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its for a marketing project ive chosen it as my case study,

looking for some ideas.

2007-10-27 16:12:15 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games

22 answers

♥cause its better♥

2007-10-27 16:14:34 · answer #1 · answered by The Girl 2 · 0 0

I don't think that it can.

The PS2 was released before the Xbox and the Gamecube. At first, it was really picked up by many as a cheap alternative to a DVD player. PS2s were about $100 less than a decent DVD player, and there was a huge demand for something very much better than VHS for movies.

Gamecube didn't use the DVD standard format, even though it did use a DVD format which fit more on the smaller disc than the larger sized ones did, and the Xbox was the new kid on the block. Sega made HUGE mistakes with their 2 previous consoles, and the console was DOA once EA said they would not support the system, and others followed suit.

With this generation, the better technology doesn't matter. Take the Wii. It's not much more than about twice what a Gamecube will do, but it's cheaper and it's a lot of fun to play with.
The 360, first out of the gate, and despite early problems, it is the standard system for next-gen gaming. However, it will soon be overtaken by the Wii in sales, and there is little anyone can do about it.

The PS3 suffers from just being too pricey and one of its highest features, HD movies out of the box, is not a huge draw. While HDTVs are on the rise in homes, there is not a high demand for a new movie format. DVDs still look great on an HDTV with an upconverted DVD player. The 360 DOES upconvert standard DVDs. Audio is no different for most users, as the vast majority of people have at best Dolby Digital 5.1.

With the format war with Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, the PS3 doesn't have any real edge even in the HD movie market.

The only thing that MIGHT make the PS3 become a 360 beater is the HD-DVD format failing. However, I don't see that happening. Too many studios have adopted the format, either exclusively, or in conjunction with the Blu-Ray format.

Some will say that exclusives could make the PS3 beat the 360. One small problem with that is the existing 360s. A company that wants to make a game exclusively for the 360 has to gamble that they will make a game so great that more PS3 users will buy it than 360 and PS3 users will. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense as there are already far more 360 users out there. What they are gambling on is that there game is a CONSOLE seller, something that has not only a very high attach rate for the PS3, but will SELL PS3s, something that the publisher and developer have no real stake in doing as increased sales of a console do not make more profits for them.

From what it looks like, the 360 will become last generation's PS2. Sure, there are a number of things that the PS3 does have that the 360 doesn't, but much of it is not significant to most users. Quite honestly, last generation, if you were a video game junkie, your system was the 360. But, the PS2, with a much slower processor, less memory, horrid on-line, the need to buy memory card, and the list goes on, was the standard that games were made last generation.

In the past, the first console to sell 10 million was the winner. This generation will be different only in that the Wii will most likely sell more than the 360, and the PS3 will sell a lot, but will be third.

2007-10-27 23:31:13 · answer #2 · answered by Jam_Til_Impact 5 · 0 1

Well, I don't know how it can beat the 360 but I can tell you why it failed. So, maybe with these ideas you can find the solution to your problem.

The PS3 failed because of unrealistic expectaion from sonny towards the byers and the company pushiness and lack of connection to the common man. Simply put the PS# made promises that it did not delivered.

#1 the PS3 is too expensive. It is very difficult for a parent to justify buying his 12 year old kids $600 for a gaming machine. For that money you could buy a pretty damn good computer. Or pay a couple of bills. Simply put most people cannot shell out $600. Only the extreme gamers can and those are the few not the majority.

#2 the reason the PS3 is so expensive is because of the blu-ray player. Well, there aren't that many blu-ray movies out yet. There is still the competition between blu-ray and HDVD and there is no clear winner. So, why would you pay so much money for something you can't use. Further the games are not made in blu-ray format. There is simply no need for a blu-ray player and by extension paying for the blu-ray player.

#3 PS3 is a next gen console yet there are almost no next gen games. Why would a person pay next gen prices for a current gen type game.

#4 PS3 is not completely backward compatible with the PS2. Normally this may not be an issue however, they promised backward compatibility. Lying to the customer is not good bussiness practice.

