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if someone had 100% proof that the bible is a fake and nothing in it was historically correct would u Christians still believe it?

2007-10-29 04:45:34 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

45 answers

I am a Christian with an open mind. So, if presented facts that showed without a doubt that Jesus is a myth and the Bible is not true, then I would no longer be a Christian. I have not seen conclusive proof as of yet.

2007-10-29 04:57:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There appears to be only ONE Historical reference to Jesus in the 1st century,(93 AD) the account by the Jewish Historian Josephus Flavius. He said Jesus was a good and wise man but the details appear to have been "doctored" at a later date.

There are NO Roman records which make a reference to Jesus.

The so called "Evangelists" Matthew, Mark, Lukeand John were writing second hand or third hand and hearsay

There were many "Gospels" but it was mainly the Emperor, Constantine who instigated and controlled the First Council of Nicaea which decided to accept some Gospels and reject many others (which were destroyed but some secretly survived). I think many Christians would still believe it - but it would be just as difficult to prove the existance or nor existance of King Arthur and the Round table!

2007-10-29 05:17:00 · answer #2 · answered by jjn333 5 · 0 0

That is a BIG if. especially that there are so many proofs that the Bible is not a fake and is historically correct. So many times, in the past people have doubted the truths of the Bible, only to discover the errors of their thinking, ie Ponteous Pilate, they (man) say that he never existed, then with in our life time they have discovered proof that, yes, He did exist. This is just one example of many. We actually have more proof of Jesus and His claims than there is proof against Him.

2007-10-29 04:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by exodust20 4 · 0 0

There is an actual history in the form of records and personal notes that there was a Jesus Christ in and around the times that the Bible eludes to. I am not a Christian but I have no doubt in my mind that Christ was alive and gave his life for the good of all mankind. So no, followers of Christianity will not give up there beliefs because of theory and conjecture. Besides, there is no such thing as 100% proof. 3/4 of scientific knowledge is theory and conjecture, plain and simple. And it takes a lot for me to say that, being of a scientific mind myself.So the answer is...no!

2007-10-29 05:01:33 · answer #4 · answered by Ronnie Y 2 · 0 0

This same question gets asked only every day on here. The fact is that the scenario you paint will never happen. We already know of a lot of events in the Bible that are historically correct. We know for example that Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of the province of Judea during the time period when Jesus walked the earth. We also know that the Romans used crucifixion as a primary method of execution - they borrowed it from the Persians.

2007-10-29 04:52:57 · answer #5 · answered by the phantom 6 · 0 0

I'm still trying to think how anyone could get 100% proof of anything.

Okay, if there was a time machine, and we set it up in Palastine and went back in time together--and the historical Jesus turned out definitively to be someone radically different than the Gospel narrative--no, I would stop believing it.

However, given your scenario. If he was exactly what the narrative claimed would you start believing it.

It seems like your hypothetical should work both ways.

2007-10-29 04:56:29 · answer #6 · answered by Todd 7 · 0 0

I would say that most Christians would still believe to two reasons.
1. They would believe that they were being lied to, and that it was a deception brought about by Satan(a little convenient)
2. Their is nothing in this world that is one hundred percent verifiable, with the possible exclusion of basic mathematics or science.

That being said I would probably still believe myself for reason number two. I would question the origin of the information and that motivation of the individuals breaking the info.

2007-10-29 04:52:15 · answer #7 · answered by Jacob W 2 · 0 0

Proof for most of them equates to what they believe to be true, not on what is true itself. If there were evidence presented to them that absolutely without a doubt disproved the bible's authenticity i'm sure they'd come up with some reason for it....... it would probably be something along the lines of the devil trying to trick them and break down their faith or some other such nonsensical supernatural conspiracy theories.

2007-10-29 04:49:41 · answer #8 · answered by DaveFrehley 3 · 0 0

If proof that the Bible is fake existed, it would have been proffered by now; instead, all we get are recycled theories and blatently false allegations. It's interesting to note that the arguments haven't changed much from Jesus' day up until the present.

2007-10-29 04:50:22 · answer #9 · answered by Suzanne: YPA 7 · 1 1

Your whole statement/question is absurd. I know for a fact that the Bible is true, Jesus/God exist and that there is a day coming that every mouth including yours will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This is true regardless of whether you believe it or not. Truth does not depend on anyones belief. Truth is truth and it can not be altered . Come to Christ

2007-10-29 04:54:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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