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i have a 17 yr. old son that has developed acne on his back . it has now progressed to his face and it is getting worse....any suggestions on what he can do to get rid of it? it is driving him CRAZY!!

2007-10-31 05:00:56 · 3 answers · asked by chandrafam 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

3 answers

One word! Dermatologist!

2007-10-31 05:14:07 · answer #1 · answered by Pinyon 7 · 0 0

Yeah, take him to the dermatologist before he gets scarring... The over the counter products, even the "better" ones (read:expensive) are developed for mild to moderate acne. Almost nothing works for cystic or severe acne except sometimes antibiotics (which your family doctor can prescribe, and probably will before referring you to a dermatologist. If antibiotics don't work they will put him on accutane which does work

I once added up the cost of all the products that I bought over the course of 10 years trying different things for my acne, most of which didn't work or caused a reaction and I had to throw away. My conservative estimate was over $6,000.

I have tried everything out there, don't waste your money.

Acne can cause severe emotional and physical scarring. Get your son the best start on his adult life.

2007-10-31 12:25:50 · answer #2 · answered by Kendra T 2 · 0 0

You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as a simple home remedy. Check out http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.

2007-10-31 12:08:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0