Evangelicals are not Christians -they're Zionist Idolaters.
They' have been duped by been using the scofield bible which is a Zionist hoax -Cyrus Scofield was another crypto -or 'hidden'- Jew- who introduced it into American protestant evangelicalist schools in the 19th Century.
These false teachings have been encouraged by the Zionist supremacist media and those who promote it have been rewarded with massive airtime and other exposure n t emainsteam media.
2007-10-30 04:07:42
answer #1
answered by John M 4
A true Christian would not support the farcical state of modern "Israel".
Starting around 60 or so years ago, the main Churches of Christendom did a 180 degree turn around and collectively decided that God's covenant with Israel was eternal. Never mind the fact that all the evidence shows conclusively that God himself turned his back on Israel.
I mean, where is the temple?
Where are the Levites?
Were are the animal sacrifices?
When Rome burned Jerusalem in the year 70, it pretty much was the outstanding statement that the Abrahamic covenant that Israel had had, was abolished.
But, on the other hand, it really seems astonishing that a person can side with the 'Palestinians', when they are the aggressors towards the modern state of Israel. When they attack with their human bombs, indiscriminate mortar and rocket attacks, they do not care if they kill women, pregnant women, children, or just the average citizen.
Compare this to the Israeli response, where they try to diligently only target combatants. How you could say the Israelis are violating the rights of people who shout and dance in the streets when their attacks kill indiscriminately, compared to the Israelis who are just trying to protect their lands I'll never know.
Of course the Israelis would be better off just turning over that ridiculous scrap of land that has been denuded by over foresting and over farming, and just buying some better real estate elsewhere on the planet is beyond me.
Of course, even if all the Jews left and went some where else entirely, we would see that even that would not be satisfactory to the Jew hating Muslims. Most of the Islamic countries have pretty much sworn that they will not be satisfied until every last Jew is dead. So, what do you think about that?
2007-10-29 22:37:22
answer #2
answered by Tim 47 7
I have said it before and I will say it again--If the Palestinians had learned anything from history they would emulate the only two successful major revolutions of the last century. If they had imitated Gandhi and King this conflict would have been over a long time ago (assuming they give up the desire to erase Israel from the map).
2007-10-29 23:23:51
answer #3
answered by Peter D 7
Hi Rove,
I am Palestinian and I will try to answer your question with as much honesty and less bias as I can.
First, when you say christian zionist, you already answered your question, they are zionists like George Bush for example. True christians don't promote any kind of humilation to anybody, just like true muslims and true jews.
I agree with you that the Israelis do humilate the Palestinains a lot and just saying their is nothing called palestinians and the palestinains are jordanians is itself a humilation. Yes we are all immigrants and probably my ancestors were lebanese or syrian but since the name palestinan was created everybody who was born to a palestinian father is a palestinian. I can't say I am syrian because the granfather of my grandfather's grandfather was syrian.
Also for those who mentioned Holocaust in this forum, I bet they don't know anything about holocaust and who did it.
Second, I would like to say that I strongly emphasize the right of Israel to exist and the Jew's right of having their own land but within the land given to them by the United Nations (the 56% land) and therefore, the lands occupied in 1967 should be returned to the Palestinians because they are Palestinian right. If the Israelis believe that G-d gave Israel to the Jews, I respect their belief but they can't force me to believe it. They also can't force the world to believe it.
Third, you metion the humilation that the Israelis do to the Palestinians. If you say the same thing on the Israel section (in the Travel Category) you will get tens of answers and hundreds of Justifications for that.
These justification include,
-closing borders to prevent the terrorist Hamas from entering the Israeli land and kill the innocent,
- Cutting trees to prevent Hamas from hiding behind them
- Destroying houses as a punishment to the families of the terrorist
- Punishment of all kinds to the terrorists but unfortunately they include the innocents with it.
Sometimes their justifications make sense and I understand them very well. I know that those stupid terrorists who call themselves Hamas are not more than a pain to both the Palestinains and Israelis but I also feel sorry for the innocents from BOTH sides.
Do you think I feel happy when I hear about a bombing that kills Israeli innocent civilians, of course no, It makes me want to cry but what can I do?
All what I can do is hope for peace and that everybody gets what satisfies them
2007-10-29 23:15:45
answer #4
answered by Mimi 6
There are about a million arabs (mainly Muslims) living in Israel while there are about a thousand Jews left in the entire Arab world. Basically, your question is a lie with a question mark at the end. The so-called Palestinians carried out their own massacres of the Jews before Hitler started. Several messages are hidden by low ratings and they all say the same as I. You are misusing the Yahoo questions feature and should be banned.
2007-10-30 00:53:37
answer #5
answered by stan e 3
Mean Gene: you are incorrect. The Palestinians were thrown out of what is now Israel about 50 years ago after the Palestinians had occupied it lawfully for hundreds of years. Also, someone mentioned that the asker was a bigoted idiot mentioning in the same answer something about suicide bombers. Do you realize that Israel has an army and Palestinian or basically kept in a ghetto? It's like a role reversal. I am sorry for anyone who suffers unnecessarily but we here in the West certainly don't understand the magnitude of the situation or all the historical facts which have created the current situation between Israel and Palestine. In the end, the West helped create the tension between Israel and Palestine but swooping in and interfering. I wish both peoples peace.
2007-10-29 22:45:43
answer #6
answered by Yogini 6
I don't hate Jews, Muslims, Palestinians, Christians, etc. What bothers me about all of them is that they all think they are God's chosen people but not all of them will be. The chosen ones will be picked by God from each group named plus of those not mentioned even some atheists. Not all Jews will be chosen. Not all Muslims will be chosen. Not all Christians will be chosen etc. God will weed out the bad from the good in each group. The good in each group will be the chosen ones and the bad will be eliminated. God knows who His children are and which ones are not.
2007-10-29 23:05:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What is a Christian Zionist? Human Rights is just another word for the politically correct 21st century. What about the sovereign rights of a free Israel? The Palestinian people are squatting on the land given to Abraham by God. Sorry, but if you want to violate 'rights' the Palestinians are violating the Israeli rights to their God given land.
2007-10-29 22:51:01
answer #8
answered by Jay G 3
The Palestinian People are Kenites and tares of the field.
Mat 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
2007-10-29 22:43:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Unfortunately many "Christians" misunderstand the scriptures in the Bible that prophesy the restoration of "Israel" and "new Jerusalem" and so forth. The Bible points to a Kingdom that will be ruled by Jesus that will bring peace and justice to all mankind no matter what their race or nationality.
2007-10-29 22:40:29
answer #10
answered by Shadow Knight 7