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Equality to the very degree that we all are paid equally, regardless of job or rank, we are equal, regardless of race, sex, age, etc and we could elimiate this idea of competition and the idea that people are more important than others because nobody is "better" than another person. We are all just people. Why should we live otherwise? Why should some people struggle to survive while others have money to burn? How is that fair?

2007-10-27 15:45:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Not everyone is good at school. I have an IQ of 84. I'll never do anything with my life.

2007-10-27 15:52:01 · update #1

I don't believe that I should get paid less than a brain surgeon.

2007-10-27 15:56:58 · update #2

I assume you all pick the jobs you have currently because of the money and not because you are passionate about it. Is that correct? Unlike you, I will not base my future career on money.

2007-10-27 16:04:43 · update #3

Poverty is not synonymous with lazy. Not everyone has equal oppertunities to succeed.

2007-10-27 16:08:16 · update #4

22 answers

Whoa there Comrade!!!!

People are created equal...CREATED. What you do to screw yourself up after that is your problem. You think I picked science and engineering in college so I can get four hours of sleep every night while working a full time job while you go out and get smashed every night. You think I like sitting at home racking my brain to the point of physical exaustion so lazy little pip squeaks can do nothing.

I'm not responsible for you... and you just admitted to having an I.Q. of 84... and you can't do anything with your life!!! Your lazy.. anyone with an I.Q. over 70 is capable of learning... not to mention if your I.Q. is 84 you wouldn't have been able to rant in such a well typed out question.... So I'll go ahead and deduce that your a troll.

2007-10-27 15:59:48 · answer #1 · answered by jhillftp 5 · 2 0

Of course not. What would life be worth if we were not challenged? All are not equal each is unique and I can think of no better way for it to be.

Life is not fair. Fair is a fictional term.

Passion and work are very different things for most of us. My IQ is above average but I failed to put it to good use in my youth. I used my intelligence to find the easy path of the moment and did well for a while. Life has a way of weeding out the grasshoppers though and I found that I had wasted my most able years in trivial pursuit as my future narrowed.

Application at an early age is the best course for success not the number of your IQ.

I do what I do because it is what I have to do at the time. I have not forsaken my passion but it will not sustain me with out the monetary means to exploit it.

I am a Mason and proud of the work I do.

2007-10-27 16:07:04 · answer #2 · answered by Locutus1of1 5 · 0 0

I worked with a lot of children with an IQ of 84. Few of them wrote as well as you do.

There is something fundamentally wrong with our financial systems that allow some people to survive on a cot and a bowl of rice while the people they work for make fortunes. There is little that is fair in the "globalization" that allows people to be exploited simply because they are out of the American spotlight.

I think life should be more fair, but I really disagree with many of your assumptions. Money doesn't make people happy. The equality of pay wouldn't "fix" unhappiness. There is tremendous inequity, absolutely, but "equal pay" won't automatically fix it. Too many people think that heart issues are fixed with bank rolls.

I did what I did for the last 18.5 years because I loved it, not because I got paid well for it. As a matter of fact, I earned more managing a convenience store than I ever earned as a teacher. But I knew I could only sell about so many candy bars. There had to be more out there for my life, and teaching was "it" for me.

I'm not in the classroom now because I have a new passion, and I don't get paid for it at all!

The poster above my post said, "What have you done to earn the money?" It's an excellent question. While all honest work done well is honorable, it isn't all of equal difficulty, and some reward should be available to those who are going to put in the effort to prepare for the really tough jobs. I also think there should be a "yuk premium" for the orderlies who empty bed pans, the garbage collectors, and others who are willing to take on unpleasant jobs. Students used to tell me that they didn't like to edit because they had written it once and that should be good enough. A good editor earns a lot of money, but he or she doesn't get to be good by saying, "Ah, that's almost right."

You might want to read a short story called "Harrison Bergeron." Edit: It's by Kurt Vonnegut, http://instruct.westvalley.edu/lafave/hb.html It's about a world where all are "equal."

2007-10-28 15:07:22 · answer #3 · answered by Arby 5 · 0 0

Yea.... hang on a second there Stalin. You mean to tell me you want the vascular surgeon to get paid the same as the janitor? I can tell you that there arent going to be very many surgeons or CEO's or lawyers or accounts, in fact i bet we would be living in straw huts, and even then there is going to be a chief. Most people who "struggle to survive" do so by choice. They reject jobs that could move them ahead, or decide not to work as hard as the others.

Look at many illegal immigrants, they come here with nothing, bust there asses and many times there children go on to become doctors. This is the value of the free market, where the person who works the hardest gains the most. Why should the lazy crack whore sucking on the goverment teat get paid as much as someone who went to school for 10 years?

2007-10-27 15:53:30 · answer #4 · answered by Brian S 3 · 4 0

That a man does not have riches and another does, is no excuse for the first to rob the latter -- neither is it a moral justification for the state to rob the first for the benefit of the latter.

