You are looking at these reasons, which are excuses, God does not look at any of this, God looks at the main focus, God wants to be a part of your life, all the past is the past, that is yesterday, and you need to let it Go for Good, What should be the focus is getting down on your knee's and praying, really heart to heart talking to God, you need to confess all of your fears, doubts and all the worries to Him, He is listening, you know all this time He is only been waiting on you to come around, and now it seems like you are ready, so you need to tell The Lord that you know That Jesus Christ went to the cross for our sins, in our place, You need to repent, and turn away from all sins in your life, doubt included, Ask God for Forgiveness, Truly Ask, and you will be forgiven, and finally ask Jesus Christ to come and fill you with The Holy Spirit, You will be filled, then you will be saved, A baptism is to show everyone else that you have been saved, you are saved when you invite Jesus Christ into your life. I pray for you to finally have The Holy Spirit, and this can teach your children, sometimes when they see we are human too, it brings them closer, and they won't have to go through all the worry you did, when your mom didn't explain it to you.
God Bless!!
2007-11-01 07:40:55
answer #1
answered by Lynn C 5
I'd say, my personal opinion, that less than 50% of baptised christians are dedicated to God. Your reasoning is perfectly good for not being baptised at this time. You don't have to preach from a cornor, be a fanatic or a hypocrite to dedicate your life to God. Setting a good example (the best you know how) is the most important can't expect perfection from imperfect flesh.
2007-11-01 14:58:49
answer #2
answered by Oppna to tal 3
I am not sure how to answer this question. On one hand if you do not feel a want to be baptize and you are doing it for "show" or for someone other than yourself, you are being baptized for the wrong reasons. The idea behind baptism is that it 'wipes you clean', if this isn't feeling right to you I would suggest you find a pastor/minister you connect with and have a heart to heart with them. When we are brought up in a family that doesn't value faith ( I was brought up in one that didn't believe in God let alone go to church) we do not understand what we are seeking, we simply feel something is different or off. We also rationalize that we have come this far without it. What I did, and I am not suggesting this is the road for everyone, but I looked into various faiths. With the information, I was able to come to my decision of what my faith walk looked like. I wish you peace as you search for the answers :) Trust your heart, God will place what he wants in it. Ame
2007-11-01 14:38:51
answer #3
answered by Ame 2
You know sometimes a prideful heart can lead to destruction. I would find a church and talk to a pastor. No you don't have to go to church to be a christian but you do have to have that followship with God and when you were saved as a young person then you were saved. It just sounds like you weren't given good biblical direction. Your'e children are goiing to be faced with the same struggles and they need to know that it's ok to ask for help or guidance. And no you can't do it only God can You don't have to live a perfect life if that was the case we would all be in trouble. But we do need to pray and be obedient to God. And that's through his word. and you need to know that God gives us no more then we can handle, so what I tell myself when I am going through struggles is this.
Lord I can't do this on my own I need your help with this, thank you that I can come to you. And he is faithfull and just.
I was having A hard day one day actually it was several days, just feeling like I couldn't do it. (just something i was struggling with) and shortly after praying I received an email from a pastor of a church I used to go to, It was a group email but the first one I had received in a very long time and it was a devotion about the very issue I was struggling with ( parenting and just being tired). I just laughed and said thank you Lord. And knew it was alright.
What a wonderfull example you could be to your kids if they were to see there mom getting baptized and deciding to live a life for christ. I can do all things through christ who strenghtens me. Your children will see you as a strong person. And someday want to make that decision themselves. Don't let pride hold you back from all the good Jesus has for you. The best gift you could give to your kids is letting them see you as a strong woman of God who loves the Lord. The best gift from Jesus is salvation.
Baptism is a cleansing. It is a wahing away of the old and putting on the new. Be baptized if you feel like you should, But don't do out of guilt or fear. Before you do anything I would just pray. Seek guidance from a pastor and talk to your husband.
2007-11-01 14:57:23
answer #4
answered by island girl 3
There will come a time when you will not stray away from the calling God has placed on you. Baptism is something that you should do only when you are ready and fully understand why you are doing it. We all stray away from the Lord I did! And found my way back. I think if your kids find that you haven't been 100 % dedicated to God they would not love you any differently neither will God. God says he is married to the backslider. Have faith it''ll be fine. Everything works for his glory.
2007-11-01 14:36:03
answer #5
answered by mariposa 3
No, baptism is essential for salvation. Check out Acts 2:38, Galatians 3:27, Romans 6, and 1 Peter 3:20-21. This isn't an opinion, this is Biblical fact that it is required for salvation. Now, you do need to be dedicated to God because you want to not because of something else. I would recommend that before you are baptized. God wants to you seek Him because you want to, not because it is the best for someone else. The worse thing to do is to fake it, because when your kids see that it isn't real, they will think its not real. Commit 100% to God and your kids will follow that example.
2007-11-01 14:49:25
answer #6
answered by mlcros 5
I would say don't get baptized until you're ready to make the commitment. But it's not a commitment to "live the right way".. It's a commitment to accept that Jesus stood in your place to take the consequence of your shortcomings onto himself. This thing we call Christianity, it isn't about works. It isn't about following the law. The law was given as a schoolmaster to prove to us that we're imperfect. So if anyone comes to God and says "I'm a good person" he can be shown that by God's perfect standard no one is good. Jesus came so that you can be free from the law to run in the promise and love of your Father. It's not by anything you do but by what he did for you. That's grace. That's Christianity...that's Jesus.
2007-11-01 14:35:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
NO. Be honest with your children, especially if you ever want honesty FROM them!
Take a class in the denomination of your choice. Or visit the churches of several denominations. Find your spiritual home and go there. Get baptised. BE what God wants you to be, His beloved!
2007-11-01 14:34:42
answer #8
answered by Granny Annie 6
Baptism wont do it for you. You have to do it for you with the help of Jesus. To get help from Him though you'll need to have faith. Not perfection...not doubt. Faith.
The best way to get faith is to pray to the Father in the name of the son as if you are a child needing guidance. If you are honest with Him He will guide you. It may take time, but you'll know it. You may get answers bit by bit so-to-speak. You'll need some patience and humility to hear spiritually what He is saying to you.
Read the Bible. Get a plain English version like NIV. You'll be amazed at what you find. Some of it ain't taught in church. And obey His commandments. All of them. Also do some research on the net about things you have trouble with and pray.
Also, find a forum if you can't find like minded people in churches to congregate with. Congregation is congregation. Remember that Christ's church is spiritual. It's made up of all kinds of people all over the world and He is its foundation. Faith is its only requisite.
2007-11-01 14:44:22
answer #9
answered by F'sho 4
Getting baptised is just a symbolic ritual. The actual ceremony doesn't 'change' you. It's just showing your faith in Christianity to the public, such as a shahada for a Muslim. I think the answer should be to just keep praying. Pray to God for strength to stay dedicated and stay away from temptation which can cause you to stray. Good luck
2007-11-01 14:33:59
answer #10
answered by ~)~) 3