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I have been watching this documentary on Youtube that says that it was predicted long ago... To tell you the truth it is a little freaky, but interesting...
It made me think about whether or not it will happen the way it's been predicted to or is it all a hoax.
What do you think?

In case you wanted to check out what I saw....

2007-10-27 15:55:48 · 38 answers · asked by *Veronica* 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

38 answers

HI, I'm so glad to see that someone has asked this question!
I have actually answered other questions similar to this topic with this information of Nibiru, the Mayans & 2012.
In the southern sky there is a red star that wasn't there about 10 years ago and it seems to gradually get closer.
Anytime scientists and the like have tried to inform the public, the radio or TV show that they're on is abruptly taken off the air with a message of technichal difficulties.
The Mayans invented the first ever calendar which just happens to expire on December 2012, it is so acurate that even with our modern day technology we are 33 seconds out of sync and we have to adjust our calendars annually (leap years, daylight savings) where the Mayan calendar was and is perfect.
The Mayans also recorded a visitor unlike any human (Dresdan Codec & Popul Vu), it is believed he was from space, the heiroglyphs also tell the story of this visitor, this particular visitor shared information.
In our universe the sun orbits space while all the other planets orbit the sun, this rotation is in a counter clockwise pattern, Nibiru is out beyond Pluto heading toward our solar system and its rotation is clockwise.
We are part of the Milky way and there is a gap, a black space that all the planets, includung Nbiru will align to.
Nibiru is to pass between Earth and Mars taking almost a month to complete the passing, the earth will stop revolving for 3 days, while in this transition there will be terrible natural disasters, as Nibiru leaves, the earth will encounter 2000 mile per hour winds, 6 mile high tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes where there never normally would occur.
One thing we can rest assured on, it is not necessarily the end as we know it, we have the ability to survive this, the governments think they will be safe in their underground shelters, for all they know a volcano or an earthquake could destroy it while they're all in there.
Our governments won't inform us until it's too late (naturally) as the governments of the world know that if all of us were to learn this knowledge we would over throw our world leaders and they will be just "one of us"
In conclusion so far all of the predictions have been correct, there IS another planet in our solar systerm (i can see it!), and finally if it is a hoax as far as NIbiru's passing, it doesn't hurt to be prepared, and live life to it's fullest, i just wouldn't go selling everything and live without responsibility, we must remember that in unity is power and love is unity.
P.S. Previous "end time" predictions were to throw us from the truth, if we are distracted then we don't care, but most of all people fear the truth, we can still have knowledge of the end but not allow it to change our livlihood.
One more thing..... if the Mayans weren't visited and there are no aliens then i'd like to hear an explanation of the geoglyphs around the world such as the Nazca lines in Peru and many other images etched into the earth, some are up to 3000 miles long.

2007-10-27 16:33:14 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 1

It was predicted by the Mayans, they created a clock that when rotated 365 times it would come back together at the start (otherwise known as a year) and with it they had the ability to predict things with it for they knew what happened at certain times of the year. The Mayans recorded all the way up to December 21 2012, in which they thought was "dooms day" which I really think isnt true, because the "dooms day" thing is just a rumor, no one knows why they stopped, so some dude came up with this idea, maybe the guy just got bored, and decided he didnt need to know that far ahead and decided to stop.

Anyways no I do not think that the world will end on December 21 2012, if all dooms day clocks were correct we would be gone about 100 times now. And if you follow the Bible it says the sun will become a red giant (expanding) and taking with it the 3 closest planets to the sun (unfortunately we are number 3.) It says this will hapen in like 2 billion years (or something like that.) That is when I truely believe the world will end.

By the way there is a dooms day clock that predicts the world will end on January 17th 2008, my B-day. What a perfect birthday gift the world ending! (haha)

I think dooms day things are just stupid, though I do think eventually, there will be an all out nuclear war, that involves the ENTIRE world, due to how seperated the worlds are right now. And the world will start to destroy its own race, along with many other animals and living things.

2007-10-27 16:05:27 · answer #2 · answered by Caleb 2 · 1 0

No,I'm not religious, if your a person who would question the credibility of this answer simply because I'm an atheist. But really saying that a higher being isn't coming in to play think of how long Earth has already lasted and think of how long other planets have lasted. Now you might say well a god( just using the name as a name for a supreme being there cuing my misuse of the capitalization of the word God in the Cristian context) hasn't destroyed those planets ,because nothing is on them. Also I would soy the same thing if I were religious. Now I will say that even if a supreme being doesn't destroy the Earth the planet will be destroyed. This event will happen in many millions of years but then the Earth will be engulfed by the constantly growing mass of the sun. My final answer is no the Earth isn't going to end on December 21 2012. My three reasons for this answer would be
1. the lengthy paragraph I just typed.
2.even if this number was predicted long ago it was probably predicted because the numbers are 12/21/12 so they probably thought that looked cool.
3.I would much rather die with at least a diploma from high school (I'm only in eighth grade. I'm not just a fat 30 year old who hasn't finished high school yet.)

2007-10-27 16:14:28 · answer #3 · answered by Richard A 1 · 1 0

Well the ancient mayans made a calendar filled with many dates. Actually the calendar we use today stems from it. There calendar ends on that date, but there is really no evidence that the world will end. They had to stop somewhere. I am really nervous about many predictions like this too:) There is a show on the history channel that describes this in much more detail..very interesting..Its called decoding the past: End of days...

2007-10-27 16:03:08 · answer #4 · answered by LoveAlways_1982 2 · 0 0

People said the world would end New Years' Eve, 1999/New Years' Day 2000, too, and it didn't...bottom line is, no one on this planet knows when (or if) the world will "end;" only God can make that determination. And I am sure that there will be no prior warning or indication of it (other than what was written in the Book of Revelations, and most of that has already come to pass).

2007-10-27 16:24:28 · answer #5 · answered by The Voice of Reason Is Silenced 5 · 1 0

Sometimes I hope so, but over the years and centuries these types of predictions come along every 50-100 years or so and they pass uneventful.......There was a TV show about the history of "End of the World" scenarios and it was interesting.

Entrepreneurs should leap forward and peddle some good luck charms and chants to get us through this. Little booklets, Mayan calenders, Mayan voodoo dolls ete, etc....

2007-10-27 16:05:08 · answer #6 · answered by andyg77 7 · 0 0

No one knows. Everybody was saying 6/6/06 will be the end cause its the devils number, but the earth is still there.
And how would you even believe Mayans anyway? If Mayans were that smart to predict the future then they'd probably taken over the earth by now. :o

2007-10-27 16:04:28 · answer #7 · answered by Tanuka 2 · 0 0

My dear Veronica,
This is a very interesting question.
Our world can easily end with a Collision of meteorites as well as with the greed of power of the people against their brothers and sisters in the world.
I hope this will not happen.
Why should our children have to cut short their lives for the ignorance of their elders.!!!


2007-10-28 00:37:52 · answer #8 · answered by ramesh1938 3 · 0 0

If your really interested in that kinda stuff, check out more Mayan Calender stuff, Saint Malachi, and something from China (I think the I Ching). Personally I think it's all BS, people have been predicting it for a while, my personal prediction...when fat cat(above) get laid.

2007-10-27 16:02:02 · answer #9 · answered by Jacob W 2 · 0 0

No the world is not going to end. People have been saying that how many different times now. And so far nothing.

2007-10-27 16:04:53 · answer #10 · answered by Aloha_Ann 7 · 0 0

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