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Since I was about five, I've been having terrifying dreams about plane crashes !! They always seem so real until I don't know something in my mind signals right before the crash that this is a dream.. but they are so terrifying and i can't figure out what they mean. I don't have them often but every 3-4 months I have them and wonder if they mean something profound or am i just weird?

2007-11-02 17:02:21 · 3 answers · asked by Mary m 1 in Social Science Dream Interpretation

3 answers

Hi Mary M,

Let 's see what you've got.......

I've been having terrifying dreams about plane crashes !!

((I cannot say that it opens this way.... But dreams that deal with air planes are concerned with something that has been going on for a long period of time......

I want you to understand this: You see, no one takes an air plane to go down the street..... but, if you need to go overseas, it will take you some time to arrive..... So, air planes speak of time... and a long time at that for purposes of "destination" and arrival or conclusions, for that matter.....))

They always seem so real until I don't know something in my mind signals right before the crash that this is a dream..

((Dream says that you are at a loss to understand why you feel the way that you do about a "premonition" just before it reveals itself to you.......In other words, you get a feeling just before it happens.............))

but they are so terrifying and i can't figure out what they mean. I don't have them often but every 3-4 months I have them and wonder if they mean something profound or am i just weird?

You have premonitions......

Your sister,
((dream interpreter for over 20 years))

2007-11-02 23:20:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What really sucks is to have one of those dreams while you're asleep on the airplane, over the ocean on the way to Honolulu.

2007-11-03 01:55:12 · answer #2 · answered by steve.c_50 6 · 0 0

You had never been love the way you should had been love even by your own parents Even today you dont feel love by those who are surrending you

2007-11-02 19:00:31 · answer #3 · answered by lala 7 · 0 0

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