Paul tells us in Romans that we are to be an example to them in hopes of stirring them first into jealousy and then into salvation - when they have seen God's favor upon us. Also we are commanded to love all men.
You sound like a Hitler to me. But I have to love you nevertheless.
2007-10-29 18:51:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There has never been a historical nation of Palestine so how exactly is there an occupation of it? And if you buy into palestinian historical rights to the land, then why doesnt the jews have the same historical rights? And why arent the palestinians suicide boming lebanon and jordan for their lands back in those nations? Why is it that the palestinian school maps dont have Israel on them?
Israel is a strong US ally in a section of the world where dictators use us as a scapegoat to cater to their citizens fears and keep themselves in power.
We would be a stupid nation not to support Israel.
If it werent for our support with Israel Hussein would have had nukes because it was Israel that bombed the hell out of Iraqs nuke program years back.
2007-10-29 18:53:23
answer #2
answered by cadisneygirl 7
it s a mistake support Israel , this one . the true Israel will be made by Jesus and this one will be judge it s only a plan that God allows to bring the anti-christ to the power. true jews are very few nowadays... this Israel is like all the other nations and people that aren't born again like the other people.worst because many are part of the synagogue of satan.this Israel will build the temple to the anti-christ and fews jews will be saved only 144000. Israel actually is only a country made by satan (by ) see Daniel and Zachary 12
2007-10-30 00:10:53
answer #3
answered by alex a 6
I believe it was in the Providence of God for America to take part in the restoration of the Nation of Israel. It was even part of the vision that Columbus had for America...
Columbus believed he was living in the last days. He wrote in his Book Of Prophesies: "the Holy Scriptures testify in the Old Testament, by the mouth of the prophets, and in the New Testament, by our Savior Jesus Christ, that this world will come to an end: Matthew, mark, and Luke have recorded the signs of the end of the age... And I say that the sign that convinces me that our Lord is hastening the end of the world is the preaching of the Gospel recently in so many lands.".... ..He not only wanted to open a new trde route, but wanted to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In the words of the WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA he wanted to " recapture Jerusalem from the Muslims. There he said he would rebuild the Jews' holy Temple and bring on a new 'Age of the Holy Spirit." He wanted to liberate Christ's holy sepulcher from Muslim ownership back to Christian control. Because of all this, George Grant calls him"tThe last crusader" (One Nation Under God)
We have been a strong supporter of the nation of Israel and have been blessed. If we ever turn on them we will not still enjoy His hand upon us.
2007-10-29 19:09:45
answer #4
answered by BERT 6
It should be clear that since the nation of Israel abandoned Jesus Christ that God ended his covenant with them
Israel is nothing better or special to God than any other wicked nation on earth.
Religious leaders might try and persuade you that their is some special arrangement between the country Israel and God but it is not true.
It is all purely religious lies to cover over political and financial interests.
The fact is , that soon their will be the great war of Armageddon , in which ALL people from ALL nations will be judged equally.
All that have shown that they do not worship God in a way that he finds acceptable will be destroyed , it is as simple as that.
Scare tactics ,. NO , a promise from God to set things right , YES.
..and people in Israel will not be immune from the calamities ahead.
For more Bible based information please feel free to email me.
2007-10-30 00:41:14
answer #5
answered by I♥U 6
Gods blessings don't come just by supporting a cause or something. but only by beliving in his son jesus and living according to the example set by him.
and Israel was the country chossen by god before Jesus was born. after that salvation was for everyone in every country.
2007-10-29 18:56:31
answer #6
answered by illuminate 5
Christians support Israel for their own purposes, since they believe that having all Jews in Israel is necessary before Jesus returns again (their belief, not mine). Any benefit to Israel is coincidental; if it weren't for that, there's precious little doubt in my mind that they wouldn't care in the least about Israel, as they show very little inclination to do anything else that isn't in their own best interests. Human nature, I suppose.
2007-10-29 19:04:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Someone show me a map of "Palestine".
This "pristine" land that the mean Israeli's took from the noble, hard working "Palistinians".
Well. . .
It's a lie, admit it.
A concept for racists and rapists.
2007-10-29 19:02:32
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I get a kick out of the Christians who believe, for lord to come back, Israel must destroy that Mosque or what ever??!!
2007-10-29 21:57:20
answer #9
answered by ? 5
No !
Don't you get It !
Without them we wouldn't have a Savior, Jesus Christ & the Bible.
God tells us In His word to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
That's not an Idea or suggestion.
2007-10-29 18:56:24
answer #10
answered by Isabella 6