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My computer Win XP pro doesn't reads Russian programs. My uncle had send me some program on Russian but I can’t understand what its saying because my computer only gives me (??????????) I can type in Russian, also I can run program but its all question marks or something else but not Russian.

Please Help

2007-11-01 17:12:40 · 2 answers · asked by vova p 1 in Computers & Internet Software

2 answers

Depends on how the program is written. If has Russian user interface that relies heavily on Russian version of Windows. you are pretty much out of luck. If you can input Russian in windows, I am assuming you have microsoft language packs already. If the program is tailored to different version of windows other than your own (Vista, XP and 2000, etc), you would also have problems. Better ask your uncle what windows the program runs on.


2007-11-01 18:21:08 · answer #1 · answered by XReader 5 · 0 0

YOu probably need a multilanguage user interface pack.

2007-11-01 17:22:22 · answer #2 · answered by CAITLIN 5 · 0 0

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