Welfare -- the extortion of wealth from those who produce by the "humanitarians" in government, to be distributed to those who consume (but do not produce), is to render the producers slaves and the "humanitarians" thieves. Whether the thief is wearing a ski mask, or is a dressed in a pinstripe suit with the letters IRS labeled on it, does not change the nature of their actions in principle: both are looters as both are initiators of force. With one exception, the man wearing the ski mask is more honest: he is not a big enough hypocrite to tell the citizen that he is robbing him of his hard earned wealth "for his own good", or even worse "for the good of the people."

Your question accepts the collectivist premise that wealth is a static quantity owned by that amorphous super-organism the "collective" to be looted from those individuals who create it. The "poor" don't need government handouts -- they need government off their backs and most importantly off the backs of those who can really help them -- the "rich."

Observe that the freedom that a rich man needs to maintain and add to his wealth, is the same freedom a poor man needs to create his wealth -- and the creation of wealth for both, has the same root -- reason.

Keep in mind that the moral justification of capitalism is not the it serves the "needs of the many", but that it protects the rights of every individual -- in particular, it protects the individual from the "many" (majority). Capitalism is not egalitarian, nor "compassionate"; Capitalism is just.

2007-10-27 16:11:49 · answer #5 · answered by crunch 6 · 0 0

How is it fair that someone has to work hard and compensate for those who do not. Regardless of the fantasy you currently are experiencing people are not equal except for the fact that they live and they die. How one chooses to live their life determines who a person is. In the end you make your own bed, you need to sleep in it. Men are better suited for some jobs than women and vice versa. I prefer to have female police dispatchers because they are more calm on the phone regardless of the situation. They can calm someone where a man is just worried about getting someone there to take care of business. Racially we are the same in my opinion. Culturally we a far different, and those differences are good for the most part. Even with the bigots of all races things are pretty even. Nooned is to blame if a culture embraces ideals that do not encourage success, they either need to change things for themselves or deal with what they earn. Age is definitely something to have a bias about because experience is what makes people who they are. A younger person now a days is generally smarter, faster, stronger, and better looking than an older person. Unfortunately they do not have the wisdom of experience or discipline to use any of those to an advantage for anything. Top them of with the idealistic mentality many become truly contemptible. All your posts have a common theme of eliminating competition. Are you afraid of failure? Is that why you believe in communism because you do not think you will succeed at anything. Get over your fear and learn a skill. In America the idea of struggling to make ends meet is slightly delusional. Our lowest income families living in squaller live as good as the wealthy residents in some parts of the world. As for people being more important than others. The people i consider important in a persons life are different for everybody. Yes no one is better than everybody at everything. But their is always someone better than you at something so its a fact of life. You say we a just people like someone would say thats just a dog. Why is that.

11 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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5 minutes ago

"Not everyone is good at school. I have an IQ of 84. I'll never do anything with my life."

So your intelligence quotient is low sow what, its a number that is subjective. My father in law has a lower I.Q. than you and he is one of the most intelligent people that I know. IQ is supposed to be a measure of how easy you learn new things. He works diligently to learn as much as he can. He also has made a decent living working in a refrigerator factory. Its not brain surgery but the things he builds are sold all over the world and help millions of people everyday. He prides himself on being the best at his job at his work. He takes a vacation and it takes 4 people do do his work at the same pace and quality he does.

"I don't believe that I should get paid less than a brain surgeon."
Why, what have you done to earn the pay. The brain surgeon probably went into 300,000 or more dollars in debt, and devoted years of his life to his art. He is a very productive member of society. So far you seem to be some naive girl with glasses and a Che t shirt hanging out at the liberal arts college coffee shop.

2007-10-27 16:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by cutiessailor 3 · 0 0

Your naivety is so cute!

Get a copy of Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron.

In the meantime realize that it's the competition that has made the country the success that it has always been. The more competition we eliminate the weaker we become.

Don't think so? Let's go see what federal welfare has done. Hmmm, third, sometimes even 4th generations who have never held a job. Just spend time pushing out more kids for the rest of us to pay for.

Sorry. I work what's left of my butt off to take care of my family and yeah, that makes me better than anyone who expects the government to take care of his family - assuming you can call the random sprinkling off one's genes around the neighborhood a "family".

2007-10-27 16:01:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


"Not everyone is good at school. I have an IQ of 84. I'll never do anything with my life."

Do you think you should be paid as much as a brain surgeon for whatever work you do?

2007-10-27 15:54:50 · answer #8 · answered by vote_usa_first 7 · 2 0

It all depends on which side you take to. One could see it as the side you see it, life would be better if we were equal and all the same. But another could see it as people are held back, not able to get ahead by their own hard work. That side also wants people to live good lives, because the people would get to choose freely how they live.

2007-10-27 15:53:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No. A more level playing field would be nice, though. I do believe you are not telling the truth about your IQ and making a poorly veiled attempt at irony.

2007-10-27 15:58:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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