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How about Aquarius and Gemini?

2007-10-27 19:11:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

9 answers

Between Gemini and Pisces the passion quotient is high, and so are the conflicts. Emotional Pisces is too easily hurt by thoughtless Gemini. Gemini is mischievous and playful, but Pisces is sensitive and takes things to heart. Each practices deception in his or her own way: Gemini dissembles, Pisces won't deal with reality. Gemini needs freedom and I new vistas; Pisces needs unending adoration. Pisces just can't feel secure with gadabout Gemini, and tries to pull the net tighter. The claustrophobic atmosphere eventually makes it hard for Gemini to breathe.

Pisces really need to be needed. They suffer from fear of rejection and low self-esteem. Pisceans are tender and caring, but frequently become the victims of domineering and uncaring partners. They submerge themselves in the experiences of their mates. If their partner is strong and caring, the lucky Piscean will soar to new heights. Conversely, if they find themselves in an unfulfilling relationship, they will prolong the agony--feeling they must deserve the misery—-and assume the role of martyr.

Pisceans do best when involved with a solid personality who will enjoy their romantic fantasies. There is no more loyal and caring lover than a Piscean, but their need for emotional and sensual reassurance sometimes leads to flirtations. Pisceans are the most loving and giving of the signs, their ability to select an inappropriate partner is legendary. In the right relationship, their sexuality will blossom and become something of an art form, especially as they get a little older, more experienced and more confident.

On the other hand, Geminis love intelligent conversation, so the way to the Geminian heart is through the head. The Geminian is best involved with a steadier, stronger personality who will tolerate and enjoy their butterfly socializing, yet still be there for them when the cards have all blown down. They are willing to experiment with all manner of relationship styles; and as long as their partner is articulate, tolerant, exciting, adventurous and willing to discuss their exploits in detail, they will be ecstatic.

Between these 2, does it sound like a good match to you? It certainly doesn't to me!

An often great love match is between an Aquarius and a Gemini. Gemini is mutable air and Aquarius is fixed air. The two form a natural trine by sign to each other. In astrology the trine is considered the most beneficial aspect. This couple will often find a true delight in each other and a love of exploring together. Their conversation are likely to be more intellectually stimulating and exciting with each other than with any other sign. The couple often enjoy arguing and debating with each other so much it turns to passion. Usually the only real problem in the combination is that both signs tend to be erratic and unlikely to commit.

Nevertheless, it's a good match. Thumbs up for Aquarius & Gemini!

2007-10-27 21:37:30 · answer #1 · answered by Astro Lady 6 · 1 0

Pisces and Gemini Compatibility

These two are attracted to eachother like moths to a flame, and there's a lot of initial excitement. Both are absorbers, Gemini of ideas and Pisces of emotional impressions, and they've got a lot to talk about. Pisces will inspired by the Gemini joie de vivre, and follow their lead into stimulating activities and places. The built-in pitfalls here have to do with the sensitivity of Pisces, and the Twins' need for total freedom. Instinctually each understands the changeable nature of the other. But Pisces needs more emotional stability than Gemini can offer, and this only adds to the Piscean insecurity.

2007-10-28 02:15:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

pisces and gemini
a gemini doesnt give pisces enough attention usually and also is way to careless with words and starts to hurt pisces feelings and gemini will probably feel theres not enough freedom.

aquarius and gemini
probably better suited you both like to go out and are abit more easy going and aquarius wouldnt be as sensitive as pisces which would probably be much better for the gemini.

you cant just look at the sun signs though you have to look at the complete chart to be able to read much into it so i really have to stress that. thats just a very basic look at it

2007-10-28 05:20:27 · answer #3 · answered by Lavablunt 2 · 0 0

I dated a Pisces and he was very possessive.

Pisces and Gemini

Pisces, the Fishes, and Gemini, the Twins, are both mutable signs with dual symbols, so keep in mind this relationship involves at least two fish and a pair of twins! Many astrologers are not fond of the potential for compatibility between these two signs, but the bond of a common quality can be enough to keep you interested for life. Both signs love communicating in creative ways, so expect plenty of double entendres and meaningful silences. You could happily spend evenings doing crossword puzzles in ink, or attending the latest community performance... variety is the spice life for both of you, after all.

Gemini is ruled by fickle Mercury, and if there is one thing a Gemini fears, it is boredom. Pisces is usually anything but boring and you may even have your Gemini partner longing for a bit of emotional predictability. Gemini prefers to live in a world of ideas, while Pisces inhabits a world of emotions, making it necessary for the two of you to respect each other's boundaries. You can understand and appreciate Gemini's frequent new ideas on a deeply intuitive level.

This combination works best when both of you have matured, otherwise you are likely to call it quits before you have truly started. Gemini is rarely ready to commit early in life, while Pisces generally settles down early and often. These two often marry and divorce more than once. This combination can work best after at least one of you has had a 'starter' marriage, or two.

Pisces,a Water Sign and Gemini, an Air Sign, tend to come together in a refreshing, healing mist. The sex can be sublime, as the Twins' light touch can give life to the rich fantasies of the Fish. However, if Gemini doesn't give the sensitive Fish enough time and energy, he or she may move on in search of someone more attentive. If Pisces demands too much emotional energy, the Twins are likely to give up in exasperation. If Gemini can remember that you need regular assurances of love and you can accept Gemini's need to flirt with everyone everywhere, you can enjoy much in common.

You'll naturally have a lot of trouble accepting Gemini's fickleness and thoughtlessness and often Gemini is unable to put up with that Piscean trademark emotionalism and dreaminess. Insecure Pisces can often be possessive and clinging, while Gemini wants to have fun and move on. Both usually seek more dominant partners. This may not be the easiest combination of the Zodiac, but other planetary factors can make this one of the most imaginative and creative couples in the Cosmos. At the very least, the relationship will be unforgettable.

2007-10-28 02:17:13 · answer #4 · answered by Tracey 2 · 0 0

Rather than relying on the positions, relative to the Earth, of burning balls off gas, millions of years before you were born, how about considering more practical aspects such as... do you have interests in common (sport, music, politics, fashion, religion, movies etc) with these potential partners? Do you find them physically attractive? Are you from similar backgrounds? Do you have enough similarities so that you have plenty to talk about, but enough differences to keep it interesting? Do you share a circle of friends (good while you are together, but messy if you break up)? Do you get on well with their family (always useful if you are hoping that this could be a long-term relationship)?

I went to school with another girl born the exact same day as me, but we had very different personalities, interests and lives. We went on to marry very different husbands (with different signs). If there was anything in horoscopes we should have been much more alike, and the same type of man should have suited us both.

2007-10-28 02:25:56 · answer #5 · answered by Cathy T 5 · 0 0

NO if pisces rejects geminis in someway it will be in a very deep nevel that won't have solution. pisces is very sentimental and deep and gemini no, someone might get hurt

2007-10-28 02:25:07 · answer #6 · answered by Take them on, on your own 5 · 0 1

Pisces and Gemini ... NO!! Good gravy and god NO!!

However, Aquarian and Gemini ... YES!! We talk and laugh alot together.

2007-10-28 02:21:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sex between the two is amazing ...the rest uhhhh nahhhh

2014-03-09 22:17:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nah... (But it can be WONDERFULL while it lasts! :) ).

2007-10-28 02:19:51 · answer #9 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 1 0

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