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Everyone who rejects Jesus and accepts another God goes to Hell,even if he is a very good person.You may be the best and loving person and you go to Hell if you reject the God of cross.What love is this?Alright then you deserve to be far from God,but why should you be tormented day and night,for rejecting a God?Cant you just be abandoned?Why should you be tormented?Here is what I mean-
A good person loves his family,forgives his enemies,helps people and he donates money to the poor,but he dosent believe in Jesus or accepts another God.Why should he go to Hell?Christians came to Scandinavia and the rest of Europe killing those who wouldn't reform for no reason...

Catholics killed other Christians because they weren't Catholic... They tortured the Protestants! They shaved off their hair, burned them alive, poked them with hot irons, beat them, along with other sadistic acts even though they all believe in God.If a very good and nice person(atheist) cant go to Heaven,them Jesus is not about love

2007-10-29 01:04:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2007-10-29 01:09:08 · update #1

9 answers

GEN 9:25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.

2007-10-29 01:09:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Okay, you sort of went off for a bit there. Yes, we all know that some Christians (or "Christians") have committed atrocities throughout history.

Now let's go back to your original question, about hell.

You said, "Can't you just be abandoned?"

That's exactly what I believe it is. Hell is a total separation from God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that people are tortured in hell. It only says that it's a miserable place.

I don't believe in a literal "fire and brimstone" hell. I have several reasons for this. I DO believe in hell (which I also have a good reason for), but I don't believe in the fire and brimstone aspect of it. I think Jesus used that to convey the seriousness of it.

Are our bodies going to be in hell with us? If not, then how are we supposed to burn?

Hell is a total absence of God. THAT is why it's such a horrible place. If a person chooses (note the word "choose")to be separated from God, God respects their decision. For eternity.

For the record, I don't know how God judges people, and neither does anyone else.

2007-10-29 08:15:43 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 2

How human beings interpret the way of God has nothing to do with His true intent.
Biggest problem in this war between theists and everyone else is that most arguments are based on gross generalisations.

What you are saying is as good as "please judge jack on what jill did". No human being can truly know another person's true intentions (and hence can not know whether they are truly good or evil). Even in yourself, how easy is it do smile at someone while your thoughts are wishing that person the worst. Are you truly good or truly evil?

Having a relationship with God should be exactly that, you & God. It should be based on your own beliefs and not thrown to the masses for comments.

To answer your question more directly; IT IS ALL RELATIVE.
The catholics BELIEVED that they did the right thing at that time. If you do not know that you are committing a sin, is it still a sin? Also, who is to say that these same catholics actualle went to heaven? How would anyone know?
Do not concern yourself with this type of misleading assumptions but focus solely on your own relationship with God.

2007-10-29 08:21:42 · answer #3 · answered by phate 4 · 1 1

Noooo no no no no! Who told you that Hell was a place where you were sentenced to be tormented? The flame is metaphorical, and the gnashing of teeth is an expression of agony of regret and being isolated. You ARE only isolated, because God respects peoples' decisions, because He doesn't treat them as a means to an end. God has to judge those who sin, but that He sent His Son as a means of salvation is such agreat expression of love, whereas before no one could live up to the expectations necessary! All one has to do is believe! In what religion can you do that! You can't! That's the amazing thing!
Why do people go to Hell because they don't believe? Why did God send Jesus to die for us? Because we are sinners. What is the penalty for sin? Death. You cannot be with God, who is all-good, if you are tainted by sin. No one iscompletely good. The point of Christianity is that you don't HAVE to be all-good, because you CAN'T be. Jesus died in our places, but if you don't accept the gift, you don't get it. It's love because God doesn't use people as a means to an end, He allows us to choose our paths. He also sends us out to preach the good news that our sins are forgiven if only we accept it.
As for Christians that slaughter, they're not Christians. Whoever hates his brother is not in the Truth.
1 John 2:9
"Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness."
Anyone who does these things is not of Truth. It's a shame when people stereotype an entire group by the atrocities of those who claim to be part of it when they obviously, by their hearts, are absolutely not.
I highly, highly recommend "The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel for the question about Hell and the wrong done by those who call themselves Christians, as well as this article: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2007/05/25/feedback-is-god-good. Please, PLEASE continue to seek Truth, my friend!
Peace and blessings upon you,

2007-11-01 21:25:15 · answer #4 · answered by aphtershoxz 1 · 0 0

Rethink Hell. The torment is the totally encompassing realization that you cannot be with God. "Fire" is simple an allegory for judgement. Hell is simply separation from God - which is what someone who is not saved has been for their entire life.

2007-10-29 08:22:02 · answer #5 · answered by capitalctu 5 · 1 2

Well...the first thing that someone says when they find out that you are an atheist involves going to Hell. It always seems that that is pretty high up in the priorities. So I have to say that it is mostly fear.

2007-10-29 08:12:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You seem deceived in thinking that we have any righteousness at all. We are nothing.. As Job - the greatest man in the East, a God-fearing man, a man who turned from evil - said, "I am insignificant" and "I am but dust and ashes."
Man has no righteousness in himself. Everything we have, to include the faith to believe, comes from Christ. He made all and sustains all. To deny this is to deny Him, for these things are written in the Bible.
We cannot glorify God the Father with anything we do...regardless of how good we think it is. You have to understand who you are to get this...we are sinners, for which the Hell flames were made and grow in ever increasing intensity. We justly deserve to die and be eternally tormented before a perfectly just and righteouss God. Our supposedly good works are but filthy rags before God.
The ONLY way we can be made right with God (justified), have our sins forgiven, and bring glory to the Father is not through our capabilities, but through the righteousness of Jesus Christ imputed to us. And, the only way for that to happen is through our choice to have faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. We choose to become His bondservants, to make Him Lord of all aspects of our lives. Through this, He - who loves us so much as to die for our sins - lifts us up. When we die to ourselves, we are given new life in Him. We therefore live by grace, i.e. obtaining life when we did not deserve it.
To understand that God is just and will punish the guilty, i.e. the unbelievers and disobedient, then you start to see how great and majestic God is. When you glimps but one ray of His glory, you realize how disgusting and pitiful our position is - in sin - before Him. The only way our so called "good deeds" mean anything at all, is when they are done by those with faith in Christ. Through this faith, we are justified before God, and we can - through the righteousness of Christ - glorify the Father. You cannot glorify the Father with any deeds without faith in Christ, who saved us, justified us before God, and sustains us.

2007-10-29 08:15:44 · answer #7 · answered by BowtiePasta 6 · 2 1

We are talking about people that believe in a god that was once "pleased" with animal blood sacrifices and then needed the blood of Christ to wash sins......what more can you say....don't ask them to make sense.

2007-10-29 08:09:51 · answer #8 · answered by stewart t 5 · 1 3

the god of the bible sees to be a bit of an assh/le

2007-10-29 08:10:24 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

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