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2007-10-31 09:16:26 · 32 answers · asked by James D 2 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

32 answers

They say Selsun Blue.
Home remedy....
Another good dandruff home remedy says to rub a couple of tablespoons of regular baking soda into the scalp and then rinse the hair off.

One of the best ways to control dandruff is to apply a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp. Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed. Keep it for the whole night with a towel around the head. Rinse your head with vinegar water again in the morning. If you continue to treat your hair with it for few months, it will serve your purpose.

You can also use a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-teaspoons of vinegar. Massage the scalp with this solution. After the massage, treat your hair with an egg shampoo.

You can rub a combination of 1 part sulfur powder, 2 parts surgical spirit, 1 part almond oil and 4 parts rose water or distilled water on your scalp to keep dandruff at bay. Or:

Boil a mixture of 4-5 dried thyme and two cups of water for 10 minutes. When the mixture cools down, massage it on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Wash it afterwards and see the results. You will have a dandruff-free head.

You can also soak ground fenugreek seeds overnight in water and massage the paste on the head, leaving it for a few minutes. Wash it afterwards using a mild shampoo.

You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair. Applying the mixture several times is helpful in warding off the problem of dandruff.

If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively. You have to continue this process regularly to stop its return. The smell of the vinegar does evaporate!

Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly and you should have a dandruff-free head.

Did you know the well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches, can serve you equally effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff? Just crush and powder two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles completely from the scalp.

2007-10-31 09:22:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Head & Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo.. Works Wonders!!

2007-10-31 09:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by ♥Due with baby#1 06/08/09♥ 5 · 0 0

There are several different ingredients used in shampoos that control dandruff. The most effective dandruff medication is coal oil, followed by selenium sulfate, and pyrithione zinc. Coal oil is contained in Denorex, and the use of this product stops dandruff in one or two days. You cannot use coal oil on a regular basis -its too strong. Selsun Blue uses selenium sulfide and is a very mild shampoo. It also comes in an extra medicated version that has menthol which helps relieve itching, but its almost too strong. Head and Shoulders contains selenium sulfate, but pyrithione zinc is the main ingredient.

Selsun Blue is generally better at dandruff control, but some people find Head & Shoulders to be more effective, so its really just a matter of personal preference. Its a Good idea to buy a small bottle of Denorex to use when things get out of control, and one of the other shampoos for regular use.

2007-10-31 10:14:20 · answer #3 · answered by formerly_bob 7 · 0 1

Nizoral. Use it 2 or 3 times a week. You can use another dandruff shampoo between washing. It used to be by prescription but it's over the counter now. Good luck. 2D

2007-10-31 10:22:02 · answer #4 · answered by 2D 7 · 0 1

Neutrogena has a good shampoo with pine tar and other ingredients that will clean and soothe an itchy scalp, and stop dandruff.

2007-10-31 09:25:29 · answer #5 · answered by redd headd 7 · 0 1

Head and Shoulders has always worked for me. Whenever I forget (or run out), my head always has dandruff for the next day or two.

2007-10-31 09:19:41 · answer #6 · answered by L 2 · 0 1

The Garnier Fructis for dandruff control works pretty good. It's also very cheap and smells great.

2007-10-31 09:23:33 · answer #7 · answered by Bee Biscuits 6 · 0 1

It depends what type of hair you've got.
If it's thin hair then don't use head & shoulders.
It's a powerful product and if there isn't enough hair until it sort of tears at your scalp and your skin sort of comes off and makes it look like you have more dandruff then you actually do!

2007-10-31 09:20:39 · answer #8 · answered by SummerAfterAll 2 · 0 1

Are you sure it's dandruff and not dry scalp?
I thought I had dandruff and bought special shampoo and it turned out I had a dry scalp. If it appears red and flaky you might have dry scalp.

But selsen blue helped me.

2007-10-31 09:19:38 · answer #9 · answered by Bad_Kity 3 · 0 1


2007-10-31 09:19:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1