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I've read numerous studies and finding on why women cheat. The majority of the finding say, women cheat because they feel "entitled" to. They weren't getting what they wanted at home, so they go else where. They felt deserving of the gratification the affairs gave them, one study said.

My question is. How much of these women are really entitled to anything?! If you're gonna lie, creep and cheat. By default, in my opinion. You have just lowered standards! What attention do these women want? Are they good wives or girlfriends? Who said they were a catch? People always feel entitled for some reason. But are they!

Is this not another example of selfish people jusifying their action by blaming the other person?

Are relationships not a give and take. Two people working to make the other happy?! Or is it just make me happy.


2007-10-27 16:58:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies






2007-10-27 17:44:57 · update #1

23 answers

Nobody is entitled to deceive and sneak around on the person they're supposed to love. I've never heard of the studies to which you refer and I'm not sure if what you describe is a female phenomenon but while men and women "may" have differing reasons for cheating they both cheat and they're both wrong.

If you're unhappy you either talk about it, get counseling or be a big enough person to leave.

2007-10-27 17:12:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

There is no difference between gender when it comes to cheating.It is still wrong and someone always gets hurt emotionally.Sometimes there are also children involved who are also hurt and they did nothing wrong but they also get to feel the fallout.If you are in a relationship in which you are bored seek counselling ,if you are in an abusive relationship get counceling or get out,if you have drifted apart deicde if you can save the relationship,don't stay in a loveless relationship for the kids they are smarter than you think ( your anger and distance is evident to your children) and don't stay together for appearances.Don't try to validate cheating by saying someone forced you to.The person who cheats because they made a conscious choice with little or no regard of how it would impact on others.Do you really think cheaters think they are going to get caught or that what they are doing is wrong?

2007-10-28 08:39:54 · answer #2 · answered by gussie 7 · 0 0

I don't know about all the women in any studies, but I do know that what often happens is this:

A woman may give 120% to her marriage, and her husband may not only not give anything to the relationship, but he may actually treat her without respect (or even be verbally or emotionally abusive, even if he doesn't realize that's what his behavior his).

Most women are not, by nature, prone to cheating. What can happen, though, is that a woman may live in a marriage that makes her feel as if she's "having the life sucked out of her". After a while, particularly if there are children, she may feel angry about not being treated well and may wonder if she wants to live the rest of her life never being treated well or respected.

She may be angry enough at her husband that she thinks, "Well, if my marriage is pretty dead anyway why shouldn't I have a nice relationship?" Probably, by the time those women in the study cheated, they were feeling mistreated and "entitled".

I, personally, see cheating by either a man or a woman as wrong; but as far as whether they're were a "good catch" or "good wives or girlfriends" goes, there is probably a good chance they were. They may have the self-esteem enough to know that their husbands or boyfriends don't realize how fortunate they are to have someone like they are; and having that self-esteem may be the thing that makes them think, "This guy treats me so poorly and has so little respect for me, I'm going to have a relationship with someone who doesn't make me feel this worthless. "

This type of thing can happen after a woman has waited and waited and hoped her marriage would get better. She may not want to break up her home or divorce her children's father because their family life may actually be nice enough.

Many women can't or won't stand up to husbands who treat them really, really, poorly and with little respect. Instead, they make their decision to do what they need to do to find some happiness and feel that a guy who treats them so poorly deserves it.

That's what the article/studies mean by "entitled". When a woman knows she has done everything she can to be nice to her husband, treats him with respect, supports his dreams, and does whatever she can to try to make him happy; and when she looks in the mirror and sees someone who is attractive, intelligent, kind, selfless, and otherwise very decent; and when she knows she has skills or talents, keeps the house nice, and takes care of any number of things; then - yes - she sees herself as a "good catch" who deserves better than what some husbands offer.

2007-10-28 00:20:43 · answer #3 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 3 2

Sounds to me like you probably better give some sources to these studies you are talking about, now that you have stirred up the pot.

to give site to my thoughts on this question i see it like this, any one doing some thing that is questionable is going to try and justify there actions.

well put teeleece i agree with you 100% . and to add to that when one of the two in a relationship starts the lies and such that is when the start of the end to the relationship begins.

o ya and let me just say, i have to agree with object here, that was not a very good source as i to got the same filling from it as nothing more then a site dedicated to misogyny.

