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I was just listening to Incubus on the ol' iTunes and "Earth To Bella (Part 1)" came on. Most reviews and fan criticisms of that album will mention how much they dislike that song (and its unnecessary "Part 2" at the end of the album)...but I like it. It's not the best song they've ever done by any means, but I dig the contrast between the soft, acoustic verses and the loud, plugged-in parts. From what I've read and even seen on here, I'm one the few exceptions and not the rule. Here's the album cut if you wanted to check it out:


So do you have a favorite song, album or musician you like and everyone else seems to hate?

2007-10-30 06:58:43 · 29 answers · asked by Sookie 6 in Entertainment & Music Music Rock and Pop

That's right, Dave!

2007-10-30 07:13:29 · update #1

Fonzie - LOL...I didn't even think about that! There are people who will have a lot more to say than I will. :)

2007-10-30 07:15:22 · update #2

Rick W - I did check some of those out. It's pretty cool - definitely different than what I normally listen to, but cool. Thanks!

2007-10-30 07:17:24 · update #3

Master C & Ryan - chalk up two newer-era Misfits fans! :)

2007-10-30 07:44:16 · update #4

jmike - really? Leather pants?

2007-10-30 07:47:30 · update #5

MCRchick - of all that have posted here so far, you're right. You are probably the busiest defending your favorites. :)

And there's later-era Misfits fan #3!

2007-10-30 07:51:02 · update #6

Cinnamon Grrrl - that's rough! And the tough part about GNR now is that, to me, you're defending everything they've ever done because of what Axl is doing now. It doesn't seem fair.

2007-10-30 07:55:20 · update #7

Alona - thank you. :)

2007-10-30 07:56:19 · update #8

lovnrckets - I almost consider old Incubus and new Incubus to be two different bands - they are completely different to me. I still manage to appreciate both, though.

And AFI is another one I've never heard... *blushing*

2007-10-30 07:57:57 · update #9

Dani - woo-hoo!!! :)

2007-10-30 08:34:17 · update #10

Given2Fly - I know what you mean about PJ. ;)

2007-10-30 08:42:40 · update #11

Jakex - am I one of those "older" people?!? *sigh* Yeah, I am...especially since I really don't know what screamo is, and I could not name even one screamo band. Oh well...

2007-10-30 08:45:12 · update #12

Jakex - thanks! *giggle*

2007-10-30 08:59:13 · update #13

Silver & sarah c - I can kind of relate too. I listened to some of the Beatles stuff in high school and some of my friends didn't get that at all.

2007-10-30 10:18:46 · update #14


Spooky - I never knew that about Peter until you posted that Surreal Life question about him and I was reading the answers. It ALL makes sense now. :)

2007-10-30 13:39:09 · update #15

29 answers

I seem to have been defending my tastes in music for most of my life.

When I was 15, my peers couldn't understand why I loved Classic Rock instead of the latest teeny-bopper Pop rubbish they were all listening to. "What's on your Walkman?" "The Beatles." "Oh. I think my dad likes them" Arrggghhh!

My cousins are 9 - 12 years younger than me, and not only do they not seem to understand the meaning of 'being a fan' {one cousin claims to love Queen, but can't name any songs!}, they {and their peers} don't seem to grasp that you can love more than one genre.
My musical tastes cover so many genres, and they are all reflections of my personality.

I have to constantly defend ~ even on here ~ that
Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks are 'Rock', not 'Pop'.
That one always p*sses me off!

And as Fonzie T says, people seem to have a downer on Prog Rock. I didn't know that much about it until I came on here {but I love what I did know!}, but I've just bought an album by Focus ~ can't wait to hear it!

So many people these days don't understand what 'Rock' actually is. They either think the same as the people Cinnamon Grrrl has encountered, or believe that the current posers are rock.

I was just born 25 years too late!

Edit :~

Sarah, I know ~ the whole Pink Floyd thing really annoys me too, especially when people say "You have to be high to listen to DSotM" or "All those hippy lot were on drugs" or "It's drug addicts music".
People who know nothing of the 60's & 70's only believe the stereotypes.

I think school music departments should make it compulsory to have certain bands and genres played in lessons. Play a different genre every week or two, and give the kids a chance to realise that what they call 'old' is actually still damn good.
They could spend a whole half of a term {or more} just on Classic Rock!

2007-10-30 08:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by Lady Silver Rose * Wolf 7 · 4 0

I can easily defend my teams (Patriots) rivals (Colts). The Colts are a very strong team. They play hard, they're led by an amazing QB, and have a great game plan. They have their faults as all teams do, but they're a good team. Having them in the league makes the Pats better, because they're given a team that forces them to work harder (yes there are others, but the Pats only play them every now and then). The Pats have been on the winning side of the majority of the recent matchups against the Colts, but it's always a battle (look at last years game!!) and it's always interesting to watch. I don't think that it would be a great rivalry if you couldn't respect your rival. I'll talk trash to Colts fans, and expect it back, but if someone else trash talks them, and there aren't any Colt fans around, I'll stick up for them. If someone trash talks them and I don't defend them, it makes the Pats look worse, because it makes it look like they're playing a weaker team and having a hard time.