#5 At least at lunch time the PS3 controller did not have the vibration mode. The spokeman for the companny said the vibration mode was pass gen. Well, guess what. Players like the vibration. Give us what we want or I'm going to the next guy.

#6 There is no must have game for the PS3. XBOX 360 has halo and other games. Most games can be played in multiple consoles anyways.

#7 the wii have more entertaining games. The PS3 is supposed to deliver better graphics but they missed the point. Games are about fun not graphics. The difference between XBOX360 and PS3 graphics as far as most people are concerned are not different enought to justify the extra $200+.

#8 Sony has touched people the wrong way in other areas. For example there was that controversy where 20 or so sony music cds had special software that installed itself on a persons computer without the persons knowledge. It disabled your drive ability to burn cds. Not only that. in order to remove the software you had to ask sonny permision. Thats right you had to ask sonny permision to remove software that they forcefully installed on your computer. Now those are balls. Also, sony wanted to create their own mp3 player. Problem is it could only play sonys propietary format. Simply put, sony wants to tell consumers what to do and how to do it. At least here in the U.S that crap does not fly.

#9 The PS3 is also competing with the PS2. The PS2 is still selling strong. Why, because is a good console that is rightly prized and has plenty of good games.

The only way I can see the PS3 winning is by:
#1 eliminating the blu-ray so that you can sell the console at a lower price.

#2 Come up with a must have games. And secure a bunch of well made high quality next generation games.

#3 Improve its online service so that it can compete with M$ xbox live. Maybe do it for free.

What happened to the PS3 is that it bet on the wrong horse. Video games are about fun. Graphics are there to enhance the experience. For example there was a big difference between atari games and nintendo. The the later consoles graphics where beteer and better every time. Howver, the current gen console graphics are comparable or good enought. If you have a racing game then it is a racing game. You just go around in circles and try to beat someone else. The difference between one racing game and the next have to be then the features. For example how realistics the physics behave, how much you can customise your car etc etc. Thats what differentiate the different drving racing games. If it wasn't for that then a racing game is as good as the next. So, why pay so much if all you are doing is going in circles. This is why the wii system is winning. Sure the graphics are not the best ever but they are good enough for the type of game they provide. On top of that they change the way you play the game. If you swing the wii mote your character swings the sword. If you do a punch the character does a punch etc etc. See thats fun because is new. Other wise is just more of the same game. Remember is all about the fun. If the game is not fun why should I waste my time playing it.

2007-10-27 23:34:12 · answer #3 · answered by mr_gees100_peas 6 · 0 1

Well let's just be concise and just jump to the point on which parts the PS3 is superior and inferior too. Okay, the PS3 has much more processing power, resulting in better physics, AI, etc. The PS3 using the Cell Broadband Engine, which is far more superior than the Tri-Core Xenon.

Winner of better CPU=Playstation 3

PS3=3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine with 1 PPE & 7 SPEs

Xbox 360= 3.2 GHz PPC Tri-Core Xeno

As for the graphics, the PS3 is lacking. The Xbox 360 has a better GPU than the PS3. But not by much. The PS3's GPU is produced by nVidia while the 360 is made by ATi.

Winner of GPU= Xbox 360

Playstation 3=NVIDIA-SCEI "RSX"

Xbox 360= 500 MHz ATI Xenos

Now for capacity the Playstation 3 wins. Why? It uses Blu Ray drive which can hold up to 50GB of memory on one disk(also it's competing in the next generation HD format), resulting in possibly better games. While the 360 is stuck compressing all its data into a 9GB dual layered DVD disk.

Winner of Capacity= Playstation 3

Playstation 3=Blu Ray
-Single layer-25GB
-Double Layer-50GB

Xbox 360=Dual Layer DVD Disk

For the online, it actually depends on which is better. The Playstation 3 has free online, while the 360 you have to pay 60 dollars a year, or about 4-5$ monthly. You may think the Playstation 3 won already, but Xbox's online(Xbox Live) is far more supeior. But the Playstation 3 isn't that much different than Xbox Live, it's lacking in some points. But it does it's job and does a good job and it may be able to compete against Xbox Live in the near future.

