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Why is it that for 364 days of the year children are told not to talk to strangers or accept lollies/gifts from them and yet on 31/10 they are encouraged to do so? Don't parents think about the nutters out there who could well be sizing ther children up for illegal activity?

No wonder kids are confused these days.

2007-10-27 20:32:36 · 12 answers · asked by Kay P 3 in Society & Culture Holidays Halloween

12 answers

No confused kids, just self-absorbed and remote parents who are confused about what being a parent means.

2007-10-27 20:44:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Trick or Treat originally began as a tradition in Ireland; when children would play harmless pranks of people. But when it came to the us with Irish immagrants; by the 1930's the harmless pranks became threats like "Give us treats or we'll vandalize your home". This is how we got trick or treat. After a while people just started to give candy out to children by this time and because it became a tradition; parents would remember what they did for Halloween and bring their children out as if it were a great way to build memories that their children can share. No one really questions; they just do it because that's what they did when they were children, and what their parents did when they were children.
As for all the children out there; that's why most of them wear costumes; and it's advised to have adults around when going trick or treating. I think parents do think whether or not their children will be safe. I mean when my family makes a choice about where they want to go for Halloween; we size up the neighborhood and see whether or not it's safe. Also parents are advised by schools to check their children's candy before consumption; after trick or teating when it's time to look at the candy; I presonally go through my cousins' candy and just throw away candy that aren't packaged like M&Ms or Baby Ruth. If it hasn't been sealed shut by the manufactures I don't allow any of my cousins to eat it because it might have a few glass pieces or dusts of drugs in it. I mean I've heard the stories and don't want to risk anything when it comes to it. But of course it's true there are more crazy stuff that's happening in this world than what we were use to when we were kids. Now I would say it's a choice weather or not to take the risk and make memories (good or bad) or just have your children stay home and pass out candy to other kids who are having fun; or just go to a Halloween party. Bottom line; they're aware.

2007-10-28 05:56:01 · answer #2 · answered by joycjoyce 1 · 0 0

There are plenty of ways to make trick-or-treating safe. Basic rules of thumb are go with your kid (or if he is too old, make sure he is in a group), do not go inside a stranger's house, stay in a well-lit neighborhood where you know most of the people, and check out the candy before you let your kid eat it to make sure it hasn't been tampered with (it sounds extreme, but there are terrible people out there).

The rules about not talking to strangers are given for times when children are alone--a child should be able to talk to whomever he wants if he's with a parent. Trick-or-treating really doesn't bend any basic safety rules if it is done intelligently

2007-10-28 04:24:42 · answer #3 · answered by No One of Consequence 1 · 0 0

There are "safe" halloween events at local malls for people who are uncomfortable with the door to door activity. The kids go store to store to collect treats. But to answer you question, I feel as long as parents oversee the festivities, there is nothing wrong with it. Kids should go with parents or groups and only visit well lighted homes in neighborhoods they are familiar with. They should carry flashlights and wear costumes that do not impair their vision or hearing. Children should know to never go into a person's home and to leave immediately if anyone or anythnig makes them uncomfortable. One of the most valuable gifts a parent can teach a kid is to trust thier gut feelings because they are usually right. My biggest concern in our neighborhood is someone slipping religious literature disguised as treats into my dd's treat bag (its happened 3 years in a row now).

2007-10-28 08:17:01 · answer #4 · answered by ImUURU? 3 · 0 0

Yes, the rules are purposely set in opposition to what children are normally told, just to mess with their heads. ;)

Typically, parents accompany younger children when they go out trick-or-treating. Older children who are not accompanied by adults also tend to trick-or-treat in groups, so it is safer for them to ask strangers for candy, as opposed to being approached by strangers when alone.

2007-10-28 03:44:05 · answer #5 · answered by Glenn 4 · 0 0

I give out little toys and the parents love it. But most of my TandTers have parents right there. And there are a lot more carnivals to take kids to.

