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define these words please!!

4)Blank Verse

Thx a lot!! 10 points to the first definitions!!

2007-10-30 16:41:43 · 10 answers · asked by #1 padres fan 3 in Education & Reference Homework Help

10 answers

It's always good to do your own homework and o never be lazy... but I too like to be reminded of the meanings of these words:

Alliteration - the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

Allusion - an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference

Assonance - in poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible

Blank Verse - verse without rhyme, esp. that which uses iambic pentameter.

Connotation - an idea or feeling that a word invokes person in addition to its literal or primary meaning

Denotation - the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests

Imagery - visually descriptive or figurative language, esp. in a literary work

Metaphor - a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable

Onomatopoeia - the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g., cuckoo, sizzle).

Oxymoron - a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g., faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).

Personification - the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. • a figure intended to represent an abstract quality

Simile - a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox).

Sonnet - a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.

Stanza - a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.

Tone - a manner of expression in writing

2007-10-30 16:49:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

You've got 15 words and are offering less than a point per word? Why not do your own homework? In the time it took you to log in, type this out and to keep checking back, you could've looked them up yourself.

2007-10-30 16:45:36 · answer #2 · answered by Bill 5 · 0 0

this is the second time i have observed you posting a huge list of things for people to define. REALLY DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK. this is a place for help, not to get the answers. you are cheating yourself and you will definitely fail your tests by doing this.

CONGRATULATIONS! for the second time you have gotten someone to help you in your goal of failing at life.

2007-10-30 16:46:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

16) Dictionary - a book that contains the definitions of all sorts of words.

2007-10-30 16:45:02 · answer #4 · answered by Nandina (Bunny Slipper Goddess) 7 · 4 0

Do your hoomework or hope ur teacher dosent see this. Cheaters never sussecced. I get straight a's and dont cheat(well a c in spanish) So dont freakin cheat.

2007-10-30 16:57:25 · answer #5 · answered by Lolly pop 2 · 1 0

1. a poetic or literary effect achieved by using several words that begin with the same or similar consonants, as in "Whither wilt thou wander, wayfarer?"

2. -indirect reference: an indirect reference to somebody or something
ex. He made an allusion to marital problems.

-act of alluding: the act of making an indirect reference to somebody or something

3. the similarity of two or more vowel sounds or the repetition of two or more consonant sounds, especially in words that are close together in a poem.

4. unrhymed poetry that has a regular rhythm and line length, especially iambic pentameter

5. -implied additional meaning: an additional sense or senses associated with or suggested by a word or phrase. Connotations are sometimes, but not always, fixed, and are often subjective.
ex. Patriotism can have some negative connotations for people.

-suggesting of additional meaning for word: the implying or suggesting of an additional meaning for a word or phrase apart from the literal or main meaning

-defining characteristic: in logic, the characteristic or set of characteristics that makes up the meaning of a term and thus defines the objects to which a term can be applied

6. -basic meaning: the most specific or literal meaning of a word, as opposed to its figurative senses or connotations

-indicator of something: a sign, symbol, or indication of something

-reference of term: in logic, the reference of a term

7. the figurative language, especially metaphors and similes, used in poetry, plays, and other

8. -implicit comparison: the use to describe somebody or something of a word or phrase that is not meant literally but by means of a vivid comparison expresses something about him, her, or it, e.g. saying that somebody is a snake

-figurative language: all language that involves figures of speech or symbolism and does not literally represent real things

-symbol: one thing used or considered to represent another

9. the formation or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something, e.g. "hiss" and "buzz"

10. a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, e.g. "wise fool" or "legal murder"

11. -somebody who embodies something: an embodiment or perfect example of something

-representation of abstract quality as human: a representation of an abstract quality or notion as a human being, especially in art or literature

-attribution of human qualities to abstracts: the attribution of human qualities to objects or abstract notions

12. a figure of speech that draws a comparison between two different things, especially a phrase containing the word "like" or "as," e.g. "as white as a sheet"

13. a short poem with 14 lines, usually ten-syllable rhyming lines, divided into two, three, or four sections.
There are many rhyming patterns for sonnets, and they are usually written in iambic pentameter.

14. a number of lines of verse forming a separate unit within a poem.
In many poems, each stanza has the same number of lines and the same rhythm and rhyme scheme.

15. the way a syllable of a word is spoken in terms of pitch

2007-10-30 16:55:35 · answer #6 · answered by ♪♥ ginger spice ♥♪ 3 · 0 2

your teacher is probably going to ask you to create examples these literary techniques. simply having turned in the definition is not going to help you understand what they are. you need to learn what they are (by looking them up yourself) so that you can create examples.

2007-10-30 16:48:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do your own work.

2007-10-31 00:59:50 · answer #8 · answered by Bob 3 · 0 0

on-line dictionary

2007-10-30 16:47:10 · answer #9 · answered by Frosty 7 · 0 0

Alliteration - al·lit·er·a·tion [ə lìttə ráysh'n]
use of similar consonants: a poetic or literary effect achieved by using several words that begin with the same or similar consonants, as in "Whither wilt thou wander, wayfarer?"

Allusion - al·lu·sion [ə l'n]
(plural al·lu·sions)
1. indirect reference: an indirect reference to somebody or something
He made an allusion to marital problems.

