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I'm sixteen, my boyfriend's nineteen.
We are finacially stable.
Love each other more than anything, and we think that bring a baby in the world would make it even more amazing.

please no stupid comments

2007-10-27 15:41:26 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

29 answers

I'm going to tell you something that a gal told me while I was working one day and I was very young... In the event that something terrible should ever happen to your husband.. you would be much better off making sure that you have a complete education so you can take care of your children. This woman had 6 children and her husband died and she had no education.... she couldn't make ends meat, or give her children what she wanted... So please, finish your schooling and go to school for a career. (There are lots of two year choices out there, you don't have to go to school forever to make money) I know you're impatient, but please remember that you ARE young still, even if you don't feel it, and you do have all the time you could possibly wish for to have a baby. Also, being young, even at sixteen, your body isn't quite ready to have baby and things could go wrong very easily. Be patient, find hobby's, finish school... the chance to have babies will always be there.. having them before you go to school makes the having them that much harder.

2007-10-27 15:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are way too young. Seriously, having a child is not easy. I am 31 and I never thought it would be this hard. You basically give up the life you once knew. I am so glad I didn't have a baby in my teens, or even my 20's because I had way too much fun. It's also not cheap. I make good money, but it's still not enough. Dont you want to go to college, have fun with friends? What about waiting until you are at least 18 and get married first?? Having a baby is not like getting a puppy. It is a 24 hour job. You don't even have a clue at how hard it would be. Children are great, but to think you are emotionally, financially, physically ready is selfish and immature, to be honest with you. Trust me, you will NOT be the same person next year, or 5 years from now and, even though you may think it now, once you make that decision, you can't go back and have a do over. What if your baby is, God forbid, born sick, or with severe handicaps? Do you think your boyfriend's job would actually cover that? Go and check how much, on average, is costs a year for a baby. I gurantee you don't make enough money to support you, your boyfriend, and a baby. Just because things are great right now, what would happen if he left you? Don't think that can't happen, because it happens all the time. The best thing you can do for yourself, your boyfriend, and any future children, is to stay in school and learn to take care of YOU first.

2007-10-27 16:01:25 · answer #2 · answered by mss 2 · 0 0

Why would you want a baby at 16?

I know what it's like, though...I can relate. I remember when I was 16 and I really wanted a baby. When you see babies, you think "Aww, how cute!" but it isn't as cute at 4 A.M. when the baby is crying and you don't know what's wrong...or when your friends are going out to a party on the weekend and you can't go because you are taking care of a sick child.

At 16...there is so much you haven't done. Live life and have fun while you can! You will have PLENTY of opportunities to have a child when you are older.

Having a baby now would be the most selfish thing you could do. It would be unfair to the child. Have a baby after you finish high school and college, have a job, and are in a stable, long-term relationship. The timing will be right, you will be very stable, and things will be much better.

Take it from someone who wanted a baby at 16...and is glad she didn't have one! I would have missed out on so much...

I'm not being mean, I'm just trying to help and put things into perspective.

2007-10-27 15:54:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Unless your family is rich i do not see how a 16 year old is Financially stable. You have not even gone through school yet and that means that the only job you could get right now would be a minimum paying job. If you love one another so much then you can wait. Why be in a rush to grow up before you have too? I don't understand this at all. Are you wanting to have a baby thinking that will keep your 19 year old boyfriend tied to you cause it won't. He may be with you forever but he may not be then what are you going to do?

You are way too young. If you both have so much money then tell me do you all live out on your own or are you still with your parents?

Do you pay the following bills each month: Electric, cable, phone, the internet you are using right now, car payments, insurance, food, clothes, rent and a million other things?

If you live out on your own then do whatever, but if not don't bring that upon your parents.
You may think you are doing something good or hurting your parents but your only hurting yourself and your future.
But do what you want cause your the one who has to live with it and deal with it.

2007-10-27 15:53:19 · answer #4 · answered by ஐ♥Julian'sMommy♥ஐ 7 · 2 0

Young people have a misconception that babies make relationships stronger. Any why not? How many fuzzy-ending movies have you seen where a woman gives birth to a child and it's happily-ever-after. I am 27, married for two years, have a good job and work full time (as does my husband), and we still live paycheck to paycheck. And I will tell you, from experience, that although this baby was VERY much wanted and is loved beyond words, none of this has been easy for either of us, financially or emotionally. There's a lot of adjustment involved, a lot of plans to be made, and a lot of responsibility to accept. You can't convince me that you've come to terms with those things at the age of 16. Loving each other is not enough to prepare yourself for a child. There will be a better time in your life, after your body is fully developed (which it is not at your age), and when you have some years and experience behind you. You'll be glad you waited.

