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We should be treated as such and not treated as if we are different because we are not. Why is it that there is such an un-even distrubution of wealth? Everyone should be paid the same because not everyone has equal oppertunities to succeed. Some people were born in poverty and have very little chance of getting out of the cycle. Instead of paying some selfish person extra money when we know he is going to use his money to buy a bunch of useless crap and isn't going to help those less fortunate than him, we should give an equal amount to everyone. Why would people spend years in college for a career they aren't passionate about because of the money? I doubt few people would do that, so they wouldn't mind sharing the wealth with everyone else, such that everyone else is, in our standards, middle-class.

2007-10-27 17:32:11 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

Because some of us born with two heads and six toes.

2007-10-27 17:37:11 · answer #1 · answered by No More 3 · 0 0

Since you are only referring to financial equality, I will address it as such. Just as people live outside of their means, thus would remain true if everyone made the same amount. There would be people who were savvy enough or corrupt enough to make the millions and there would be people blowing their cash and remaining poor. Ever got a raise? Did all that extra pay go into your bank account? Doubtful. Instead, you increased your spending habits and increased your level of living. Perhaps buying a bigger, more expensive house, a luxary car, or just eating out more. It would not make a bit of difference if people got paid the same. There would still be inequality in wealth.

2007-10-28 03:10:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I don't believe in total equality, but I believe every American should live a descent life. People who are extremely rich should pay a lot of tax. What are they going to do with hundreds of millions or many billions of dollars? Children who are born in very poor families are not LAZY. Do you call a one year old LAZY? It is the government's responsibility to bring the poor people out of poverty. Do you believe someone like Paris Hilton really deserves to be that filthy rich? What has she done to deserve all that money? Is she a genius? Did she really work hard for her money? I think another question that needs to be asked is, " WHY SOME OF YOU ARE SO STUPID?"

2007-10-28 05:31:15 · answer #3 · answered by Highland 5 · 2 0

Sounds like you will feel right at home if the Hildabeast wins. We all know that her goal is to turn the United States into a socialist paradise.

Unfortunately the results of her socialist plans won't mean equality, but a mirror of what Russia had, lines for toilet paper, bread, and other basics.

Good luck with your delusions, and how about taking some responsibility for your own life instead of blaming others for your lack?

With all that being said, I work hard for what I have, why should I have to give to some slacker who would rather sit on their butt watching television all day than work?

2007-10-28 00:40:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I can't believe this question. Should I spend a $100K on an MBA so I can make the same wage as some high school drop-out from Detroit working in a car wash? Sorry, I grew up in Detroit, one of 10 kids whose father delivered soda pop for a living. I know what poverty is and I worked hard to get out of that situation. If you wish to experience poverty, feel free to stop working, get yourself a box and move to downtown Detroit.

Every time I see a question such as this one, it makes me glad that I sent my son to a private school.

2007-10-28 00:53:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I oppose the kind of "equality" you are talking about because it could only happen by destroying liberty.

Think of it this way. The only way to get the kind of equality you are talking about is to have the government redistribute wealth from people who have it to people who don't. Governments don't ask, they force. Your equality would require taking the hard-earned wealth of other people, against their will.

You have the right to believe that sharing and equality are moral values, but you shouldn't use the government to force your morality on everyone else.

2007-10-28 01:22:40 · answer #6 · answered by timm1776 5 · 0 0

That is not equality, that is Communism.

Don't care if you don't like the word.

The basis of Communism is that everybody does what he can and the wealth is distruibuted evenly.

The problem is that people retire immediately and wait for their fair share. You see this with many (not all) people on welfare. Once on it, they sit back and let US feed them.

So, since people won't work, they are assigned jobs.

If you are "friendly" or pay a bribe, you get good work. If not, you pick crops or shovel coal.


Don't like it, go to prison.

Fight back, get executed.

Great lifestyle, huh?

It's bettter to reward people that work hard. That's called capitalism.

That's what works.

Your "poor" people? They have state support, whether they deserve it or not. Free healthcare, subsidized housing, food banks and so on.

Under Communism, they'd have to work.

Even they don't agree with you.

2007-10-28 00:43:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Everyone without a lot money always wants someone Else's money. The rich are always evil. Ever wonder why you think that? What people want is the government to force successful people by taking their money from them and giving it to other people who won't better themselves and make it on their own. If you can't make it in America you haven't tried. I started my own business and after 3 years of barely scraping by I am now making a living it's hard but now it is paying off. I can't imagine the government coming in and taking by force what I have worked so hard for. FYI I was homeless and on the street for a short time I was the problem and I had to fix my life so I could become successful.

2007-10-28 00:48:30 · answer #8 · answered by River 2 · 1 2

We are not all equal. Our talents and abilities are different. Our God-given gifts are different. We all do, however, have something to give! I am nobody special. But I know that the doctor who saves lives is Somebody special. It would not be right to take his money and redistribute it so that I get a chunk of his hard work. If we redistribute wealth, we take away the incentive for anyone to try to BECOME a doctor who saves lives.
It sounds as if you might be more comfortable with communism. I think that the fantasy of communism is much nicer than the reality of it.


2007-10-28 00:45:39 · answer #9 · answered by stargate_fruitloops 2 · 0 2

And if everyone feels passionate about watercolor painting and noone feels passionate about repairing sewers, then what?

All the good people will be able to do better somewhere else and would leave your fictional country. That is why the Berlin wall existed, remember?

2007-10-28 00:52:42 · answer #10 · answered by DAR 7 · 2 1

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