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Me and this girl have been talking on IM for a couple years and we've been trying to hang out these past years but never had the time. We only live 1 1/2 away. We have soo much in common and we have become like life long friends just by getting to know eachother by talking. Anyway, she is coming to town in couple weeks because she will be in a a choral concert. I am going to see her perform and then we are going to hang out after that. I was wondering if I should wear nice jeans and a button down shirt? Would flowers be nessurary? if so what kinds you think? I do want to make a good first impresstion! We do seem to like each other a lot as friends right now!

2007-10-29 20:57:35 · 18 answers · asked by ee 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

What about if that is myself...

2007-10-30 03:49:54 · update #1

18 answers

I think you should definitely were a buttoned down shirt with the jeans and make sure you wish her luck and if you don't see her before the concert tell her she did a great job, and you should get her either one yellow rose that symbolizes friendship or a red rose that symbolizes a romantic interest .. It's up to whether you get one flower or a whole bouquet . If i was her i would want a whole bouquet!

2007-10-29 21:33:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The casual dress sounds nice because you don't want to overdo it. As for flowers...women always appreciate them. Go to a nice florist and explain to them the situation And ask for their suggestion. I think some type of corsage would be appropriate. That way it wouldn't constitute a burden for her to carry while the two of you are enjoying your evening.You want it to be "special" but simple and lovely.
Have a plan as to where you will take her and what you will do. Again make it simple and sweet. Don't over do it. Let your character be your strong suit. BE YOURSELF.
One last thing...have a nice, simple, inexpensive gift to give her just before the two of you part. That would be the icing on the cake. It could be anything from a pen & pencil set to a special button ("friends with passion"(just a suggestion)), but nicely wrapped. Make sure you continue to have a nice smile.
Good luck!

2007-10-29 21:29:24 · answer #2 · answered by Robere 5 · 0 0

Nice jeans and a nice shirt should do very well. Make sure your shoes are shined. Don't wear anything that looks like Nike or similar style shoes. Flowers might be a nice touch. One single pink rose done up by the florist in pretty paper always makes a nice impression.

2007-10-29 21:03:09 · answer #3 · answered by Richard B 7 · 0 0

Don't give her flowers.might be embarrassing .. maybe buy a bottle of water ,offer it to her after her concert ... also give her a humour card after the date ..some thing that say ' hearing her sing/performe blew your mind a way..".. etc ..am sure great humour cards at the giftshop... even if she was awful .. it will cheer her up... or she'll think that you beleived in her performance even before you saw it .....

wear a casual pants... no jeans . (not all people looks good in them )
and maybe .. a casual top.. absolutely no hawaiian print ... do not tuck it in .. let it loose and flow.. makes a person seem easy going and approachable

like every one said .. be yourself .. don't try too hard..
keep a smile on your face... it will force your brain to think you are happy.. glow from within ..

anyway good luck..... just think that if she does not like you for who u are .. if u smile alot .. maybe some one in the area will notice how fabulous you look .. and scope u up instead... and that person will be living in your area..

2007-10-29 21:45:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

BE YOU! if that means good shirt, jeans and flowers than do it. If you would feel out of sorts doing it then don't. You have "known" each other for a while, if you have been up front and honest then doing something that isn't you may be obvious to her. She must like whats on the inside to want to meet, relax and show her honestly whats on the out side. You need to feel comfortable in your own skin so just BE YOU.

Good Luck

2007-10-29 21:08:03 · answer #5 · answered by Summer Days 3 · 0 0

jeans and a button down shirt will look great. Where do you plan to hang out? Maybe take her to lunch/coffee.. nothing too big for the first date.. make sure you smell good and you are clean shaven (girls love that). flowers aren't neccessary, but maybe just a single rose or flower, something bright and pretty, but don't over-do it.

Good luck with it!

2007-10-29 21:03:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

honey,if you wanna look your best but in a casual way,then the trick is to dress "smart casual".it involves dark rinsed crisp jeans(faded isn't cool you know,on a first date i mean), a nice shirt or button down shirt that's either pastel color(as it attracts the eyes)or deep like blue or maroon,or green(but never black because it makes you too strong,thereofre unapproachable).and top it all of with a nice crisp suit top (i forgot the exact term..)and of course,polished black shoes.. khaki may be an option if my main suggestion isn' available..

with regards to roses..i guess,its ok to give her.besides you already know her,a bit(thank GOD for IM's,ryt?hehehehe). i saw from a movie that orchids is the best choice(delicate and very romantic,although,quite expensive).

beside that,just be the YOU that she knew through IM. never try to play someone else,or it'll turn back to square 1(wherein you'e not comfy,very shy,and almost uninteresting).she already liked you the way you were,so what's the point of impressing too much?maybe its on the final touches you just need to work on to make her impression on you last really last. :) good luck, ok? stay sweet and be a gentleman @ all times.. and smell really really nice(scents that hint "i did this for you" but not too strong that'll make her sneeze the entire time).shave if necessary,but be careful to avoid bumps and bruises(you honestly don't wanna look like a disaster!)..check your breath at all times(a must!or better carry a breath freshener!)..and enjoy the moment! good luck dude.. :)

2007-10-31 16:57:58 · answer #7 · answered by leslie_sweetHeart 1 · 0 0

First shower and deodorant. Second of course nice clothes and clean shoes and finger nails. And by all means flowers yes, but only one long stem and not red yet. I think yellow is friendship.

All most for got nice cologne not that darn Brute by Faberge, or Old Spice you are used to.

PS if you remember hit me up and let me know how it went.

2007-10-29 21:09:10 · answer #8 · answered by Big Will 4 · 0 0

im not sure really but yer a buttoned down shirt jeans and maybe some flowers, does she seem like the kind of girl who would want flowers if she does then yer definately flowers

2007-10-29 21:01:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if she's in a choral group, then i guess you should be dressed well, to make an impression! like, long sleeves in a not so faded jeans (nice jeans if you call it).

flowers would be romantic, i suggest you bring. i love roses because they are formal.

2007-10-29 21:05:56 · answer #10 · answered by redwings 2 · 0 0

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