I am in NY and my neighbor, she is Indian (from india I think), and yesterday it was a very windy day and many of my neighbor's thongs, or bikinis flew into my backyard along with a shirt of hers.
My problem is that I feel ok to give her back her shirt but feel really wierd in going to her house>>>ringing the bell>>> and them giveing her 4 thongs back.
I am 24 but am still a little bit shy when talking to girls, and cant even think about handing her the thongs...
I picked up one and sniffed it and it seems they are clean, so it might be newly washed laundry.
They are still in my backyard, but I think that she might not be able to see them through her backyard...
33 answers
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Beauty & Style
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Don't sweat it. Just take them back to her. She will probably apprecitae it as they can be pretty expensive to replace!
2007-11-02 03:14:16
answer #1
answered by Quithatenme 3
hahaha thats funny. If it were me Id appreciate getting my undies back rather than think OMG someone I dont know has my underwear! Thats creepy. Who knows, this could be an icebreaker to go and talk to her. Put all of her unmentionables in a clean bag and explain what happened. She might just be relieved that you arent a weirdo (except the sniffing part jk) and you were a nice enough guy to return them without making a big deal out of it. Good Luck!
2007-11-02 03:17:48
answer #2
answered by Veronica The Great! 4
You don't have an option. You do need to take her things to her. Put them in a non-transparent plastic bag and go and ring her doorbell. Whoever answers, just hand the bag to them, don't mention it's underwear, and say, "These blew over the fence/wall into my backyard." Nothing else is necessary. She is likely to be embarrassed too, remember!
2007-11-02 03:18:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
when you consider which you're form of shy, why do no longer you knock on your neighbor door and tell her that a number of her clothing flew on your backyard so as that she would be in a place to come again and p.c.. them up. or you could in simple terms placed each thing in a bag and hand it to her that way you in basic terms won't could walk over there with in simple terms thongs on your hand a minimum of they're going to be in a bag. yet what made you scent them. it rather is replaced right into a no no.
2016-10-03 04:24:56
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Exactly what does her being of Indian desent have to do with the situation? Is that why you smelled her undies? To see if they smelled like curry? Dude, if you're so shy you wouldn't have sniffed them in the first place. Haha.
2007-11-02 03:48:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Tell her that there is some of her laundry in your yard and if she can go pick it up. Also, tell her that with such personal items she should make sure that they don't end up at someone else's backyard- she needs to either dry them at home or go to a laundromat and use a dryer.
2007-11-02 03:21:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Put everything into a paper bag, and give it to her that way. It will minimize the embarrassment somewhat. She probably thinks that someone stole them, so be sure to tell her that the wind blew them over.
2007-11-02 03:14:58
answer #7
answered by Ralfcoder 7
.Put everything in a plastic grocery beg, go over and ring her doorbell and tell her that some of her laundry blew over the fence into your yard, and then leave immediately (before she has a chance to open the bag), as both of you will be embarrassed.
2007-11-02 03:12:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Don't be shy, just fold all the luandry up, put it in a carrier bag and return it, otherwise she might think you are an underwear thief!!
2007-11-02 03:16:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
lol how funny! here's what u should do......1st take the thongs and put em' on ur head....then run up to her doorstep and say "trick or treat! isn't it halloween??" ...then ur gonna realize that ur a little late on the whole halloween thing!....I mean, c'mon now....it WAS 2 DAYS AGO! .....AND THEN you won't be THAT embarrassed about the whole 'bringing back the thongs' thing because you'll be EVEN MORE EMBARRASSED about it NOT being halloween anymore.
well good luck Mr. Sniffles.
2007-11-02 03:27:59
answer #10
answered by tatttttsssss 1
I agree with the others, put all the laundry in a grocery bag. Take them over and tell her that her laundry blew over the fence.
Next time NO Sniffing
2007-11-02 03:26:44
answer #11
answered by joy55js 3