It wasn't adultery because Mary was only 13 years old.
2007-10-31 04:28:32
answer #1
answered by 2 5
Chee, the things u people come up with to insult God. Satan really is working overtime these days.
Because of the failures of the Church which was the intercessary between God & man, God wanted to do away with this thing of a person having to be saved by going before a Priest & sacrifice some animal & all that.
But to do that, a pure sacrifice had to be selected whose blood was powerful enough & pure enough to replace all the blood from sacrifices in centuries yet to come. The only blood that had this property was the blood of a man borned without sin or the "Blood" of a God. But all men borned into this world was already born from sin from his inception. So the only alternative was a man borned NOT from this earth.
Jesus was selected.
But to become a man &live in this three dimensional world, certain basic requirements had to be met. For the purity & power of the blood, the father obviously had to be pure & powerful, obviously God, & the child had to be born & grow to be a man.
The problem now was the mother. The mother obviously must be human as we are looking at a human child that is needed. But the mother must also be married or she wouldnt be pure. For in that time, an unmarried woman wasnt supposed to be with child. Therefore a pure married woman was selected, a married woman who was still a virgin (which was pretty rare). The Virgin Mary.
It is doubtful that a physical sex act was done. We all know today that you do not have to have sex to make a child. Begotten do not mean to have sex. Begotten in the way it is used means, borned from a woman, or as u said "off-spring from a woman".
2007-10-31 05:03:32
answer #2
answered by Ethslan 5
God's only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, had to empty himself of his pre-incarnation glory in the Godhead (in heaven) where he had dwelt from eternity in order to take human flesh and walk amongst us. This was in order to be sacrificed for our sins, that we could be forgiven. God in His entirety did not change into Jesus the man for God cannot be confined to a human body. The Son did that, by the power of the Holy Spirit transfering his divine life into Mary's womb. THERE WAS NO SEX INVOLVED!!! Mary was engaged to Joseph - not yet married - still a virgin when she consented to the Holy Spirit 'overshadowing' her miraculously. As this had never been done before or since, there wasn't an existing word for it, so the Greek for 'begotten' has to serve the purpose. It's inadequate when applied to what happened to the Son of God because we imagine sex must be involved. Not so!
God is not a man, he is not three, he did not have sex with Mary. That is what the Christian Trinity doctrine makes clear. If you do not understand, then you need to get a Christian to show you in the Bible how this is so. There's not enough space here. Email me if you want to know more.
2007-10-31 04:38:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
when God speaks, he uses human terms so that we can understand what he is saying.
Jesus, said, all who come after me are liars, and murderers
Mohammad comes along and says, hey, you jews and christians have it all wrong. And he comes up with what he thinks is a good thing. The problem is, that the Jews were waiting on Jehovah God himself to show up as messiah. The Christians did not exist until Jesus was resurrected and all the first ones were Jewish, (waiting on the LORD God, remember, I AM THAT I AM, or Jehovah as they now pronounce the name.
So having said that, I realize you are hoping your doing a good work by addressing what you believe to be wrong.
I would challenge you to take a step back and find out what the jews believed and why a huge portion of them rejected his claims to be both God and Savior. Then look to see why some did.
Peter writing in his letter states it was not what Jesus said that confirmed he was God Incarnate, but the fulfilling of prophesy. (that is coming from a Jew who grew up knowing the bible (old testiment only) and looking for the Messiah to show up.
I'm not going to quote John 3:16 to you or anything like that. You need a good does of appologetics. If what I'm telling you is true, your mohammed and the god you worship are all made up stories (mohammed lived, I don't dispute that).
Josh McDowell has written 2 books called Evidence that demands a verdict, vol 1 and vol 2. You can also pick up an easy read book called more than a carpenter.
Look those over and then I publicly challenge you to do the same with islam. If islam can't hold up to that kind of fire or critism, then I suggest your religion will lead you to distruction.
There is an entire history of christians who faced horrible deaths because they would not renounce the Name of Jesus. They had nothing, and they were on their way to die.
In islam, I keep seeing them blow up people, I see them hacking folks heads off, and doing things like this. (and yes for a time, some who are not followers of Jesus Christ did things like this in his name, but Jesus says they are not my followers.
I don't hear any condemnation from Islamic leaders about the murders. I don't see islamic people taking matters into their own hands to stop these murders.
I see death threats if someone makes a comic of islam's prophet and their god...
I do not see mercy, love, forgiveness, or anything remotely spiritual and holy in islam.
to answer your question now, It benefits God to have a son, that we become an inheritance to the LORD through adoption of his Spirit by salvation in Jesus Christ.
Jesus died to save me, of whom Paul may be chief, but I'm a strong contender for second place.
