Take a look at Genesis 1:24-31. Here is a basic form of logic called a syllogism: T. Rex was a land animal. Land animals were made on day 6. Therefore, T. Rex was made on day 6. So, according to the Bible, dinosaurs lived beside man. Dinosaurs were made on day six of the creation week the same as man; they were beasts of the earth.
And then, look at Genesis 6:18-20 about Noah and the animals. It doesn’t say two of every kind except dinosaurs. Now, keep in mind that God brought the animals to Noah; it says they will “come to you”; he didn’t have to go out and catch them.
Take a look at Job 40:15-24. Job was questioning God because of his suffering, and so God comes and challenges Job with His creation.
Many people say, “Job 40 can’t be speaking of a dinosaur.” They say that, not because the description doesn’t fit, but because of their preconceived conception that man and dinosaurs didn’t live together.
The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the hippopotamus or the elephant.” Something to keep in mind—the footnotes are not a part of the original.
Well, the tail of an elephant or hippo is like a twig, not a cedar (most dogs have longer tails). Throughout the Scriptures, cedars were known for their great size and length. Nothing on earth today fits this description, but a sauropod type of dinosaur does.
The largest we have found was over 120 feet long. That sounds to me like the “chief”—not a hippo.
And then in Job 41, God describes the Leviathan (Isaiah 27:1 calls it the dragon in the sea). The margin of the NIV says, “Possibly the crocodile.” But the description again doesn’t fit any animal alive today. Besides, man has never had a problem catching crocodiles, even primitive tribes, but God says in Job 41 that Leviathan couldn’t be caught.
Some think this was just a mythical creature since it speaks of it breathing fire. And yes, Job is a poetic book and those could just be poetic descriptions. But not necessarily. Impossible you say?
What about the electric eel that can produce enough electricity to stun a horse? If the electric eel was extinct and all we could find were its fossils, would we be able to know that it could generate electricity? Nope. What about the firefly and anglerfish that can produce light? What about the bombardier beetle that can fire a boiling mixture of chemicals at its enemies that is 212 degrees Fahrenheit?
Why couldn’t God have created certain water-living reptiles that were capable of expelling hot gaseous fumes that could ignite? Most animals produce methane anyway, which is a flammable gas. Stories of fire-breathing dragons have circulated for thousands of years.
Also, keep in mind that Behemoth and Leviathan were included along with real creatures that Job knew about. Read Job sometime.
In Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah speaks of flying serpents. I also find it interesting that Herodotus, the Greek Historian who lived around 450 BC wrote about flying serpents in Arabia. He talked about finding their bones and described their snake-like bodies and bat-like wings. And the Jewish historian from the first century, Josephus, wrote about Moses and the Israelites having a difficult time passing through a particular region because of the presence of flying serpents. I think they were speaking of one of the pterosaurs like the pterodactyl, pteranodon, or rhamphorhynchus.
2007-10-31 08:44:21
answer #1
answered by Questioner 7
While there are no specifics mentions of "dinosaurs", a word not coined until the late 1800's, there are several mentions of "dragons", which is what they use to be called.
Mentions of them are found in Deutronomy 32:33, Job 30:29, Psalms 44:19, 74:13, 91:13 and 148:7. Isaiah 13:22, 27:1, 34:13, 35:17, 43:20, 51:9 Jeremiah 9:11, 10:22, 14:4, 49:33, and 51:9,37. Also Micah 1:8 and Malachi 1:3
There is also a mention of a beast that discriptions matches what most people think of as a "dinosaur" called the Behemoth in Job 40.
Job 41 also refers to a water "dinosaur" that is called the Levithan. It is meantioned also in Psalms 74:14, 104:26 and Isaiah 27:1.
When reading through these scriptures, several refer to the "dragons" as creatures that were known and interacted with man. Probably a reference to "dragons" that still existed in that day. (Such as the crocodile and the shark, which evolution says remain unchanged from the dinosaur era - or the supposedly extinct fish they have been caughting in the Indian Ocean recently). It appears these creatures are extnct today.
Other references refer to them as being found in dead and desolate places, and a used to refer to destruction and death. A reference to the fossils and bones of earlier "dragons" that were as frequently found they as they are today.
2007-10-31 07:36:06
answer #2
answered by dewcoons 7
The term DINOSAUR was not invented back in the biblical times, so obviously they will call it something else.
They mostly drowned in the flood but some may have survived.
