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My sister-in-law needs help wording her wedding invitation. Here are some things about her that might help with suggestions on invitation wording....

She is marrying a man in the Air Force (him being in Air Force doesnt neccesarily have to be in invitation), He has a daughter from another woman, but they also have a son together.
They wanted to include childrens names, and their parents names in the invitation. His parents are married, and her parents are divorced.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Serious answers only please

2007-10-31 08:31:42 · 9 answers · asked by beautiful_flower 2 in Family & Relationships Weddings

9 answers

Mr. (son's name) and Miss (daughter's name)
request your presence
at the wedding of their parents
(Mom's name) and (Dad's name)
on (date)
at (location)

It doesn't have to say the kids have different parents. Everyone close to them should know that, and those who don't probably don't need to know.

2007-10-31 08:41:19 · answer #1 · answered by startwinkle05 6 · 2 0

Per wedding etiquette you do not put the childrens names on the invitation. The invitation is from the host/hostess inviting guests to the wedding. (keep reading there is a BUT)

Traditionally the brides parents are listed first:

Mr and Mrs John Smith

Request the pleasure of your company (non church wedding)
Request the Honour of your presence (church wedding)
at the marriage of their daughter
jane smith

John James Jones (for a military wedding Mr. does not precede the grooms name, his rank should only precede his name if, for the Air Force he is an officer.)
Son of
Mr and Mrs Jack Jones

You can use a contemporary poem verse or phrase before the formal invitation such as "today I Marry My Best Friend","The more love is shared, the more it quickly grows", "Our joy will be more complete if you can share in this celebration " etc.

Or they could simplify it and make it just from the bride and groom.

BUT if they would like to invite guests to the joining of both families, they may want to word it like this:

Mr and Mrs John Smith
Request the honour of your presence
celebrating two families becoming one
Jane Smith
John Jones
June the first of 2008
their families (insert childrens names here) ask that you be a part of this wonderful event

Hope that helps!

one more thing, I would suggest that if it gets too wordy to leave the childrens names out and include them in the programs with other special people.

2007-10-31 15:33:52 · answer #2 · answered by Reba 6 · 0 0

Hi. I think people get the invitation wording wrong.

An invitation is extended by the people hosting (paying for) an event. Now, before I get a million thumbs down, let me take it a little further. Yes, if a bride and groom want to include their parents' names, fine. But you NEVER include children's names on a wedding invitation, unless of course, the children were older and were hosting the event, which would be more for an anniversary party, not a wedding.

Also....in today's world there are so many blended families, it really is hard to include everyone's name! You don't want it to look like an honor roll list instead of a wedding invitation.

I think in this situation, she should simply have something like the following:

Together with their families
Susan Elaine Thompson
Richard Allen Smith
invite you to share in their joy
as they exchange wedding vows on

In my opinion, I think it looks best to keep it simple.

2007-10-31 13:20:00 · answer #3 · answered by iloveweddings 7 · 1 0

One includes the names of parents on invitations to clarify relationships. Recipients might not know who Tiffany Jasmine Charmantine is, but "daughter of James Charmantine and Maria Kaminski" reminds them. So I'm wondering what exactly is the point of including children's names in the invitation? Are their school pals being invited, and won't know why unless the invitation tells them that Tiffany is Kevin's Mom? Or is someone overly enthusiastic about seeing Kevin's name engraved on a formal invitation?

Tell this person to channel his/her enthusiasm toward something more practicable, like working out ways to include children in the ceremony and festivities, instead of trying to cram so many names onto the invitation. If it's really all that important for 10 or more people to see their "name in lights" then rent a billboard.

2007-10-31 09:22:26 · answer #4 · answered by kill_yr_television 7 · 1 1

My family, your family
blending as one
Sharing, caring
a new life has begun
Jane Smith
John Doe
along with their children
invite you to join in the blending
of their families through marriage
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning

John Doe
together with their children
request the pleasure of your company
at their wedding celebration
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning
Jane Smith
John Doe
together with their children
request the pleasure of your company
at their wedding celebration
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning

(kids names)
invite you to join them
as their parents
Jane Smith
John Doe
exchange marriage vows
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning

What a beautiful day it will be
when our mother
Jane Smith
exchanges marriage vows with
John Doe
Please share in our joy
as we become a family
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning

What a beautiful day it will be when
Jane Smith
exchanges marriage vows with our father
John Doe
Please share in our joy
as we become a family
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning

The honour of your presence is requested
as we exchange marriage vows
and unite as one as a family
on Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
at in the morning
Jane Smith
John Doe

On Sunday, the second of March
Two thousand and eight
our lives will unite as one
to become a family
Together with our children
we invite you to share in our joy
as we exchange marriage vows
at in the morning
Jane Smith
John Doe

Hope this helps

2007-10-31 08:55:04 · answer #5 · answered by Whit 4 · 0 0

1)Miss Lucy Smith and Mr Tommy Smith
request your presence at the wedding of their parents
2)Ms Jane Doe
3)daughter of Mrs Jennifer Doe and Mr James Doe
4)Mr John Smith
5)son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Smith
1) kids, girl first
3)divorced parents, woman first
5)married parents

I hope that helps!!!

2007-10-31 09:37:03 · answer #6 · answered by LuckyLola 2 · 0 0

Check out verseit.com.

Best site for wordings for wedding invitations. It will give you many options.

2007-10-31 13:35:16 · answer #7 · answered by Suz123 7 · 0 0

son and daughter invite you to celebrate the marriage of their father john doe, son of mrs doe to jane smith daughter of Joe jones and mary white.
I hope this helps.

2007-10-31 08:42:53 · answer #8 · answered by barb 6 · 1 0

'Son's Name' & 'Daughter's Name' together with their grandparents

Brides Mum (First & Last Name) & Brides Father (First & Last Name)
Grooms Mum (First & Last Name) & Grooms Father (First & Last Name)
would like to invite.

2007-10-31 22:03:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0