2016-05-26 02:41:46 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Surely I do
I consider myself an advocate for the greatness of Old School Metal Rock and Prog
I will defend bands like
Black Sabbath
Deep Purple
Judas Priest
Iron Maiden
Every chance I get, and like Fonzie said, I find myself having to do it quite often. And conversly If I think somebody is talentless, suck badly, or is way overrated I will say so. I come from an entire family of talented musicians so I think I know what I am talking about

Fonzie Sarah and Silver Rose Wolf have my complete respect and backing for their answers.

A band I get into a lot of trouble for bashing is Pearl Jam. But I cannot help it Eddie Vedder's voice is truly awful

2007-10-30 10:53:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can relate, Silver ~ Rose ~ Wolf.
I still get "Why do listen to all that old music?" from kids that I go to school with. It's pretty disappointing that so many people in my age group are so closed off to older music. They know nothing about the music (I've been called emo on multiple times for wearing a Beatles Tshirt.....) and just say that it's out of date and not relevant today.
Pink Floyd is my favorite band and a band I always have to end up defending. I've seen it said often on this site that Pink Floyd is "boring" , "all sound alike" and is only for druggies.
I also always find myself defending metal to all my peers. Apparently, a mass majority of people who don't listen to metal think all metal is nonsensical screaming to painful guitars and feedback.

Most of the artist I love don't really need defending, they usually have great reputations musically, but somehow, that just flies over the heads of kids these days.

2007-10-30 09:51:48 · answer #4 · answered by meep meep 7 · 3 0

Not my kind of music. I'm into the 1960's stuff. However I am a musician so will try to give a balanced opinion. I like the start on the acoustic guitar and the song seems to be going somewhere. Unfortunately I think it is totally ruined by the overpowering distorted and noisy guitar that seems so un-necessary. This also, with the screams, takes away the gentleness of the original vocal. I suspect that the producers or writer put that in to try to make an impact as the song was nothing special until then.

If you like it then so be it. You shouldn't have to defend your choice. I have a dear friend who likes much music that I hate (Freddy Mercury and Queen for one) but That's up to him. We agree to disagree on our individual tastes. You stick with what you enjoy.

2007-10-30 07:08:53 · answer #5 · answered by quatt47 7 · 4 0

I'm sure everyone does, though I think no one should have to account for what they like- taste is taste, and no one should be able to accuse someone for listening to what they enjoy- but they do anyway. Mostly, from what I've seen here, it's My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy that are argued over most, which gets so tiring. I personally like Panic! At the Disco- but its not like I limit myself to that, I have 400 artists on my iTunes, and I'm always open to something new, which is the important thing- even though I say they're my favorite, which they are, I haven't listened to them much for months, since I'm always listening to what I've just gotten. Recently I got the soundtrack to Across the Universe, so I listen to that and Beatles songs interchangably a bit more.

As for "Earth to Bella", I love all of Light Grenades- I wasn't into music much before this year, but I absolutely loved Incubus, and I was introduced to their new music first. That isn't my favorite song, but I do like it for the reasons you mentioned- and I think the lyrics are good. No reason to hate it, as far as I can see.

2007-10-30 07:28:52 · answer #6 · answered by Alona 4 · 3 0

It's interesting you brought up Incubus. Their career truly has a lot in common with the RHCP. Much like that band, their newer material isn't as lively as back in the days of S.C.I.E.N.C.E. or Make Yourself. Still, I'd take them in their current incarnation over MCR any day.

The one band that fits this is AFI. They've been lumped in with the current emo bands. Again, to some extent it can be attributed to the fact that their last album went on mellow side. Being on the major label gave them exposure that increased their audience. The downside of that is you always run into these fools that ***** and moan about how they "sold out." In fact, I have a running debate going with someone over which band is better between AFI or MCR.

2007-10-30 07:53:43 · answer #7 · answered by Rckets 7 · 6 0

New Misfits. I like them a lot. I just have to defend them and myself pretty often. The funny thing is, half the time I get the feeling that people say they suck for show, and they actually have the new Misfits albums sitting in the car or something.

RYAN: Your preaching to the choir man. I've liked the New Misfits since they came back in the late 90s. Just other people seem to have the problem. Not me.

2007-10-30 07:11:47 · answer #8 · answered by Master C 6 · 3 0

I dont care if people dont like what I listen to because chances are I dont like what they listen to. If they sit there and talk crap about Metallica and Pantera, I can turn around and talk equal if not more crap about their favorite bands Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance.

Master C, there is nothing wrong with the new Misfits, American Psycho is one of my favorite punk albums of the 90s. I tend to think of Mike Graves Misfits as a totally seperate band then the Danzig Misfits because the two sound nothing alike.

2007-10-30 07:12:18 · answer #9 · answered by Par 4 7 · 5 0

It seems like I have to defend the whole Hardcore genre. Although this may not be the hardcore term used back in the day. The new hardcore stuff. I respect you "older" people, but you guys like to rip on the "screamo" stuff.

Edit: Well since you don't even know what it is, you probably can be classified as an "older" person. Haha. But you do like Deftones so I'll let it slide...lol.

2007-10-30 08:38:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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