Most of the large ones would also have died in such a flood with such strong currents and turbulence, lack of food, too much debris, change of oxygen saturation in the atmosphere after the canopy broke. etc.. you can do some reading on your own time on what different theories are.
but anyway the guy talking about "it cannot be a dinosaur"
is a common result of indoctrination.
they are made to recite the mantra that dinosaurs didnt exist with humans and they believe it without question,, more religiously than people treat their very religion.
but that being said, there are evidences around the world that show that humans did exist with dinosaurs and they did see dinosaurs.
ica stones from peru.
the carvings of dinosaurs and dinosaur skins.
username is creation
password is seminar
watch the video about dinosaurs. its a free download.
2007-10-31 07:25:04
answer #3
answered by bagsy84 5
The topic of dinosaurs in the Bible is part of a larger ongoing debate within the Christian community over the age of the earth, the proper interpretation of Genesis, and how to interpret the physical evidences we find all around us. Those who believe in an older age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does not mention dinosaurs, because, according to their paradigm, dinosaurs died out millions of years before the first man ever walked the earth. The men who wrote the Bible could not have seen living dinosaurs.
Those who believe in a younger age for the earth tend to agree that the Bible does mention dinosaurs, though it never actually uses the word “dinosaur.” Instead, it uses the Hebrew word tanniyn, which is translated a few different ways in our English Bibles. Sometimes it’s “sea monster,” and sometimes it’s “serpent.” It is most commonly translated “dragon.” The tanniyn appear to have been some sort of giant reptile. These creatures are mentioned nearly thirty times in the Old Testament and were found both on land and in the water.
In addition to mentioning these giant reptiles, the Bible describes a couple of creatures in such a way that some scholars believe the writers may have been describing dinosaurs. The behemoth is said to be the mightiest of all God’s creatures, a giant whose tail is likened to a cedar tree (Job 40:15). Some scholars have tried to identify the behemoth as either an elephant or a hippopotamus. Others point out that elephants and hippopotamuses have very thin tails, nothing comparable to a cedar tree. Dinosaurs like the brachiosaurus and the diplodocus, on the other hand, had huge tails which could easily be compared to a cedar tree.
Nearly every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Petroglyphs, artifacts, and even little clay figurines found in North America resemble modern depictions of dinosaurs. Rock carvings in South America depict men riding diplodocus-like creatures and, amazingly, bear the familiar images of triceratops-like, pterodactyl-like, and tyrannosaurus rex-like creatures. Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls all testify to man’s trans-cultural, geographically unbounded fascination with these creatures. Sober accounts like those of Marco Polo’s Il Milione mingle with fantastic tales of treasure-hoarding beasts. In addition to the substantial amount of anthropic and historical evidences for the coexistence of dinosaurs and man, there are physical evidences, like the fossilized footprints of humans and dinosaurs found together at places in North America and West-Central Asia.
So, are there dinosaurs in the Bible? The matter is far from settled. It depends on how you interpret the available evidences and how you view the world around you. If the Bible is interpreted literally, a young earth interpretation will result, and the idea that dinosaurs and man coexisted can be accepted. If dinosaurs and human beings coexisted, what happened to the dinosaurs? While the Bible does not discuss the issue, dinosaurs likely died out sometime after the flood due to a combination of dramatic environmental shifts and the fact that they were relentlessly hunted to extinction by man.
Source: http://www.gotquestions.org/dinosaurs-Bible.html#ixzz3YG97M0dE
2015-04-25 05:15:36
answer #4
answered by The Lightning Strikes 7
I believe dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible and are referred to as dragons, leviathan, and behemoth. The Nephilim are commonly thought to be demon/human hybrids. Satan was trying to destroy the human blood line so that God's promise of a future savior(Jesus) couldn't be fulfilled.
2007-10-31 07:14:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, many more mysteries abound in the wonderful Bible.Leviathan and Behemoth found in job are dinosaurs.
the nephilm {sons of gods } are fallen angels.Satan's and they TOOK all the woman they wanted and created what today we call hybrid.
2007-10-31 07:40:14
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ne-phil-im, which means fallen ones (from naphal, to fall - 5307 in your Strong's Concordance). In other words, the fallen angels, the ones who left their place of habitation (heaven) and came to earth.
2007-10-31 07:22:56
answer #7
answered by David G 6
nephilim are large sea animals possibly a whale or other large animal. Dinoaurs are not mentioned by name in Bible because it deals mostly with what happened after man was created. As science tells us dino's and man never co-existed.
2007-10-31 07:16:38
answer #8
answered by s. grant 4
I believe they were!
My children's Bible had a picture of dinosaurs.
2007-10-31 07:36:11
answer #9
answered by ImAssyrian 5
No, it does mention giant beasts, which an imaginative mind could interpret. But these animals are said to live alongside humans, obviously not dinosaurs.
2007-10-31 07:12:58
answer #10
answered by Eleventy 6