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they are still searching for truth and will discard scientific theories that are proven wrong.
Like JWs, they have been proven wrong repeatedly.
Yet, that is the scientific method---to continue to make up new scientific theories, until that too is discarded and proven to be untrue.

Yet those that believe in the truths of the Word of God, which does not change and has never been proven wrong,well , the scientists call them close minded.

What do you think is wrong with this picture???

Maybe that's why the two sides cannot come together. God has never felt the need to change the truth of His word. Yet scientific theories change often and as such, I say are not necessarily to be trusted. Unlike the Bible.

2007-10-28 15:31:29 · 25 answers · asked by Prof Fruitcake 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

You try to prove the Bible wrong by using all those illustrations THAT ARE NOT EVEN IN THE BIBLE???
More funny reasoning.

2007-10-28 15:52:24 · update #1

25 answers

If god never needed to change the truth of his word why is there an OT and a NT?

2007-10-28 15:36:58 · answer #1 · answered by Gawdless Heathen 6 · 10 1

The truth of the Word of g-d is improvable. When something does not change it is not alive. When it does not or is not allowed to grow - its growth is stunted and can no longer exist. Nature is always changing and becoming something new and refreshing, pleasing to the eye and the mind.

Science searches nature and what it means. Nature changes all the time - so does intelligence, or at least it should.

Are you saying we should all have exactly the same mentality as you - you alone know the truth or perhaps your book - you do not research that truth, you only accept it on something that is faith, which belongs in never land. There is an old saying that goes like this "if the tree limb does not bend in the wind, it will break" Your truth has no flexibility, it is old and outdated by 2000 years - at some point it will break in the winds of time.

God has not changed the truth of his word because he is so old and filled with revenge and killing he wore himself out. He left you in the dust 2000 years ago, never to return.

Further, scientific theories are not proven wrong - that is why they are theories; they are up for further investigation. It does not negate them it enhances them. I doubt the old g-d of the bible - [the Jewish one that the Jewish claim rights to that your faith has scorned for centuries – who all of a sudden has taken a turn - and loves everyone and everything] even knew about a proton.

Get out of the world of the unreal. You claim to have the great knowledge of another time continuum but can’t or won’t accept the one you are in, and I or anyone should agree with such a foolish analogy that you proclaim as truth? Come back down here, science needs you! Now that is funny?

2007-10-28 23:14:09 · answer #2 · answered by Tricia R 5 · 1 1

"and will discard scientific theories that are proven wrong."

That's the great thing about science--it's self-correcting. Unlike religion that never discards doctrines that are proven absurd.

"the Word of God, which does not change and has never been proven wrong"

Well, of course it can't be proven wrong because it has nothing to do with empirical reality. For the same reason it can never be proven right either. Same as if I said there was a parallel universe of smart unicorns who play Parcheesi--but offer no hard evidence whatsoever of it's existence.

"Yet scientific theories change often and as such"

Well, yes, because science is a process and not some body of dogma.

"God has never felt the need to change the truth of His word."

What truth? Where's the Schlieren photo of an angel, or a thumbprint from Jehovah, or somebody faith-healing an amputee under medical observation?

2007-10-28 22:39:58 · answer #3 · answered by crypto_the_unknown 4 · 6 0

You see, the fact that we discard theories that have been proven wrong, means that WE can admit when we're wrong.

Yet you believers, still, after insane amounts of evidence are practically shoved under your nose, you still continue to deny evolution, and form stupid questions like this about how, if it really is true, blah blah blah. You see, the thing about we evolutionists, is that, not only can we admit when we're wrong, but we also admit when we don't know something, whereas you believers simple shrug and say "Because of God." THIS is why the two sides cannot come together. We believe in facts (until they are disproven, and one day, there will be some that aren't) and you believe in the same old crap no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

There is no truth in the Bible and stories of Creation.

I don't know how the world began. But it wasn't from some guy waving his fingers and saying "let there be...." That is bull. Evolution is real, and it's still happening, shut up, put down your Bible, and pick up a science book if you want some FACTS.

2007-10-28 22:38:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

That's pretty much how ALL science works... and that's a good thing. All scientific belief is provisional and subject to change upon new evidence. In truth, falsifiability is a primary tenet of the scientific method and the entire idea of theory testing is an effort to prove those theories wrong.

Scientists do this because they understand that they are fallible. Mistakes are inevitable, so there are lots of methods in the scientific method to prevent mistakes from occuring and to correct them when they do. Science is not based on authority, after all. It's based on an objective analysis of the available evidence.

Obviously, this method differs greatly from faith and dogma. Systems that base belief on faith or revelation have no capacity to adapt to changing conditions or discover mistakes. That makes scientific inquiry a lot more accurate. This is why things like new antibiotics, more efficient farming techniques, and the internet are invented by scientists and not theologians.

