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i don't really know very much about your beliefs but i heard that you guys believe that there is no life after death..if this is true then why do you go around talking to people about it trying to make them believe what you do. if there is no life after death then it makes no sense to even believe in god...i'm not trying to offend anybody but i've just never understood the beliefs of jehova's witnesses.

2007-10-31 07:42:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Jehovah's Witnesses certainly do *NOT* teach that there is no life after death. In fact, Witnesses believe the bible to teach that most dead humans will be resurrected to life in a restored paradise earth, with the hope of living forever under God and Christ.

It seems useful to mention that the bible does NOT teach that a "soul" is some immortal otherworldly entity that exists apart from a physical body. Instead, in the bible "a soul" is simply "a life"; at death a person's "soul" or "life" returns to Jehovah in that life originates from God, and all future prospects for a resurrection of that life rest with Jehovah God.

(Job 12:9-10) The hand of Jehovah itself has done this, In whose hand is the soul of everyone alive And the spirit of all flesh of man

(Ezekiel 18:4) The soul that is sinning - it itself will die.

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]

(Acts 3:23) Indeed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people.

The bible teaches that after Armageddon, there will be a resurrection of nearly all humans who have ever died, to a restored paradise earth. The graves will be emptied!

(John 5:26-29) For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. ...the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out

(Acts 24:15) There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Most of mankind's dead are simply in a sleep-like state of non-existence, awaiting resurrection after Armageddon.

(John 11:11,14,23-25) [Jesus] said to them: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” ...Jesus said to them outspokenly: “Lazarus has died... Jesus said to [Martha]: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life

(Acts 24:15) There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

The bible teaches that "hell" is *NOT* a fiery place of torment, but is actually the common grave of mankind. There is no suffering in "hell", or the grave. Sometime after the resurrection (once the grave is "empty"), death and "hell" will themselves be destroyed.

(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]

(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire

The bible plainly teaches that a "soul" can die. In both Hebrew and Greek, original language words translated "soul" simply mean "a life", with no implication regarding some immortal otherworldly entity. Each deceased life is in Jehovah God's remembrance (with the potential for future resurrection), but the dead do not exist anywhere but memories until and unless the life is resurrected.

(Ezekiel 18:4) The soul that is sinning - it itself will die.

(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all

(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]

(Genesis 2:17) But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.”

(Genesis 17:14) And an uncircumcised male who will not get the flesh of his foreskin circumcised, even that soul must be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.”

(Judges 16:30) And Samson proceeded to say: “Let my soul die with the Philistines.” Then he bent himself with power, and the house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.

(Job 33:22) And his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those inflicting death.

(Psalm 78:50) He did not hold back their soul from death itself; And their life he handed over even to the pestilence.

(Isaiah 53:12) he poured out his soul to the very death

(Acts 3:23) Indeed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people.’

(Revelation 16:3) And the second one poured out his bowl into the sea. And it became blood as of a dead man, and every living soul died, yes, the things in the sea.

For the vast majority of mankind, their eternal hope is unending peaceful productive life in perfect human bodies in a restored paradise earth.

(Psalm 37:10,11,29) And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. ...The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it.

Bible students may recall this is exactly the life that Adam and Eve enjoyed before they introduced sinful imperfection and the issue of universal sovereignty. It is Christ Jesus who settles the issue and redeems mankind for all time.

(Genesis 2:15-17) Jehovah God proceeded to take the man and settle him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to take care of it. 16 And Jehovah God also laid this command upon the man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. 17 But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” [note that abstaining from that one fruit would mean the man would never die]

(Romans 5:12,14) Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men ...death ruled as king from Adam

(1 Corinthians 15:22) For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive

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2007-11-01 08:25:34 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 3 1

Most everybody has mistaken views on the beliefs of JW's. If they would only listen to one who is, they would get correct understanding of their beliefs and the reason they believe what they do. People will see that the beliefs of JW's are based on the Bible. Yes they are different form other religions. People automatically claim JW's to be wrong because it varies from what they have been taught. Is it possible that perhaps YOUR belief system is in the wrong?? Many who thought JW's were wrong, but are now one because they were shown from the Bible the truth.

As for your question, as it has been stated here a couple times already, JW's believe in a ressurrection of the dead. This belief of no life after death is an example of what I was saying before (up top).