2. act of alluding: the act of making an indirect reference to somebody or something

Assonance - as·so·nance [ássənənss]
sound similarity: the similarity of two or more vowel sounds or the repetition of two or more consonant sounds, especially in words that are close together in a poem.

Blank Verse - noun
unrhymed poetry: unrhymed poetry that has a regular rhythm and line length, especially iambic pentameter

Connotation - con·no·ta·tion [kònnə táysh'n]
(plural con·no·ta·tions)
1. implied additional meaning: an additional sense or senses associated with or suggested by a word or phrase. Connotations are sometimes, but not always, fixed, and are often subjective.
Patriotism can have some negative connotations for people.

2. suggesting of additional meaning for word: the implying or suggesting of an additional meaning for a word or phrase apart from the literal or main meaning
3. defining characteristic: in logic, the characteristic or set of characteristics that makes up the meaning of a term and thus defines the objects to which a term can be applied

Denotation - de·no·ta·tion [dnō táysh'n]
(plural de·no·ta·tions)
1. basic meaning: the most specific or literal meaning of a word, as opposed to its figurative senses or connotations
2. indicator of something: a sign, symbol, or indication of something
3. reference of term: in logic, the reference of a term

Imagery - im·age·ry [ímmijree]
1. metaphors and similes: the figurative language, especially metaphors and similes, used in poetry, plays, and other literary works
2. mental images: a set of mental pictures produced by the memory or imagination or conjured up by a stimulus
dreams filled with surreal imagery

3. images in artistic work: the pictorial images found in works of art such as paintings and sculptures, or the art or process of making such images
4. images collectively: a group or set of images considered together
ex. studying the satellite imagery

Metaphor - met·a·phor [méttə fàwr]
(plural met·a·phors [mèttə máwrfə sz])
1. implicit comparison: the use to describe somebody or something of a word or phrase that is not meant literally but by means of a vivid comparison expresses something about him, her, or it, e.g. saying that somebody is a snake
2. figurative language: all language that involves figures of speech or symbolism and does not literally represent real things
3. symbol: one thing used or considered to represent another

Onomatopoeia - on·o·mat·o·poe·ia [ònnə matə p ə]
imitation of sound in words: the formation or use of words that imitate the sound associated with something, e.g. "hiss" and "buzz"

Oxymoron - ox·y·mo·ron [òksee máw ròn]
(plural ox·y·mo·ra [òksee máwrə] or ox·y·mo·rons)
expression with contradictory words: a phrase in which two words of contradictory meaning are used together for special effect, e.g. "wise fool" or "legal murder"

Personification - per·son·i·fi·ca·tion [pər sònnəfi káysh'n]
(plural per·son·i·fi·ca·tions)
1. somebody who embodies something: an embodiment or perfect example of something
2. representation of abstract quality as human: a representation of an abstract quality or notion as a human being, especially in art or literature
3. attribution of human qualities to abstracts: the attribution of human qualities to objects or abstract notions

Simile - sim·i·le [símməlee]
(plural sim·i·les)
figurative language drawing comparison: a figure of speech that draws a comparison between two different things, especially a phrase containing the word "like" or "as," e.g. "as white as a sheet"

Sonnet - son·net [sónnət]
(plural son·nets)
fourteen-line rhyming poem with set structure: a short poem with 14 lines, usually ten-syllable rhyming lines, divided into two, three, or four sections.
There are many rhyming patterns for sonnets, and they are usually written in iambic pentameter.

Stanza - stan·za [stánzə]
(plural stan·zas)
division of poem: a number of lines of verse forming a separate unit within a poem.
In many poems, each stanza has the same number of lines and the same rhythm and rhyme scheme.

Tone - tone [tōn]
noun (plural tones)
1. distinctive kind of sound: a sound with a distinctive quality
The first bell has a clearer tone.

2. way of speaking: the way somebody says something as an indicator of what that person is feeling or thinking
a defiant tone in her voice

3. general quality: the general quality or character of something as an indicator of the attitude or view of the person who produced it
the optimistic tone of the report

4. machine sound: a sound, especially one produced by a machine
5. prevailing character: the characteristic style that something has, particularly in relation to elegance or standing
Neon signs lower the tone of the place.

6. shade of color: a shade of a color
a green with a more vibrant tone

7. arts combination of color and shading: the overall blend of color and light and shade in a painting or photograph
8. physiology firmness of muscles: the natural firmness of muscles, or of the body generally, when not being flexed
9. phonetics intonation: the way a syllable of a word is spoken in terms of pitch
the rising tone signifying a question

10. music timbre: the quality of a sound that makes it distinctive, e.g. in a voice or musical instrument
11. music plainsong: a melody used in singing plainsong, e.g. in psalms
12. music Same as note (sense 7)

verb (past and past participle toned, present participle ton·ing, 3rd person present singular tones)
1. vi blend in with something: to be similar to something else, especially in color or brightness, and fit well with it
2. vti photog change color of photograph: in photography, to develop a monochrome silver negative into a color image by means of a chemical solution, or be developed in this way
3. vt phonetics say something with particular pitch: to say a syllable or word with a particular pitch
4. physiology strengthen muscles: to make muscles firmer and stronger

2007-10-30 17:03:33 · answer #10 · answered by Tina 3 · 0 2

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