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Iam about to start a job at Hungry Jacks (Australias name for BurgerKing) and what can I expect...?, is it an enjoyable work place? what are the shifts like? is the work boring and slow? are you allowed to speak with fellow employees? Basically i just want experienced peoples opinions of the place from an employees point of view. Thanks!

2007-10-30 19:26:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dining Out Fast Food

5 answers

Okay. I worked at two burger joints and I would like to say that there are slow periods but there is super fast periods that make you want to scream in frustration. People go into walkthrough fridge to yell out their frustrations, I know, I did that.

Also, during the summer, you will be very hot because of the kitchen equipment.

We talk all the time in the places I worked at. It actually helps make things go easier.

The shifts can be erratic. You could work constantly all the time and the next week only work for a few hours.

You might also gain weight because of the discounted food they give you. You will feel hungry after you show up.

The co-workers will be young or old and experienced. There may be a few crazy people there but it depends on the place.

2007-10-31 18:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by Marie N 3 · 0 0

expect a lot of young co workers still in highschool or just out of...or older ladies that just got bored sitting at home.. yes you can talk to people/ joke around as long as you're not standing around doing nothing... The work typically isn't boring.. unless the fast food joint is in a bad location where not a lot of people go...Shifts went by fast for me.. oh yeah if you offer to stay longer some nights they will automatically assume they can ask you to come in on your days off ... which you don't have to say yes to.. unless you want to. You get to meet a lot of people.. The only thing I really didn't like about working in fast food was everynight I would come home smelling like french fry grease... ucck.. lol nothing a shower can't fix though

2007-10-30 19:42:59 · answer #2 · answered by Katchoo Choovanski 2 · 0 0

Most people do like working at these places, its informal and fun. But if you're young watch out for male managers that like to get a little too close.

2007-10-31 05:22:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fast food joints seem to have the own mystic about them
You'll probably start out on fryers? it's hot crowded and sometime unpleasant but everyone starts there you make friend well easy cause they've all been there talkin? do you make conservsation easy? its fast paced in spurts and the pay is greats but you'll learn something...

2007-10-31 01:26:39 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

i worked at a dairy queen. it stays busy. FAST food means fast. i didnt like, employees were backstabbing and would still food. you sort of can talk to other employees but you have to have patience.

2007-10-31 05:08:32 · answer #5 · answered by Nicole 2 · 0 0