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once all illegal immigrants of all races not just Mexicans get deported, would you racist people start to target African Americans or Asian Americans or Russian Americans or Japanese Americans or any other race of Americans that do not include White Americans? just go ahead and grab your testicles and say you want America for White Americans only sorry no coloreds allowed. without any colored race left who would you target? your white neighbors? I know for sure you guys want to get rid of black people. you rather see a chinese family move in to your street than a black family huh?

2007-11-01 21:50:54 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

why are you finding excuses to not answer my questions honestly. just admit the truth that's all I'm asking. what is it? did a illegal immigrant or should I say Mexican (any person that looks hispanic is a Mexican to you racist people) take your wife or husband from you? did he/she make you jelous when you saw the nice car he/she was driving? is a Mexican going out with your son/gaughter? did your son/daughter get beat up or made fun at in school by a Mexican. do you hate the fact that you are not Mexican? do you hate the fact that your wife/husband has fantasies about a Mexican? do you hate the fact that your racist bomb you have in your lungs wants to explode and say America for White Aryans only!!!!! but it just goes tic-toc tic-toc-deport Mexicans-tic-toc. come on be honest please PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-01 22:21:00 · update #1

22 answers

Get real. Being against illegal aliens and being racist are two different things. I enjoy all races of people who live here- it's what makes our country special. But I cannot and will not tolerate criminals who break the law. I don't care what their reason is. We are a nation of laws. If a person breaks the law, then they need to be punished.

2007-11-01 21:57:48 · answer #1 · answered by Uncle Bob The Sicko 1 · 13 2

Quick answer- Yes. Marriage and Immigration are two separate issues. With her young age, we'll assume that she is legally able to marry. That's one thing. The other thing is her immigration status. Merely being married does not confer status- her spouse has to petition on her behalf. The process takes awhile, and CIS (the new INS) might allow her to remain in the USA pending her status. One issue that will affect the burocracy is- Was she an EWI or did she arrive legally? EWI is the CIS acronym for "Entered Without Inspection," something that's hard to overcome. If she arrived on a visa of some sort and has overstayed, that's a different matter. But first things first- Are both people legally capable of marriage? (He might already be married, something that happens occasionally) And once they marry, will he file a petition for her? Oh, BTW, even a legalized foreigner can be deported if they are convicted of a crime. So we'll hope this girl has no criminal charges pending. If possible, find a group like Catholic Charities who has experience with legalization. And don't be surprised if the best bet is an immigration attorney. These things aren't cheap.

2016-04-02 00:06:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Apparently a lot of people are tolerating your question because you are a self-proclaimed "rookie".

Why does the Mexican elite and their corrupt government encourage their underclass to violate our sovereignty? Because these people are dark-skinned, not of Spanish origin, uneducated, and poor. This translates to unwanted in a corrupt culture filled with rampant prejudice against them. These unwanted comprise 80% of the Mexican population. They have no real property rights and therefore and are forced to live in a hidden economy.

Can you deduce now who the real racists are?

BTW, on this forum about nine out of ten participants welcome any race to this country as long as it is done legally. This means they want immigrants SCREENED for education, finances, experience, relationships, clean criminal record and other factors that would tend to keep them from becoming a ward of the state.

We in the U.S. already have enough of a citizen underclass to fill most of the jobs illegal immigrants do. The problem is they don't know about these jobs partly because the illegal immigrants are better networked due to the efforts of the Mexican government and to a great extent, the Catholic Church.

It costs US taxpayers much more than business saves in payroll costs to have so many illegal immigrants in the US. If our own citizen underclass had free transportation to the job sites, free on-site online education, job sharing, free day care, and better working conditions, businesses would actually save money because productivity would increase. In other words, the work environment for these jobs should be rooted in social constructs our underclass is already committed to.

2007-11-02 02:05:15 · answer #3 · answered by spirit dummy 5 · 4 2

When Illegals are deported, we can go back to not having to press 1 for English for one thing. We may also be able to lower our taxes and our Children and Grandchildren will once again be able to get a job at MacDonalds

2007-11-02 03:38:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

People use the word racist when there's no arguments about the subject, its a coup out. Americans love Mexicans its the Illegals destroying our nation we don't approve of, the laws the law

2007-11-01 23:51:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Get freakin real.
Just for your information my wife is from Lima Peru and brought two children to the marriage and they all spoke English when they got here, if it's also any of your business I am Caucasian and brought one child to the deal.

I have a real problem with illegal criminals who murder 25 people nation wide every day.

Why don't you look into your own soul and I think you will find the biggest racist in your life.

2007-11-01 22:05:29 · answer #6 · answered by CFB 5 · 8 2

Just because I am against the illegals does not make me racist! This issue is only about the law, NOT RACE! Put away your race card, dude! YOUR racism is showing!

I don't care if the illegal alien is from England or Peru. THEY SHOULDN'T BE HERE! That is the law!

Once all the illegal alien criminals are gone, we can start rebuilding our country. The illegals are destroying it!

2007-11-01 23:37:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 2

darlin it has nothing to do w/ race and everything to do with money. you come here, dont pay taxes, and get handed the world, while i bust ***, give a 4th of my check to the gov, and get screwed. But im sure if i just showed up in your country theyd give me a house, benifits, food stamps, a credit card, and a green light to do whatever the hell i want, right? And if your a mexican, the african americans had a reason to revolt, they were american citizens being denied rights. You are not.

2007-11-01 21:58:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 11 2

Last I checked, illegal wasn't a race.

And how racist are you to assume that illegal=hispanic. I do use the word "Mexican" when refering to people flying the flag of Mexico or claiming to be from Michocan, Mexico. That's the right word for citizens of Mexico.

2007-11-02 00:32:40 · answer #9 · answered by DaisyCake 5 · 7 2

What part of illegal do you NOT understand?

Illegal, or unlawful, is used to describe something that is prohibited or not authorized by law or, more generally, by rules specific to a particular situation.

Illegal alien = aline ilegal

Illegal is not a synonym for racist.

2007-11-02 03:14:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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