2007-10-28 03:37:22 · answer #6 · answered by San Diego Art Nut 6 · 2 0

most little kids go round with their parents or travel in large groups with older kids too.
I see what you mean though - we say don't take sweets from strangers but on this day it's ok to do that !

2007-10-28 03:43:34 · answer #7 · answered by Debi 7 · 2 0

It is no joke and here is proof.
A Halloween for the Tree Top Kids
Jackie Edwards

It was the first Halloween for the kids to know how much fun Halloween could be, not just getting candy. They got to make there own pumpkins this year, they could go to the Tree Lott alone, the only thing they could not do was make a fire by themselves. The parents of the tree lot kids played Halloween each year for the kids, this year they let the kids plan it.
They wanted to have a campfire and tell spooky story’s this year in the tree lot.
Roast hot dogs, make smores, pop corn in the wire basket over the fire. They could just see having a good time with there parents there.
So here is the first story:

It was Lester and Mary Jane’s first Halloween together and Lester really wanted to make it special for Mary Jane, who was afraid of her own shadow at least that is what she wanted Lester to believe.
As they were spending the day together on Halloween Lester broke a mirror, OH NO!! he yelled. I now will have bad juju and my soul will be trapped inside the Bizarre World for 7 years waiting renewal

He started to tell her the legend of mirrors being a trap, a trap for souls. Souls are caught in them. “Gravestones with mirrors are believed to trap the soul of the deceased at the gravesite”, even spookier now, “when the spite of the dead rise on Halloween night”. We need, no we must, go to the grave yard tonight before midnight and put these broken pieces on the headstones of all the graves. I must do this good deed to counter act my horrific action.
As he spoke in the spookiest quivering voice he could she clung to his arm tighter and tighter. We also should take some water for the souls that are already out of the ground so they will J U M P!! in the water instead of going into the streets of the town and reek havoc on the entire settlement. We must do this, Mary Jane, we must. For all of humanity and all that is good in this world…we must.
Then she whispered “We must?”
He just looked deep into her eyes and whispered back…weee musttt!'.

They picked up the broken pieces with out looking into the mirror for fear of getting trapped.
They wrapped the pieces in brown paper
and put them in a brown paper sack
that had only been used once.
They dressed alike
so the ghost would not know who was real and who was a reflection.
They put on a black floppy hat to cover the top of their head
so spiders would not get in their hair.
They put on black shoes and black socks
for walking over the graves,
so the sprits they walked on would not see them.
It was fun getting dressed and trying to out spook each other.
They found the rustiest bucket they could find to put the water in,
so the moon light would not shine off it.
They checked the batteries in the flash light
under there chine.
As Lester turned it away from his face,
they were off to do their good deed,
save there town.
As they reached the grave yard Mary Jane moved closer to Lester holding firm to him with one hand and holding the bucket of water in the other. They walked past the gate and she was almost hiding herself underneath his arm. He shined the light under hes chine and looked at her...Are you scared MJ?
Walking past the headstones and statues was spooky.
She was getting a little anxious, but it was a fun anxious and she knew Lester was having an immense moment too. She looked up at him and quivered as he would say
rest in peace my friend
and place a piece of broken mirror on the gravestone.
Then he looked into her eyes and whispered
…I wonder how many souls you are holding in that bucket of water. As she looked down the water make a splash and that was all she could take…the bucket flew out of her hand and onto a fresh grave just ahead of her. Lester knew she did not see the piece of broken mirror on top of the grave for she flung herself out of his grasp and ran all the way back to the car.
It was a spooky time for both Mary Jane and Lester and they vowed that verry day to someday tell the story to their kids...and they just did.

2007-10-28 06:03:59 · answer #8 · answered by Jaceroo 2 · 0 0

its an evolved version of an angolsaxon festivle

2007-10-28 03:40:25 · answer #9 · answered by ineedacar 5 · 0 0

Halloween is no joke!!!!!!! Im sure my fellow witches and worlocks agree!!!!!!!

2007-10-28 04:22:44 · answer #10 · answered by kayley_bug 2 · 2 0

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