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I'll be going HongKong soon and im thinking of getting my haircut there, for those who know HK well do you have recommendations for which salon to go to? which are the popular ones and how much will it cost just for cut and blow dry?

2007-11-01 09:50:21 · 2 answers · asked by snoopy 2 in Travel Asia Pacific China

2 answers

Mongkok and Causeway Bay!!!! weeee they have the best barber shops there. ^_^ when i used to live in HK, i got haircuts there. hehehe ^_^ dont get really cheap ones though because ( i think) they arent really good. try to get the ones between $150-300. lol of hong kong money but i doubt it because they are expensive


2007-11-01 10:23:35 · answer #1 · answered by What 5 · 0 0

Try not to go to the ones in Nathan Rd Mongkok and Causeway Bay. They cost as much as $1000 HKD, that's about 100 dollars in Cad or US. Other ones are fine, ask them about the price first and see if you can bargain.

After the haircut, ask for free stuffs. They usually will give you shampoo, gel, and other accessories!!

2007-11-01 17:11:37 · answer #2 · answered by White Shooting Star of HK 7 · 0 0

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