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I really want to believe that there is a higher power guiding me on the right path. I just don't know HOW to believe this.

is there anyone who can clear this up for me?

2007-10-29 15:30:30 · 39 answers · asked by sweaty teddy 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

Try this. Be still and and reflect on all the good things in your life. Ask God for guidance and truth. Then listen. Not with the physical ears,but with your heart and spirit. You will know.

2007-10-29 15:38:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

I wont lie to you, it is difficult. Especially with today's "concert-type, flashy light show" christian television Pastor's, telling you to "feel the spirit." What the world thinks, and even in some cases, mis-guided Christians, is not important. I would recommend this: read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and pay close attention to how Jesus lived, how He made His decisions, etc. When faced with a major challenge, He didn't catch a seizure and say... He simply did what He was taught to be right. Where do you go to be taught this same lesson? I Corinthians 13: 4-7, it is basic instructions on how to live. As far as, "feeling like you're being led," there are times when someone asks a question, sort of like the one you've just asked," and when answering, many things that I have forgotten are brought back to my memory, and it helps me explain myself more efficiently, and it seems to be what the "asker" is looking for. Hope this helps, really, I do.

2007-10-29 15:48:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He is, you just need to find him and how to talk to him, I know you're not looking for a religion, because it's too much of your time or whatever your excuse is, but you should REALLY look up the LDS(Mormon) missionaries. Just give it a try, it can' hurt, right?=D You have no idea how much better and happier you'll be. You'll know what to look for in this life, what's the meaning of life, where you're going, any questions and the missionaries, anyone in our church, or I can answer your question for you. (Unless you're asking like some insane math problem that has nothing to do with religion, then no, I don't think I'll be able to answer it, I'm only 13 after all) So look up our church, order a Book or Mormon, read it, see how you feel, and give it a shot. If not, then just know that someone is watching over you, and He wants you to come to Him. HE loves you, with an unbelievable love, and He'll never leave you all alone and lost. If you don't try it out, then I jsut want you to know that, because no one should feel alone,lost or unwanted.

Hope I Helped
Your Little Penguin Friend

2007-10-29 15:41:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

1st of all, there are many kinds of gods.

What you have to know is 'the Only True GOD'.

We draw close to a person; a friend in example by knowing thier name.

The Bible reveals God's Personal name and the kind of God he is, His Qualities and Purpose.

One of the main reason why Jesus; son of God, came to our planet to manifest or make know to men the name of his Heavenly Father (Jonh 17:6,26). Why he even teach us to pray..."Our Father in Heavens, hallowed be thy name" Matthew 6:10 (KJ version). "Our Father in Heavens, let your Name be Sanctified" (New World Translation of the Holy Scripture)*
If Jesus Christ put much emphasis to that matter, should we not start from knowing God's personal name so that we can begin communicating with him personally as well?

If you have a personal copy or access to a Bible, I encourage you to look up these scriptures and discover and be discover to 'What the Bible Really Teaches.'

Luke 1:30-33. You will notice in verse 32 'that this one will called Son of The Most High. Then turn to Psalms 83:18, if you are using King James version, there, it reveals the personal name of God that we can call onto.

You may now wonder, what will be the benefit of you knowing all this. Please look up in the book of John 17:3 and you will know what your profit of doing so.

But Why? you can ask. Why this is so? The Bible itself answers this very question in John 3:16. Then you can start to understand the thought of God toward man kind.

ACTS 10:34, 35 says that God is Not Partial. But He is Patient and does not desired anyone to be destroyed but Desires ALL to attain Repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

By Reading the Bible daily (Psalms 1:1-3) and meditating on what you are reading and applying the principles in our lives, we are laying a deep and strong foundation of Faith to the Highest Personage in the universe. And being drawn close to Our Grand Creator is truly an honor in our behalf.

Perhaps the new Book: "What Does the Bible Really Teach"* can assist you in your commendable search.

God Bless You.

2007-10-29 16:25:25 · answer #4 · answered by Winona 1 · 0 0

Sometimes the best way to believe in something is to get out there and experience it. I know this may sound weird, but it's just like science.

Science does not develop without hypothesis, experiment, conclusion, and theory leading to more hypothesis.

There's no problem building am understanding of God on the same principles.

I'm not suggesting that you "test" God, merely explore fundamental truth. Either God exists, or doesn't. Either God is interested in us, or he isn't. Etc.

The point is that sometimes the best way to believe is to start believing. After that, the truth will become evident and the choice will be easy for you.

2007-10-29 15:40:01 · answer #5 · answered by runnerpadilla 3 · 0 2

It's something that strikes you in your GUT as being right, you know that you know that there is something there ! Then you operate on FAITH , faith that there is something better...Then you ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart , surrendering all to him ,....If you are sincere then your life will start to reflect the changes for the good , you will be eternally grateful that you made the decision ! God Bless You !!

2007-10-29 19:30:33 · answer #6 · answered by pax5155 4 · 0 0

Your question begs an explanation of, how do I convince myself, there is a God? You cannot convince yourself! It is about faith! It is about seeking the Lord God with your heart, through prayer. Seek God in scripture! Read the Word of God and meditate upon His Word. If we seek God, we will find Him...that is a promise, given in scripture.

God desires for all to come to Him. Therefore, He will meet you, if you are earnest and desire a true relationship, with your Creator! I pray that you are very sincere, in your spiritual journey with, God. I pray that you find, that which you are seeking.

God Bless You,

2007-10-29 16:55:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Observing the creation around you can give you a sense of God's personality and awesome power. Then taking the time to read from his Word the Bible will help you to understand his purposes and will for mankind. Doing both with the help of others of like - mind will help build a strong faith.

2007-10-29 15:35:25 · answer #8 · answered by Shadow Knight 7 · 1 2

Realizing that the higher self dwells within us all as our higher self which is the one true flame that brings the light of pure reason and into the one light divine.As souls we take our incarnations as often as we can until we all measure up to the status of the higher self and thus become the Masters of Wisdom and as well as members to the kingdom of souls.

2007-10-29 15:41:45 · answer #9 · answered by mike hughes 52 5 · 0 2

Did me :
I ask God in a Prayer, if this Bible and you God are real show me,I opened the Bible new testament at random,I think it was in book of John it kept saying Jesus is the truth, the light in a dark world Holy Spirit revealed Truth to me then I drove all my friends Crazy with look( Truth ), no really
God will reveal himself to you too ask seek Find

2007-10-29 15:34:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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