Did you know the Bible teaches that both humans and animals go to the same place after death? Note how the Bible makes this point: “As the one dies, so the other dies; and they all have but one spirit, so that there is no superiority of the man over the beast, for everything is vanity. All are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.” (Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20) The “spirit” that makes animals live is the same as that which makes humans live. When this “spirit,” or invisible life-force, goes out, both man and beast return to the dust from which they are made.

2007-10-31 08:07:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Dear "Over the rainbow" girl:

Job raised this question: “If an able-bodied man dies can he live again?” (Job 14:14)

"Because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life." (John 5:28.)

Jehovah is the Creator of all life. It is not really hard to believe that he can re-create life.

The future resurrection will be similar—but much better.

The apostle Paul said: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Acts 24:15)

Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest.” Notice that Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in a burning hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60.) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death.—1 Corinthians 15:6.

Jehovah made man to live forever on earth. God placed the first human couple in a delightful paradise. He blessed them with perfect health. Jehovah wanted only good for them. Jehovah loved his children and wanted them to enjoy endless happiness on earth. God created us with the desire to live forever.

They do not survive the destruction of our brain.

If you would like further information, please get in touch with Jehovah's Witnesses at the local Kingdom Hall. Or visit

Bible -

2007-10-31 09:12:07 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Cal 5 · 2 1

There isn't life after death the way most people look at it. (heaven and hell) Jehovah God will resurect those in the memorial tombs once the earth has been made into a paradise again (Revelation 21:4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”) We go door to door because God and Jesus comanded us to. We were told to so that this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth, for a witness to all the nations. Then the end will come. (Matthew 24:14 And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.The end is just the end of this wicked system of things. After that God will make the earth a paradise, raise the dead, we will teach those who don't know god about him and we will be perfect. To me this sounds better than life after death. (heaven or hell)

2007-10-31 07:49:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 10 2

It depends on what you mean by 'life after death'

Do you mean an invisible part of us surviving death and continuing to live?

Or do you mean that death is a 100% end, no future prospects at all?

We believe that the dead are unconscious, and that they do not exist or go anywhere else. (Eccl.9 :5,6) They await a resurrection in the new system of things.

We believe one cannot communicate with the dead, the dead cannot see us or hear anything. They're simply dead.

2007-10-31 07:59:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Uhhh, why do so many people say they don't know anything about Witnesses and just assume everything. I mean how hard is it for you to just ask one of them a simple question. You run away from them when their at your door, then you jump on the "thoughtless" wagon of lies along with everyone else. I just don't understand you people. Read the book don't just look at the cover!

2007-11-02 08:10:45 · answer #6 · answered by Artscola 3 · 2 1

Death is just a sleep and you wake up in the resurrection Jesus promised. It is no life after death in that the dead are conscious of nothing while dead. Jesus went to wake Lazurus {as it says in John 11 v11, Living Bible} from the sleep of death. So just like him we await the awakening to the real life.

2007-10-31 07:55:27 · answer #7 · answered by Purple triangle 5 · 5 1

They believe that the earth will be turned into a paradise. Everyone, good and bad, will be resurrected for 1,000 years to give them a chance to see how God meant life on earth to be. The devil will be removed for this time to give everyone a "fair chance". Those who serve God, stay on the paradise earth for eternity, and those who reject Him, are thrown in the lake of fire, and burned up (ceased to exist). They say the dead are conscious of nothing, so when we die, we don't know anything's going on until we are resurrected at that time. People who happen to be living when Jesus comes again are assigned the task of preparing our earth to be this paradise.
Only 144,000 are taken to heaven to reign as kings/priests, I believe.
I swear I'm not making this up. Their ideas have some merit, but their methods and some other beliefs are out there....

2007-10-31 07:52:23 · answer #8 · answered by Kiwi 5 · 4 3

but for people who died there are a hope according to Acts 24:15 " and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."

that will happen after Armageddon when Jesus rules the earth during 1000 years he will elimininate all the suffering and dead of mankind that is why he performed miracles to prove us that during his kingdom he will "fix" all our problems.

2007-10-31 13:37:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Life after death in the sense that your soul goes to heaven or hell - Of course not.
In the sense that God will resurrect the dead - yes. Two different things altogether.

2007-10-31 07:50:44 · answer #10 · answered by DwayneWayne 4 · 7 1

Who says there has to be any god to have a life after death?

We're scientific beings, our life after death is more cosmic than religious.

(I'm not a jehova's witness, btw), but don't almost ALL religions try to make you believe what they do, and cast judgement upon you for not believing?

2007-10-31 07:51:32 · answer #11 · answered by dazedandconfused 4 · 0 6

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