Hello.. :)
We are living in the terrestrial realm..while God lives in the celestial..
Time is not the same..to us it may be a day..where in the celestial it may be a thousand years..
So if that is the case, then the earth was created in 7 days in God's realm.. :)
As for Jesus dieing for our sins..I Have a poem you can read.. :)
Because His Love has set me free
Jesus means the world to me..
Because His Love has set me Free..
Not to fear the way I used to do..
But to walk with Him and be renewed..
His Love I can never repay..
For the terrible pain He suffered that day..
Not for Him self did He die..
But for “Everyone” He was crucified..
So please don’t turn your backs to your Saviors cry..
It was not just for Me..
But for “You“ He died..
In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)
2007-10-29 01:41:51
answer #1
answered by EyeLovesJesus 6
First of all-he did die. He was in fact dead. Again: Jesus died.
The spirit is the only immortal part of our body. Although our bodies might whither away someday, our spirit lives on forever. So, in that light since He was God in flesh, He had no trouble getting the keys to hell and the grave and coming back to life-in bodily form. He never fully died, as we will not. He sacrificed His flesh for our flesh, so that we may be atoned.
As for your second question-it may have taken Him SIX days to create earth, but it only has to support life for a little over six thousand years. The CITY (not just mansion) that He is building is going to last for eternity. So you can see why it would take Him a little longer.
2007-10-29 01:41:48
answer #2
answered by tcjstn 4
Jesus paid the penalty of sin with his flesh. He was crucified on the cross. God could create the world in an instant but has chosen 7 days which are not necessarily literal days to benefit man. In a manner of speaking 2000 years are the same as 2 days to God.
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day
2007-10-29 01:40:15
answer #3
answered by djmantx 7
He died in the flesh, but remember spirits never die. The Bible can become confusing because so many words can get lost in translation.
As far as the time it takes to do something, according to the Bible, our time on earth is but a puff of smoke in the scheme of things. It means 1 day in heaven can be a millennium on earth. Time isn't the same in the spiritual world, but I think time does still exist for the spirit.
2007-10-29 01:37:33
answer #4
answered by The Loving Addict 5
Asking someone to explain Jesus without quoting the Bible is like asking someone to explain relativity without quoting Einstein.
But I'll conform to your question, despite its deliberate attempt to hamstring any answer.
Yes, he really did die. He just didn't stay dead. That's the point. He conquered death, thereby showing that we could (and will, in the future) as well, by following Him.
He's preparing a place for us, but the time of the Gentiles needs to be over before he can establish his kingdom on the earth.
2007-10-29 01:43:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First, Jesus IS God. There are three parts to God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit). Jesus is the Son part. The Holy Spirit is the part which interacts with us. All three have existed forever.
Man and the earth was made for fellowship with God. He created us that we would love and worship Him. But because God did not want slaves, He gave us a free will (which is the ability to decide for ourselves). When Adam & Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they separated themselves from that pure relationship with God.
In order to restore the opportunity for a pure relationship with Him, God gave us His only Son (a part of Himself). Jesus came to earth through the Holy Spirit's touch on Mary, who was also pure (virgin), and Jesus lived a sinless life showing us how to we should live. He knew the whole time that giving His life was the only way to restore the relationship between God and mankind.
When it came time for Jesus Christ to die, He was falsely accused of wrong-doing and sentenced to die by crucifixion (which was the most disgraceful way to die). He could have stopped it and He could have wined about it not being fair, but instead He humbled himself. And though He was sinless, He submitted to taking on our sins.
Jesus Christ's death occurred in order to make a way for us to have a pure relationship with God again. Without Christ's death, we would have no hope of knowing our Creator who loved us so much that He gave us the freedom to decide for ourselves whether or not to love Him back.
That's why Jesus Christ is the only way to God (to Heaven).
His resurrection? Well, that is the epitome of "hope", isn't it? God is so powerful that He overcame death. The worst force on earth could not contain His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus arose victoriously and returned to share a few last details with us. He told us that He was "going to prepare a place for us" with His Father is Heaven.
The reason we are still here and that He is taking so long to prepare our place is because God wants to share His saving story with every single person. He wants everyone to hear about Him so that more people have the opportunity to choose to accept Him and restore the relationship, which is the reason that He originally created us. He asks only that we believe.
So ... will you believe?
Only believe.
2007-10-29 02:21:17
answer #6
answered by Randall W 2
That's interesting you say "no bible verses please". And that really is ok. It seems like you know enough about the bible, to know the basics of what it takes to believe. But one thing God's word says is, "for anyone to come to God, they must first believe that He exists". The mortal mind can't possibly understand/comprehend everything about God, and it is always a growing process of knowing and understanding Him and His ways. Which rather than the mind wanting to have all the say, we must allow our heart to become involved. For with the heart a man/woman believes unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. You should have a talk to God, and let your heart become involved. Coz He said whoever comes to me, I will in no wise/way cast out.
2007-10-29 02:13:50
answer #7
answered by seven_sunny_daze 2
Although I am Roman Catholic, I have had trouble with such questions myself.
Is a very interesting book on the topic, which I suggest you read. "Joseph Campbell's The Power of Myth, Volume 4: Sacrifice and Bliss (1969)".
2007-10-29 02:37:01
answer #8
answered by gortamor 4
Yes, He died. Look up what the process of crucifixion is and you'll learn that it would have been impossible for Christ not to have died.
As for heaven, that may be ready for us already. God only knows when the time is right. Maybe He's waiting for us to be prepared for Him...
2007-10-29 01:46:30
answer #9
answered by capitalctu 5
A day is a period of time
why does it have to mean 24 hours??
Yes, Jesus died. When the soldier stuck a spear in His side,
the blood and water came out, proving that He was already dead,
and the blood was separating.
The Bible is for those who can see!
good luck
2007-10-29 01:36:02
answer #10
answered by tom4bucs 7
the bible says that a day to god is like a thousand years to us. so it's only been 2 days. he is giving everyone a chance to live and die and accept him or not. of course he can make everything in the blink of an eye, but he chooses not to, that's something that our human minds don't understand, we think like a human, therefore we expect him to work like a human would, it's all part of his plan, be patient and all will be revealed to you eventually, when god knows that your ready to know! god bless.
2007-10-29 01:46:03
answer #11
answered by ? 7