

it's very simple. the region of palestine was occupied by both jews and arabs. jews are happy to share the land. when the arabs are, there will be peace.

2007-11-04 06:39:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Hi Mimi

I recommend that you ignore people who try to diminish your people's legitimate claim to live in the Holy Land.

They argue that your people did not have a clear national identity until relatively recently, and that you only starting calling yourselves Palestinians to substantiate your claim on the land. Regardless of whether this is true or not, it is completely irrelevant. Your people have a legitimate claim to live in this land simply by virtue of having lived here, and in many cases been born here.

So let me make this very clear to everyone: any person has the right to live in the place where they were born and raised, whatever they might choose to call themselves.

As for Palestinians who were born elsewhere, their return to the land of their roots requires the creation of a Palestinian State. I very much hope that such a state will exist soon.

Please don't leave this forum - your presence is hugely appreciated and you are a very important participant. Tabatha left because she also got angry at what people said here, but I believe that she actually only took a break from it and will probably return some time.

So don't let answers like the ones which follow this put you off continuing to be the great person you are, and standing up for what you know is right!

Londoner In Israel

2007-11-04 03:47:26 · answer #7 · answered by Londoner In Israel 3 · 6 5

Londoner admits that he moved to Israel just two years ago.

And this entitles him to present himself as an expert on the Middle East?

Very funny. With more experts like him, Israel could become ours without needing to fire a single shot.

2007-11-05 04:15:07 · answer #8 · answered by Arafat 2 · 2 1


The Israeli Ambassador at the U.N. began, "Ladies and gentlemen before I commence with my speech, I want to relay an old Passover story to all of you ..

"When Moses was leading the Jews out of Egypt toward the Promised Land, he had to go through the nearly endless Sinai desert.

When they reached the Promised Land, the people had became very thirsty and needed water. So Moses struck the side of a mountain with his staff and a pond appeared with crystal clean, cool water. The people rejoiced and drank to their hearts' content.

"Moses wished to cleanse his whole body, so he went over to the other side of the pond,
took all of his clothes off and dived into the cool waters.

When Moses came out of the water, he discovered that all his clothes had been stolen.

'And,' he said, 'I have reasons to believe that the Palestinians stole my clothes.'"

The Palestinian delegate to the UN, hearing this accusation, jumps from his seat and screams out, "This is a travesty. It is widely known that there were no Palestinians there at that time!"

"And with that in mind," said the Israeli Ambassador, "let me now begin my speech."

2007-11-04 04:38:03 · answer #9 · answered by Obama Happends 5 · 5 4

Jews lived there for 4,000 years, first establishing great cities societies, and yes an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY.
"Palestinians" as you call them, were nothing more than sqautters who came with the Arab invasions of the 700's have no relation at all to the "Philistines" who lived in the land around the same time as the Jews started to really thrive there.

Its a fact that only until Jews finally started re-building Israel in the late 1800's and early 1900's, you started clamoring for "your independence" didn't you? When you saw the swamps were being drained, roads were being built, generators and electricity was on the move, telephone lines were up, etc etc etc.... That's when you decided to start doing something about "your" land. You started harassing the real "landowners" of the time, the Turkish Effendis. Then you hassled the British, which I can understand for other reasons ( I dislike them greatly). You only started the push for pan-Arabism when you saw the Jews making the desert into a paradise, you were like " oh sh*t , lets get a piece of this action, by inventing a country that we're from."

And if the UN orders us off OUR land? I say: " F *CK the UN"
Worthless and weak organization that has done diddly-squat for the world in 60 years, and no country ever listens to what they say, so stop pointing the finger at Israel.

2007-11-04 04:02:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 8

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