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Do we choose to LOVE?... but neither do we DIE without it?

2007-10-27 17:04:34 · 29 answers · asked by enki 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

29 answers

From my heart...Love is the ONLY thing and without it "survival" is without merit. What is meant by "survival?" I'm taking it to mean the totality of what we are, not as a label for this world of limitations, disappointments, and constant change. In THIS world (duality/polarity), survival is "possible" without love, although we all "need" it to be in wholeness as opposed to separation. Love expands and unites. When our "hearts" are closed to either giving or receiving love, we are incomplete. Remembering the flush of new love (a connection to a rose, a rising or setting sun, a puppy, a new "love," etc.) we can feel an expansion of our being taking place. That expansion echoes wholeness, oneness with All That Is (however you define that, including "all that is"). Ultimately Need and Want are immaterial--Love just is. I am Sirius

2007-11-01 00:29:57 · answer #1 · answered by i am Sirius 6 · 2 0

I think love is both a need and a want, as we feel the Need to be accepted and loved by others but also as a Want as we chose to give and receive such love and who those people will be.
Yes we do chose who receives our love but we don't chose who loves us. Nobody never dies without love, people have many types of love, the most common would be the bond between parent and child, then there is the love of a lover, a husband/wife and the love of friends. All in all I say that at some point in time everyone experiences some form of love.
Enki, what a beautiful question very touching. It reminds me that I have people who love me each and everyday. I sometimes think about love as between two people (husband/wife, girlfriend/boyfriend, lover to lover) but there are so many forms of love that we take for granted. Sometimes I forget to tell my family and friends that I love them too, what a great reminder to not take for granted what relationships I have in all areas. thank you so much my dear friend.

2007-10-28 20:11:05 · answer #2 · answered by fire and ice 4 · 1 0

Love is a Want not a Need. There are any number of people leading a loveless life and surviving. Many choose to renounce this world for spiritual growth and live in isolation. They survive fine. With basic care anyone can survive.

But, love is what fills colour in the dull canvas of one's life. Love is what gives a new fresh perspective to how we view this world and makes us come alive. Its true our heart will continue to beat even without love but love makes us skip a beat......

Still, making pursuit of love your life's mission is both undesirable and inadvisable. Don't run after it and at the same time don't close your heart when it comes knocking.....

2007-10-28 09:35:37 · answer #3 · answered by P'quaint! 7 · 1 1

Yes, need is a mean of Survival, because if we did not have a need to survive then we will not be able to surviv]e, anything.Wanting to be Loved is not optional, because everyone wants to be Loved by someone to make their Life worthwhile. We do not choose to love or be Loved,but some People do die if they do not feel Love, once in their lifetime. The ones that say that they do not need anyone, to Love, are the People who do not see the beauty of things that are all around them.

2007-10-28 00:52:10 · answer #4 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 2

It's a bit of a temporal problem.

Without water we survive only days.
Without food we survive weeks.
Without shelter (depending on the climate) we survive months or years.
Without love (depending on the person) we survive years or decades... but humans are social, emotional and sexual animals; we can survive a long time without love, but it is still a need for our health and well-being. If nothing else you have to care for (love) yourself or your lifespan will shortened.

In short, by my definition and understanding, love is more than a want: it is certainly a need.


2007-10-28 07:38:21 · answer #5 · answered by zingis 6 · 1 1

Love is the answer to every question. Why are we here? Love. Where do we come from? Love. How do we create world peace? Love.
It may sound overly simplistic to the modern human since we are want to analyze and look for complex answers to questions. We don't believe that life is simple, and the answers to its problems can also be simple. Love. In truth, what are anger, sadness and pain, but the soul's desire for love?

2007-10-30 00:47:47 · answer #6 · answered by John 3 · 0 0

I fully believe it depends on the person. And the circumstances.
For most, LOVE is merely a subconcious desire that we seek to fulfill. No, it isn't needed to survive, which makes it just a WANT.

But turn to a surprising (and somehow scary) thought: what of all the elderly that have been married for 30, 40, 50+ years... when their beloved spouse passes on... they lose their life's love, and the will to live themselves, usually passing away less than a year later. For them, that love (in my opinion) had become a NEED. They wither away without it.

2007-10-28 00:15:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Love the feeling is a want though life is so much nicer with it.
Love leads to sex and that is a need for survival of the species. Though it is not necessary to have love to have sex.
I think we choose to love because we are human beings and to us it feels like we do need it to survive in a comfortable way.
It makes life a whole lot nicer, don't it.

2007-10-28 14:59:36 · answer #8 · answered by Tigger 7 · 1 1

Love is a need, not a want....relationships, affection, touching, and things like that are essential to our lives, I remember reading about studies where they compared one group of orphaned babies that were being cuddled and played with, and another group of babies that only had thier basic needs taken care of, diaper changes, feeding, and things like that, but no intereaction with thier caregivers other than thier most basic physical needs. The babies only getting thier physical needs met failed to thrive, while the ones getting cuddles, etc did much better.... When we grow up, we place this need of the back burner until our material needs are met, but we do still need it, and thrive better with it, than without... and some folks do die without love, how many times have you heard of someone dying of a broken heart, or killing themselves because they have reached a point of despair? Some folks seem to be able to manage without it, but for the most part, those things that fall under the category we call "love", not only things like affection or touching, but also having a support system of loved ones who help you survive when you have a hard time doing so on your own, I believe it is a need, not a want, but one we have a hard time addressing as a need, and tell ourselves it's just want to make things easier for ourselves when we are having a hard time with it, but most people thrive better with it than without..........

2007-10-28 05:58:33 · answer #9 · answered by beatlefan 7 · 1 1

i think in some ways love is a want and a need. In the want hand we all want to be loved by someone and we all want to be able to love someone deep down inside. Next we need love. without love we would all just be hate full awful people and allot of people commit suicide because they don't have love. i think we need love so we won't feel so empty.

2007-10-28 22:57:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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