2007-10-28 00:33:09 · answer #4 · answered by just another man 3 · 3 0

I view their "reasons" for cheating as excuses.

If a woman is unhappy in her relationship and not being fulfilled either sexually, mentally, emotionally or however, then she has a mouth to communicate that.
If she does, and the relationship continues in the same direction, she has the choice to leave or stay miserable...her choosing to remain, places the responsibility of her unhappiness upon herself.
Infidelity is a rational choice one makes, no matter how horny one may be, there is always an opportunity to back out.
This is my opinion when referring to a monogamous relationship.

2007-10-28 03:02:06 · answer #5 · answered by Quelararí 6 · 0 0

Yes, it's the old Double-Standard.

Basically, remember this in life: It's always the man's fault. Men are always bad and wrong. Women are never wrong. Others and myself in this forum are the ones who are hard-headed and don't just throw our hands up in the air and say "Whatever". Don't be like us, because it's not an easy life. Just throw your hands up in the air, say "Whatever" like 90-something percent of men do. You Must realize that once you become a emotionless robot because of the mental abuse of everything being your fault, then it's going to be your fault that you don't show your emotions.

You'll even see some answerers on here try to make women seem perfect and men are always the wrong one.

Short Answer: Whatever

Edit: To be fair... men make up excuses also, but it's not usually intellectually published publicly, as if it's a socially accepted concept. I never have cheated, and consider it awful to betray someone else's trust. Remember that the most important thing in a relationship, is to be trustworthy.

2007-10-28 00:22:52 · answer #6 · answered by Nep 6 · 5 1

There is no excuse for anyone to cheat at any time ever! Blaming others is not an option, rather it is an admission of failure.

Are we all controlled by our genitalia. That has just lowered the average IQ to about 50.

These people will get their just deserts in a continuing number of STD's

2007-10-28 00:15:12 · answer #7 · answered by caroline 3 · 3 0

Women cheat for the same reason men cheat: they're selfish, self-absorbed, self-centred, narcissistic, insecure, uncaring, hypocritical liars. There is no excuse. If people do not want to be in a committed relationship, they should at least have the decency to tell the person they're cheating on so he or she doesn't waste emotional, spiritual, psychological, and physical energies on what is, essentially, a waste of space.

2007-10-28 00:50:15 · answer #8 · answered by teeleecee 6 · 7 0

It's very simple:

Women cheat because men are insensitive, inconsiderate, and thoughtless.

Men cheat because men are insensitive, inconsiderate, and thoughtless.

Any questions?

Oh, and remember:

Excusing men for cheating is bad because it reflects the old double-standard.

Condemning women for cheating is bad because it reflects the old double-standard.


A few more points need to be made clear.

First, gender is a social construct and all supposed differences between men and women are really myths spread by the culture.

Second, the differences between men and women - which remember, do not exist - are all the product of social conditioning. That is, if they existed. Which they don't.

Third, it's a well-established fact that women are innately more honest, decent, and compassionate than men.

Fourth, therefore women never cheat. But men are all liars and cheaters.

Fifth, when women cheat - which they never do - it's because they are stuck in marriages where they were forced to settle for someone who neglects them emotionally. And probably emotionally and physically abuses them. Which makes it surprising that they don't cheat. Because if they did, they'd be justified. But they don't.

Sixth, women who cheat would never claim to be entitled to cheat, even if they probably had every right to do so. Because women would never make such a self-serving argument. And besides, they don't cheat.

Seventh, if a woman did say her cheating was justified, that's just because men say the exact same thing, so why are you singling out women?

2007-10-28 00:24:40 · answer #9 · answered by Gnu Diddy! 5 · 7 3

These are the exact same reasons why men cheat on women. These are the exact same rationalizations. If you cant find a woman that elevates your standards of living while you elevate hers, then it is not a relationship worth keeping.

2007-10-28 00:56:28 · answer #10 · answered by eric l 6 · 1 0

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