2007-10-27 16:04:26 · answer #5 · answered by ♀B♀S♀ 7 · 1 0

This may sound a bit stupid but I'm 32 with three children and I would highly suggest starting with an animal (a puppy perhaps)
I also highly suggest that you both think about the order in which you believe events should take place like marriage, children, job security (income security), health benefits, religion, priorities and love(there are many more)
Both of you should think carefully about if you love each other or if you love the idea of each other.
I would think if you truly love each other then you would be asking about marriage instead of children.
I know that at 16 you feel like an adult you understand somethings better than some adults do and you want to get on with life because you feel like your just waiting for nothing.
That is where patience comes in.
16 is the time in most peoples lives where they haven't learned patience yet and they end up messing up their lives because they want to be adults their almost but not quite there yet.
I can't say this is how you think or feel I don't know you.
This is your life and you are the one who will have to live with your choices I nor anyone else can tell you what to do.
You have to be the leader in your existiance.
If you believe in God ask for His assistance.
All in all I don't believe a teen should get pregnant unless you are married and have lived in your own place for 5yrs.
(The first 5yrs of marriage is usually the toughest.)
Good luck I hope you will make the decision that best fits your lives.

2007-10-27 16:44:25 · answer #6 · answered by patience 2 · 0 0

Are you already pregnant or planning on getting pregnant? If you are planning on getting pregnant, I wouldn't suggest it. It's really bad on your body this young. If you are already pregnant, I fully believe that you can do it. I was 16 when I got pregnant with my first and I finished high school, married the father, bought my first house at 19, and I'm working on my college degree. It's hard and things move a little bit slower, but with the support my husband and I give each other we have been able to be very succesful. I would really consider waiting if you aren't already pregnant. Like I said earlier it's really bad on your body this young. This it the age that you are storing calcium for later in life and a baby would use all of that up before your body gets the chance to store it. Also remember that you are still young. You and your boyfriend are young and in love... enjoy it while you can. A baby can put things at a standstill. It will be harder to go do anything once you have a baby. My husband and I can't just pick up and go see a movie without hunting for hours for a babysitter. If we don't find one, we are out of luck. There are fewer romantic dinners, and in general, less time for each other. I would suggest waiting until you are out of school at least. If you two can make it through the next few years you can prove to yourself that you are ready for the commitment of having a baby. Even better would be getting married first. (I personally don't think you should have to get married first, but it makes things alot easier.) Take the time and plan a big wedding. I know that I was unable to have the wedding of my dreams because I had the expenses of daycare, diapers, and food/clothes for a little one. If you guys are commited to each other getting married is a good way to show everyone else that you are ready for the responsibilities that go with marraige, including a baby. Good luck with whatever you decide. I honestly hope you will wait, but if you don't then just remember that no matter how hard it gets.. you can make it through things with your significant other. You two can be each other's biggest support through everything.

2007-10-27 16:06:51 · answer #7 · answered by Mommy to Boys 6 · 2 1

That's the worst idea ever. No matter how financially stable you are, nothing at your age can prepare you for another human being. You really have no idea how much it costs to raise a child.
I'm not trying to be harsh, but you're not mature enough yet. I know you think you are, but you're not. When you get to your mid 20's you'll understand.

You're not even out of high school yet, I'd assume. That child would limit what you could do for the rest of your life. You may never be able to truly do what you want.

If you and your boyfriend are still together when you're both finished college, into a career, and are mature adults then you could give it some thought.

If not, most likely you're going to end up single and on welfare by the time you're 20. It would be unfair to that unborn child to bring it into this world and then not be able to give it your full attention.

2007-10-27 15:55:36 · answer #8 · answered by Rich 3 · 2 1

Personally i would wake till you are a lil older. but that my opinion. Your 16 why bring a child into the world and you have not experianced everything. How long have you and ur bf been together. Do you live with eachother. Do u plan on finishing school, goin to collage. Think of your future and what you could offer a baby at 16. Im 21 just had my first me and i bf have been together 4 years but living together for 3. Try living with your bf( if you dont already) becuz haveing a baby is amazing but very hard and put a strain on ones relationship

2007-10-27 15:47:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

When you say financially stable--do you guys own a house? Own a car? Do both of you have jobs? Are you both finishing at least high school? Do you have health insurance to be able to pay for your pre-natal care and the birthing? If you have a job, can you afford to go without pay for at least 6 weeks? (Assuming you're in the U.S., most jobs don't give you paid time off for childbirth). Even if you are financially stable now, could you afford to provide a good life for this child?

You have SOO much time, and so much of life to live. If nothing else, wait until you're done with school. It's really, really hard to do school work while you're trying to hold down a full-time job...especially when you were up all night with a sick baby!

2007-10-27 15:49:51 · answer #10 · answered by Liliya829 4 · 4 0

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