Winner of Online=Playstation 3

Playstation 3=Playstation Network(PSN)

Xbox 360=Xbox Live

Well those are the 4 main topics used to compare how the Playstation 3 is better. For one of them the Playstation 3 is inferior, but hey the 360 has to shine a little also. Can't make it seem like it's a bad console.

Hope you do a good job on your report!

2007-10-27 23:56:16 · answer #4 · answered by :/ 1 · 0 0

First of all, the PS3 has already beaten the Xbox 360. In terms of processing power and future potential the PS3 has already won. It may seem that the 360 is winning now, but Microsoft is just enjoying it's 15 minutes of fame with games like Halo 3 to carry it along.

In 2-3 years from now, the Xbox 360's games won't even be comparable to PS3 exclusive games once developers unlock more of it's potential. Already exclusive PS3 games are much larger in size and superior in graphical quality. The 360 still uses standard DVD which is not a High Definition format. The PS3 uses Blu-Ray DVD's for it's games, Blu-Ray is a High Definition format and makes the 360's games look like childs play and as time progresses the PS3's exclusive games will leave Xbox 360 games in the dust.

To be honest I think that Microsoft will have to come up with a new Xbox 360 that has a built in HD-DVD drive and that uses HD-DVD's for games.

2007-10-27 23:30:53 · answer #5 · answered by AdrianClay 7 · 0 1

The only reason why the Xbox 360 surpasses the PS3 is because the 360 has a better game selection at the moment (Halo 3, ect.), and has Microsoft behind them. Sony is junk.

In response to whoever said that PS3 has faster internet:
PS3 does have a faster internet because Microsoft set it up so that the 360 has a ping limiter or something that causes it to restrict the fastest it can get so people won't have as big of an advantage because of their internet speed.

2007-10-27 23:19:34 · answer #6 · answered by Cameron 4 · 0 0

Great Games, Commercials that tell what the product can do, A reliable online network, and features out the ***.

Edit: ok for the stupid *** people who don't know what they're talking about saying stuff like "all the ps3 has going for it is blueray and slightly better graphics" listen up.
The PS3 has a variety of games already unlike your shitty 360's. We have (Resistance Fall of Man, Motorstorm, Lair, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, RachetandClank, Eye of Judgement, and soon Uncharted Drakes Fortune)

Plus the only reason why are graphics are "slightly better" is because the developers are designing the games for 360 and porting them over to the PS3. Which makes them look exactly the same or worse. So plainly STFU.

2007-10-27 23:17:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all PS3 has a lot more powerful engine than the 360. For now they may seem to have equivalent potentials but in the near future there might be a new xbox to outcome the true power of the PS3. So that's how PS3 beats 360 :)

2007-10-27 23:22:51 · answer #8 · answered by paul_w810i 2 · 0 0

it honestly can't, the graphics are slightly better and has blue ray. that's the only thing the ps3 has going for it. BUT the games that i play are fun, but the 360 has better games and more good games then the the PS3 has. the only way the PS3 can beat the 360 is dropping the price of it. and blueray is only good for those of us (which i don't) have a hdtv, and a good one. that's how the ps2 beatout sales of xbox, dreamcast, and gamecube. the fact it had a dvd player free (didn't have to buy a remote for dvd functions as in xbox) they had more games for it. unless the ps3 can knock out more games that are good and making it more worth spending 600 dollars on one then it has a possiblity

2007-10-27 23:20:05 · answer #9 · answered by majikman 3 · 0 1

First they would have to do a major price cut and then try to get better games out. A lot of games are being delayed right now..not cool. I think 360 gets most costumers from the Halo games. Also, not everyone buys blue ray movies. Once they beat HD DVD's it'll boost sales a bit.

2007-10-27 23:15:33 · answer #10 · answered by Light 3 · 0 0

Because the PS3 can fit more on a blueray disc than what a 360 can on a d.v.d.. Thus in the long run the PS3 will be more equipped to have better games for years to come.

2007-10-27 23:14:57 · answer #11 · answered by alw0322 1 · 0 0

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