I enjoyed this question. Have a nice evening!

2007-10-28 22:50:37 · answer #5 · answered by marbledog 6 · 1 1

Well, the biggest problem with your rational is that there is no indication whatsoever that a "god" exists, that a "god" has ever written or caused to be written anything, no one has ever seen a "god". All that exists concerning a diety is the writings and observations of men who lived thousands of years ago - with NO provenance. The stories were written by men with no knowledge of the world beyond their immediate area, who were highly superstitious because they had to find some reasoning for events they couldn't understand....events that occur in nature.

As for the "word of god" never changing? Your bible has been changed, translated, re-translated, chapters added, chapters removed, stories, edited over and over by several religious sects and cults and events changed so much over the centuries - by men of a similar ilk.

There is not one iota of proof or any evidence whatsoever that this "god" exists....

With science, at least they are making an effort to explain our universe. They get much of it spot-on right. When a theory has been shown to be wrong, they discard it and start from scratch. The scientific community around the world are all researching the same things and recognize their limitations. As technology and knowledge increases, old theories fall to the wayside and new ones take their place. That is the nature of true SCIENCE.

If you would rather put your faith in some made-up "god" and some book written by men who have been dead for a coupla thousand years, it's OK with me.

But don't preach your inane beliefs in public and don't try to impose the nonsense on the rest of us.

2007-10-28 22:52:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

"the truths of the Word of God"

Like the truths where the Bible says the world is flat or a circle and that the sun orbits around the earth? Or like the ones where bats are regarded as birds and rabbits chew cuds? You'd THINK God would know a little more about His own CREATION!

"scientific theories that are proven wrong"

Science is self-correcting. When new scientific methods and new evidence comes along, new hypotheses and theories come along. Is that supposed to be a weakness? Most intelligent people think that's a great strength.

"What do you think is wrong with this picture?"

I think your delusions about science and your religion is very wrong in this picture. You need to wake up and smell REALITY! Did you not learn about science in school? You should go to a natural history museum and do whatever you can to learn about the basics of science.

2007-10-28 22:38:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

What do you think is wrong with this picture???

Is that you are a liar.

"Yet, that is the scientific method---to continue to make up new scientific theories, until that too is discarded and proven to be untrue."

That is the biggest crock of crap I have read on here in quite some time.

Learn a little, a teeny tiny bit, about the scientific method before you spout off and look like a total moron.

2007-10-28 22:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The word of God has never changed? The bible has been re-written a lot of times back in history. During old testament times, before things were even written into an organized holy book, beliefs about God went through TONS of changes. And after the death of Jesus, different churches had all kinds of differing opinions on whether Jesus was God himself or the son of God or not divine at all but simply a prophet.

The word of God has not been proven wrong? Many bible stories HAVE been proven wrong, like Noah's arc, for example, has been proven to be totally implausible. Also, through simple reasoning, I myself (little old me) can dispel MOST of the claims of Christianity with little difficulty.

2007-10-28 22:45:04 · answer #9 · answered by egn18s 5 · 1 1

I think you are very biased towards your religion.
Science is continuously improved because of new theories and new technology replacing old ones. It's called progression. As for religion, it's all faith, not science. It's basically belief without evidence. The bible is not truth, it's a book written by people and then it was even changed over time. Think about it, the fact that you can even read it is proof it has been altered over time.
In addition, you are so wrong about religion, god, and the bible not changing over time. You are probably a Protestant. Your religion came from a schism from the Catholics. There is change right there! Then, there are Baptists, Mormons, Methodists, etc, etc. Religion is very much exposed to change over time.
I am just sick of religious people calling their beliefs "truth". Every religious person believes THEIR religion is TRUTH and all others are misleading garbage.
Remember, god is not a Christian.
In fact, there may not even be a god.

2007-10-28 22:43:14 · answer #10 · answered by KuroNekko 2 · 3 1

the DNA evidence is over whelming for evolution far beyond Darwin's wildest dreams but you favor basing your theories on superstitious thinking instead . if I had slept through my schooling I still would have enough presence of mind and knowledge to know better than to class the two on in same arena. the bible has remained false and science on the other hand subject to much scrutiny the bible writers abhor is even then still smart enough to be open to change and improvement rather than beleaguering its dogmatic primitive ideas like a dead flogged horse . the basis of this question is upside down to the more educated literate part of society . Pseudo erudites will never learn to discern these differences. Next time you turn on your TV or use your automobile thank your god for inventing it for the stupid scientists could never have contributed these things with such misguided intellects now could they??????
May you be well ,may you be happy and may you be free from suffering .peaceout

2007-10-28 22:50:05 · answer #11 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 2 1

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