Jesus was born of a virgin, by the power of the Holy Spirit. You can believe or not. You have free moral agency to do good or not.
thanks for asking
I am at your service, and will give you as much time as i can to help you explore the Christian relationship, salvation by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, by which we have peace with God (the LORD God of isreal, not allah)
2007-10-31 06:59:15
answer #4
answered by magnetic_azimuth 6
You are using a dictionary to box in a spiritual concept.
Have you ever heard of a SAVANT?
These are people who can quote and memorize facts but have not the slightest understanding to what it really means.
This is the case with people who are Autistic Savants.
The same manner you accuse people, you will have to accuse yourself.
Just because something IS NOT does not mean IT CAN NEVER BECOME.
You are therefore putting God's abilities in a box, deciding what he CAN and CANNOT do.
In a way you are saying "God is Not Allowed To do the Things that I dont Think He should Do"
If it doesn't make sense to me, Then God Shouldn't do it.
This falls in line with arrogance to think that God needs your agreement for him to do something.
you simply mean. I PUT GOD IN A BOX, HE IS NOW SQUARE, therefore You have a CIRCLE, IT CANT FIT IN THE BOX.
Therefore God CANNOT be a CIRCLE.
Did you know that water is liquid.
Science textbooks say water is liquid.
Did you know that God is spirit.
The bible says God is spirit.
Does that mean that water cannot be solid?
Does that mean that God cannot take a human form?
That by means of fusion, you can create higher elements from basic ones?
You can fuse other elements and come up with Iron etc.
"THAT HE IS NOT A MAN... that you should not make images of him.."
You have to quote the whole verse in context, and cite where you got it from. Because I personally believe that you pieced two verses together that are not even from the same book.
"God is not a man that he should lie"
The second one is.
Here oh ISRAEL <<<<<<<<<<<<< Our lord is one ----UNITY no DIGITS
You shall have no other gods before me,
you shall have no graven images. do not bow down and worship them
"Why do you accuse God in such a manner????"
Nobody is accusing God,
you should study on your own time on how we come to such conclusions rather than just being narrow minded and saying we just woke up one day and decide to accuse God.
If you go ahead with using the dictionary as your basis and proof, you will have to look up the defenition of the word
1. (esp. of a male parent) to procreate or generate (offspring).
2. to cause; produce as an effect: a belief that power begets power.
[Origin: bef. 1000; ME begeten (see be-, get); r. ME biyeten, OE begetan; c. Goth bigitan, OHG bigezzan]
—Related forms
be·get·ter, noun
—Synonyms 1. spawn, sire, breed, father. 2. occasion, engender, effect, generate.
Notice it includes to GENERATE.
A cell can generate without having sex. They teach that in school.
Now as for God implanting the child.
Ever heard of surrogate mothers? You might have learned that in school too.
So, here in America there is a process by which a doctor can implant a fertilized egg cell into the womb of a mother.
Does that mean that the doctor FORKED the woman?
Honestly, did he?
Based on this, do you think God needs to have sex to get mary pregnant? Or can he simply command CELLS to form.
Unless your god is inside a box that is too small?
I apologize for the bluntness of my response but I don't mean for it to be something that shames you.
I just want you to be honest with yourself and admit to yourself even if you dont admit it to us.
Just check your concepts and ideas and ask God whoever he truly is, if you have offended him by saying what he can and cannot do.
When you pray, don't give him a name. Just ask him to reveal himself to you... The Lord will not disappoint.
2007-10-31 04:48:28
answer #5
answered by bagsy84 5
God sent His son to suffer for us. How could God (the Son) suffer if He were not a man? Certainly God in incapable of suffering.
Begotten, means simply that He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
Since no one knows what God or Jesus looks like, how can we make images of Him? We can't, we can only make images to represent Him. And - if you actually read the Bible, you will see that it clearly says to "make no graven images of anything in the Heavens, on the Earth, or in the seas and bow down to worship it" I don't worship a statue or icon. I worship what that statue or icon represents.
Judging by your name, you are Muslim. now if you want to talk adultery, how many wives did Muhammad have? You clear that one up, and we will talk more.
2007-10-31 04:33:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You say that because you're a Muslim. I say Jesus is the Son of God because I'm a Christian. It makes more sense to me than anything I've read in the Q'uran. Meanwhile I have a personal relationship with him. Do you?
2007-10-31 04:28:17
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think these trolls are getting better and more subtle at their past time all the time.
The problem with not being blunt is people tend not to get as pizzed off as quickly.
2007-10-31 05:59:32
answer #8
answered by PeguinBackPacker 5
The real begotter was Mohammad ( pease on him ) , he had women galore , he was chopping away at one when she was only a baby herself .
If he lived in America , he would have spent his entire life in the slammer .
I am not a god believer , but I do believe in fairness . Make sure your own house is clean before pointing out the dirt in someone elses house .
2007-10-31 04:35:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God has committed all manner of sin in his time. What difference does it make that adultery be added to the list?
2007-10-31 04:28:59
answer #10
answered by fierce beard 5