I know there is a God but I don't believe that He has anything to do with religion. I've have had an experience that has spanned over the course of 17 years now that has confirmed my belief in God. He does exist, I believe that you know that in your heart to consider Him, in light of what you have experienced.
2007-11-02 20:13:55
answer #1
answered by GoodJuJu2U 6
Welcome to the R&S forum, I assume this is your first time. Are you staying long?
OK, I don't know how many times this is posted every single day, and I don't much care, but it is a lot.
Heres the short answer:
Now for the long answer.
I too was raised a Catholic, I hated every minute of it with the exception of Sunday school because I was 10 and they had a bunny. I found the rituals monotonous, the ideals and theology surrounding it laughable and the demeanor of the priest maddening. I moved a few years later and I have never had to go back thankfully. I have believed in evolution since I was very young, As far back as I can remember on the subject. I didn't have any serious thoughts on god or religion until I was somewhat older, and even then I was skeptical. Currently I am a Buddhist/Atheist/Pastafarian. I still wouldn't lump god in with Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy except under the idea that they MAY have been designed with the explicit purpose of controlling minds. That is all I will say on the subject.
2007-11-02 20:25:05
answer #2
answered by hiwokakeru 2
I do not know whether or not GOD truly exists, but I believe in the possibility of the One and live my life according to GOD's law.
GOD and religion aren't the same thing. It is hard to believe that something such as the one GOD could exist if terrible things have happened to you, but believing in GOD isn't about good things always happening to believers and unbelievers getting shafted every time. It is about exalting the One who created the worlds and holds supremacy over all of them. It is about worshipping the One because GOD deserves it, not to make one's life better or to earn some kind of favour in this life. It is something done for its own sake.
I also used to be Catholic and left the faith because of the inherent hypocrisy of a religion that claims to follow GOD, but practices ritual worship that Jesus warned the world of men about, and committing vile acts of idolatry by worshipping saints and Jesus as a GOD. Pretty much every other religion I've looked into has similar problems, from modern Islam, Judaism, Protestant Christianity and so forth. The message is so simple, yet no one gets it.
I won't tell you what to believe or promise to give you easy answers - only you can find what you truly seek. I am just here to help if you want it. Peace out.
2007-11-02 20:37:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, your life, your family, your friends... they are already miracles from God. The way the sun rises every morning, it signals a new hope for everyone and that is also a miracle. People sometimes take things for granted that they happen to oversee simple things which are actually gifts and miracles from God. Why don't you start counting your blessings right now? Those blessings are proofs that God really exists.
2007-11-02 20:14:05
answer #4
answered by confused13 2
You should go to church.
You shouldnt be Catholic.
You were justified in staying away from that church.
Why would a person of strong faith question Gods existence?
People dont believe in God because they saw a miracle. In that case, all the teachers of the law in the NT wouldve accepted Jesus.
People believe or disbelieve based on what is in their hearts. You have disbelief in your heart miracles or no. So its just a question of what you want more, God, or the world?
You need the read the Bible with faith, grow stronger in your convictions, beliefs, and faith, get baptized, and go do Gods will. If you dont feed your faith with Gods word and become stronger in it, you lose it. And youre in the process of losing it. What are you going to do about it?
2007-11-02 20:14:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, my prayers get answered.
I don't go to church on a regular basis
but I do believe in God. He was there when I desperately needed help.
2007-11-02 21:08:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Millions of things occur in the world every day, and there's going to be some that look like miracles but really, they were just random coincidences. We can't fully understand what's going on in the world - it would be indulgent of us to think we can - but there's a rational reason behind everything, even if we can't understand it right now.
I don't think I could ever believe in God. I was brought up to be objective, scientific and free-thinking, and objectively, it makes absolutely no sense to me when I have endless resources at my fingertips that tell me what I need to know in a rational and secular manner. Resorting to some omnipotent thing for answers to our problems and questions is just a cop-out. As we discover more and more about ourselves and our world, what's relegated to 'God' gets smaller and smaller.
2007-11-02 20:12:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, I see the universe as being more special without there being a god or supernatural force.
If you really want to test your belief in god read "God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
2007-11-02 21:46:51
answer #8
answered by Stupid like a fox! 2
I have 1 question which i'd like answered.
How did you come to life?
Regarding your question yes there is a God.
Having disbelief in God can give pain in the hereafter so better you learn about the creator of this world and believe in him.
God is the one who brought us life and he is the one who we will retuen to in the hereafter.
One small story.
In our life we have the power to learn what we can and that is written in our right side of our shoulder by an angel gifted from God.All the wrong doings will be recorded on the left side by an angel.When we die if our good deeds or things are better we will go to Heaven if not God knows better.
When the day of Judgment will come we will all rush up and will run as fast as we can to Heaven or as slow as possible to Hell.
I am helping you out so plaese reply if i can help more.
Best of luck.
The Judgment day won't give any chances to us to return and believe in God.That day nothing will help us come back to the world.
2007-11-02 20:25:04
answer #9
answered by Furqan 2
I'm a Catholic, too.
I believe in God. I don't know if there's ever been a time or experience that completely changed my life... I know sometimes I pray for things, and they end up happening.
2007-11-02 20:04:34
answer #10
answered by Furr. 4