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"In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate".


Towards which religion COMMON SENSE leads us?

COMMON SENSE # 1: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said like other true prophets of Allah Abraham, Moses & Jesus (pbut) etc to believe in only ONE true God & not in IDOLS or in many gODS.

COMMON SENSE # 2: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said believe in Jesus (pbuh) and his revealed book (original one which is lost) and Mosses (pbuh) and his revealed book (original one which is lost) and all revealed books and prophets otherwise u can not be a Muslim. If he is not the true prophet (MAAZ ALLAH) then why he said that believe in them otherwise u will be sent to HELL. Read “EMAN-E-MUFASSIL“ & ” EMAN-E-MUJAMEL “ 2 testify.

COMMON SENSE # 3: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never said that he is (MAAZ ALLAH)” God “but strictly said that there is only one ALLAH (God) and no one is like him. If he is not the true prophet (MAAZ ALLAH) then why he said that? He called himself as ALLAH’s last prophet & not bragged about himself (MAAZ ALLAH) as God, as so many fake ppl did in history. Allah (S.W.T.) meaning: (the Exalted, Most Glorious) tells mankind that Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is no more than a Messenger (Quran: 3/144)

COMMON SENSE # 4: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said like other true prophets before him like Abraham, Moses & Jesus (pbut) about the JUDGEMENT DAY.

COMMON SENSE #5: If u see Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) in pictures made by Non-Muslims, he has same kind of beard like Muhammad (pbuh) had & Muslims have, And also Mother Marry dress in pictures made by Non-Muslims is exactly 100% same as ISLAM says.

COMMON SENSE # 6:Non-Muslims say that Muhammad (peace be upon him) plagiarize the Holy Quran from the Holy Bible but this is NOT possible because Muhammad (pbuh) was not educated, then how he could do such a thing?

COMMON SENSE # 7: Another reason that Muhammad (peace be upon him) can’t plagiarize the Holy Quran from the Holy Bible is that “The Holy Bible at the time of Muhammad (pbuh) was not translated in ARABIC language then how he could plagiarize from it”?

COMMON SENSE # 8:Non-Muslims claim that Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself wrote the Holy Quran, if so then why his name comes in the Holy Quran only 5 times & Prophet Adam (pbuh) name 25 times , Prophet Abraham (Pbuh) name 63 times, Prophet Jesus (pbuh) name 25 times, Prophet Moses (pbuh) name comes 136 times, , Prophet Noah (pbuh) name comes 43 times, Prophet Hud (pbuh) names comes 7 times, Prophet Salih (Pbuh) names comes 8 times, Prophet Yousuf (pbuh) name comes 26 times, Story of Prophet Younus (pbuh) comes in 6 Surrahs in the Holy Quran & names of some other prophets comes more than the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), If (Maaz Allah) Muhammad (pbuh) wrote the Holy Quran then why not he used his name more than any other prophet?

COMMON SENSE # 9:If Muhammad (peace be upon him) MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he used to pray 5 times a day and conveyed the message of ALLAH that this an order from ALLAH, & in ISLAM u can’t pray without performing ablution. Why Muhammad (pbuh) used to pray? What for? For who?

COMMON SENSE # 10:If Muhammad (peace be upon him) MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he himself performed “HAJJ” which is the toughest of the pillars of ISLAM, and said that it is FARZ (Imperative) for all Muslims who have the money to afford it. For who? What for?

COMMON SENSE # 11: Why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) strictly ordered not to do "SAJDA" before any body but ALLAH. IF he is not MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he said so? Why not he said do "SAJDA" to me as well?

COMMON SENSE# 12:If Muhammad (peace be upon him) MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he used to "FAST" for the whole month of "RAMADAN" for 29 to 30 days without a break & why he most of the time used to PRAY in TARAWEEH (long prayer) and other prayers after the FAST? for who? For what?

COMMON SENSE# 13:If Muhammad (peace be upon him) MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he used to give ZAKAAT (Obligatory Charity, Money to poor) and said that this is God’s order and every one who can afford should give ZAKAAT. FITRAA is also a God’s order and it is also giving money to poor ppl. Why he used to do that himself and said that this is IMPERATIVE for all Muslims who ever can afford ZAKAAT & FITRAA. For what and for who?

COMMON SENSE# 14:If Muhammad (peace be upon him) MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why he used to give KHAIRAT,SADQA,AQIQA,HADYA,KAFFARA etc to poor ppl which is again giving to needy ppl to gain reward from ALLAH.

COMMON SENSE#15: Even Abraham (Pbuh), Moses (Pbuh) used to dress like Muslims, cover head, beard and thoroughly covered body.

COMMON SENSE#16: There is a Quranic verse named after mother of Jesus (Pbuh), the name of the verse is Surrah-e-Mayam.If prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) is MAAZ ALLAH not a prophet then why not he named the Quranic verse name after his mother? Allah says that he choose Mary above “the women of all nations”. Why not Muhammad (Pbuh)‘s mother if he MAAZ ALLAH wrote the Holy Quran himself. (3:42). AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN, THE HOUSE OF 'IMRAN) "Behold! the angel said: 'God has chosen you and purified you and has chosen you above the women of all nations. O Mary! God gives you the good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and the hereafter, and one of those brought near to God".

COMMON SENSE#17: If Muhammad (Pbuh) is not a TRUE prophet then why he never used alcohol and made it strictly prohibited, which is always use by humans for fake enjoyments. for whom? What for? Why?

COMMON SENSE#18: When Muhammad (Pbuh) went to MAKKAH to perform Hajj from MEDINA with all of his followers but with no arms when the ppl of MAKKAH were to HOSTILE against Muslims, for whom? What for? Why?

