No. I do not believe that dinasaurs contradict the Bible. But we have a good question on our hands as to whether or not Noah had dinasaurs on the Ark (kind of hard to imagine T-Rex on the ark :o). Some Christian theologians see a devastation and renewal in Genesis chapter 1 where it says that "the earth was without form and void." Obviously, the flood of Noah's time is a world wide catastrophe in Genesis, chapters 6-9.
In watching a lot of the history channel lately, I am amazed at the realization and agreement that the world's leading scientists are coming to in regards to a huge, world wide catastrophe. Most believe that it was caused by a meteor collision with earth. It would explain things like the flood of Noah, an ice age, the extinction of many species like the dinasaurs.
Just my opinion on the subject.
2007-11-03 10:30:57
answer #1
answered by Hesed 3
The age of our Earth being claimed as 6 thousand years (I guess 8 thousand now).
Some people claim that God's day is a thousands of ours. (I won't argue that today) ; ) Even if this were true we still can't encompass the dinosaurs or even the emergence of man.
Wisdomteeth -- For the most part the site you've promoted is wrong. There are many ways of dating the past and these methods are used together to confirm or refute a date. The methods are very precise.
I don't think you people have any concept of time.
I went back to Wisdom's promoted site to read some more. Gosh what a bag of nonsense. I read absolutely no proof of anything.
When the writer talks about a young man claiming to be atheist and speaks of not even believing in reality and the writer says to him how can he know he's really talking to me right now and the young man says good point ----- a young man was baffled by such a statement!!! And the writer seems so smart!! Pure garbage.
2007-11-03 10:28:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Many believe that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Yet, with the use of the scriptures, common sense and science, proof that
the earth is only about 6000 years old and that dinosaurs lived in the time of Adam and the great flood of Noah. First of all, let's understand why man has mistakenly determined
the age of the earth. In the very first chapter of Genesis, it says that there was water above and below the firmament. Now upon
examination, it can be determined that firmament is heaven or atmosphere. According to God's word, there was water above the firmament. So
how can this be proven? Let us examine preflood man. Man prior to the flood lived to be roughly around 900 years. We must ask ourselves what could cause man to live so long. Scientists have stated that the sun is the major factor in aging us. Now, if we put 2 and 2 together, the common sense answer to why man lived so long prior to the
flood is because they had extra protection from the sun. There was a body of water that surrounded the earth and gave it a greenhouse effect and it was this water that gave man much more protection from the sun. Now, scientists have used scientific principals based on the chemical makeup of the earth after the flood, yet, the chemical makeup of the earth was different which makes any test on material prior to the flood incorrect. What proof is there that the earth was chemically different prior to the flood is again common sense. If man had portection from the sun, so did all living things on the earth. The earth too, was protected from the toxic radiation from the sun and it is common sense that tells us that carbon dating cannot be
used to determine the age of the earth because of different chemical principals of two different earths, preflood and after flood. Now what about dinosaurs? What is a dinosaur? It is nothing more
then a reptile. Scientist have proven that as long as a reptile is living, it continues to grow. So, if we take an alligator and say it lives 100 years and grows 20 feet. What would happen if it were to live
900 years? It would have grown to be 180 feet, thus, a dinosaur. One more thing to think about the earht being in a bubble of water is that prior to the flood, man had never seen rain. That is why no one believed Noah when he said it was going to rain. At that time, the earth was watered by a mist. Another interesting thing to think about is the dramatic decrease in man's lifespan after the flood. he began to age musch faster because he was being pelted by massive amounts of radiation from the sun. Just recently, scientists who use computers to solve unsolve crimes by taking the remains of bones to restructure and form a face of the bones were asked by creationists to do an experiment. Now, first we must understand that this forensic science has met with great success and is proven itself as reputible.
They were asked to take an average man and by comparing the physical changes in the lifetime such as bone structure and come up with a model of what man would look like if he lived to be close to 1000 years. Remarkably, around the 400 year mark, the image looked remarkably like that of Cro Magnum man and aroung the 800 year mark, man the image looked remarkably like Neanderthal man. Now, is this just coinsidence or is God's word true. I believe the the world is just as the bible says, just around 6000 years old.
2007-11-03 10:51:38
answer #3
answered by heiscomingintheclouds 5
No. The bible is not a science or history book, but a religious book. Dinosaurs are not covered, but Genesis 1:1-2 does not specify time.
Genesis 1:2 Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Something happen, but God did not tell us what.
The Greek word theu H8414 translated as formless actually means chaos, so the earth became chaos.
2007-11-03 10:35:12
answer #4
answered by J. 7
The people who wrote the bible probably never even knew about dinosaurs. The bible was written 2 thousand years ago and dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
2007-11-03 10:28:12
answer #5
answered by Small Victories 4
It depends on how you accept the Bible.
For the majority of Christians, dinosaurs do not contradict the Bible becasue they do not take the Bible literally.
There is a fundamental difference between truth and fact.
It is true that God exists but I cannot prove it.
It is a fact that President Bush said he invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction but it is not true.
Catholics believe that the Bible teaches truth about God but it is not historically factual at all times.
The Bible's primary purpose is to teach us the truth about God and His (or Her) love for us and how we should love each other, not to teach facts about history or science.
All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 105 and following:
With love in Christ.
2007-11-03 11:05:23
answer #6
answered by imacatholic2 7
I don't think I have come across any references in the Bible of dinosaurs, nor of dinosaurs contradicting it.
2007-11-03 10:28:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Existence? If they still exist and aren't extinct I would think that would be support of the bible.
Or did you mean "Did the Existence..."?
If so, it means nothing, there is much evidence that supports the notion of a global flood because fighting dinosaur skeletons have been found that must have suddenly become covered in soil/sand to become fossilized in the act of fighting.
And how could an actual bone, not a fossil, be preserved for millions of years. Partial bone and complete bones of dinosaurs have been found, mostly in Alaska.
2007-11-03 10:27:39
answer #8
answered by Holy Holly 5
I believe that before the fall of Adam
Men and dinosaurs coexisted
Every animal at that time were plant eaters including us
2007-11-03 10:39:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but let's not dwell overly much on one small point when it's just one of hundreds of bits of evidence that proves that the judeo-christian bible is not an accurate source for historical or scientific information.
Come to think of it, that book isn't a reliable source for any information besides being a handy guide to debunking the very religion that claims it has all the answers...
2007-11-03 10:31:40
answer #10
answered by ? 4