COMMON SENSE#19:The Prophet's wife `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said, I asked, "Messenger of Allah, why do you exert yourself so much while all your sins have been forgiven?" To this he replied, "`A'ishah, should I not be a grateful servant of Allah?" (Muslim). If he maaz Allah not speaking the truth then for who he used to pray that long? what for?

COMMON SENSE#20: Muhammad (pbuh) was a posthumous & his mother died, when he was about six, then could he give unimaginable respect to parents?
And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," (Interjection of anger, dislike, frustration) and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word. – Holy Quran 17:23
A man once consulted the Prophet Muhammad about taking part in a military campaign. The Prophet asked the man if his mother was still living. When told that she was alive, the Prophet said: "(Then) stay with her, for Paradise is at her feet." (Al-Tirmidhi) & I can quote for days about parent rights in Islam, how did he know them? Since he hardly had the love of parents.


Research & observations from Holy Quran & Sahee Hadith, Religious scholars like Sheikh Ahmed Deedat’s www.ahmed-deedat.co.za, Dr. Zakir Naik's www.irf.net , www.peacetv.in, Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, Israr Ahmed etc.

May Allah help & guide us all, Amen’.

2007-11-01 09:31:48 · answer #1 · answered by Truth Speaker by research 4 · 0 0

Relationship Between Christianity And Islam

2016-11-04 05:01:20 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This is a very nice question. In order for me to show the similarities or the connection, I decided to choose one religion and then try to answer your question with reference to that religion. I'll just give you the common similarities. I decided to answer your question by using Islam as the religion I'll compare the similarities / connections with. According to Muslims, Islam is not a new religion. Islam is restoring the original faith of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Like Jews and Christians, Muslims also believe in Adam, Noah, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Jonah, John the Baptist, Abraham, Moses, The Virgin Mary, Jesus plus many more religious figures that I didn't mention above. According to Muslims, Prophet Muhammad is the last of these Holy Men that have been sent by God to spread the same message that all the other people mentioned above had been sent to spread. The Muslim Holy book also talks about all the famous and major incidents from the lives of the above mentioned people that are known to Jews and Christians also including: Noah's flood, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Exodus, God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son ... etc. I hope my answer helped you a little bit in understanding the main connection between between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Regarding Abraham: Jews, Christians and Muslims all consider him as the Patriarch of their respective religions. He is highly revered not just in but in Christianity and Judaism, but in Islam as well.

2016-03-13 11:31:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The belief in the one true God of Abraham.

The Catholic Church teaches, "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."

"It is my ardent hope that Muslim and Christian religious leaders and teachers will present our two great religious communities as communities in respectful dialogue, never more as communities in conflict."
-- Pope John Paul II, Meeting with Muslim Leaders in Omayyad Great Mosque, Damascus, May 6, 2001. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/2001/documents/hf_jp-ii_spe_20010506_omayyadi_en.html

Christians and Muslims, following their respective religions, point to the truth of the sacred character and dignity of the person. This is the basis of our mutual respect and esteem, this is the basis for cooperation in the service of peace between nations and peoples, the dearest wish of all believers and all people of good will.

As an illustration of the fraternal respect with which Christians and Muslims can work together, I would like to quote some words addressed by Pope Gregory VII in 1076 to a Muslim prince in North Africa who had acted with great benevolence towards the Christians under his jurisdiction. Pope Gregory spoke of the particular charity that Christians and Muslims owe to one another “because we believe in one God, albeit in a different manner, and because we praise him and worship him every day as the Creator and Ruler of the world.”
-- Pope Benedict XVI, Meeting with the President of the Turkish Religious Affairs Directorate in Ankara, Turkey, November 28, 2006. http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/november/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20061128_pres-religious-affairs_en.html

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 841: http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt1sect2chpt3art9p3.htm#841

With love in Christ.

2007-11-05 07:25:53 · answer #4 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 0 0

The only connection is in its history. Both Ishmael (whose descendants founded Islam) and Isaac (who inherited the blessing and promise of God) were sons of Abraham.

2007-10-28 09:07:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There is none.

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. NO man comes to the Father but by me. Anybody trying to get in by any other means will be treated as a thief and a robber and will be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth."

That precludes islam.

Islam, on the other hand, says that Jesus was a messenger from God, and as such, ought to be believed.

But if you believe Jesus you must renounce islam.

C.S. Lewis described it like this, when he said we can not patronize Jesus by calling him a good man or merely a prophet (or, as the muslems say, a messenger from God). With everything he did and said about himself, either he was who he claimed to be, the very Son of God, or a lunatic on the same level as someone who thinks he's a poached egg.

2007-10-28 09:08:14 · answer #6 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 1 3

Islam is like a heretical cult of Christianity. For a comparison see http://www.bcbsr.com/topics/islam.html

2007-10-28 09:16:06 · answer #7 · answered by Steve Amato 6 · 0 2

they follow the same beliefs up to abraham. Muslims follow Abraham's illegtimate son and Christians and Jews follow their legitimate son.

2007-10-28 09:08:01 · answer #8 · answered by Monkey Man 3 · 2 0

Christians believe that Jesus is God and Muslims believe that Jesus is a Prophet.

2007-10-28 09:06:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1


2007-10-28 09:05:57 · answer #10 · answered by cireengineering 6 · 4 2

A tyrannical god who wants to hurt and kill everybody who won't mindlessly obey.

2007-10-28 09:22:26 · answer #11 · answered by catrionn 6 · 0 1

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