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9 answers

I think it's an easy way out for the criminal. People think it's the worst possible punishment, but I'd rather go through a quick, relatively painless execution than spend life in prison.
It also turns out expensive because of appeals and legal aid.
I guess it's people who fear death or punishment in hell that think death penalty is the worst punishment, but what if they're wrong? The executed may not feel anything, but if he wakes up every day in prison, he will remember what he did every day and feel miserable for years, as he should.

2007-10-27 15:44:56 · answer #1 · answered by topink 6 · 0 0

Have you seen the movie 'Dead Man Walking' with Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn? I would suggest watching that (I think the movie was based on a book. But it is a true story). To me, the movie made me think about the pros and cons of the death penalty.

Honestly, I am not sure how I truly feel about the death penalty. I have lived in Minnesota my entire life and we do not have the death penalty here. I think that has 'sheltered' me from having to determine how I feel about it. Here (Minnesota), there is no choice. Before seeing 'Dead Man Walking' I was leaning more towards support of the death penalty. But, after I saw the movie I wasn't so sure about it. It still is a 'gray area' for me.

If I were on a jury for a murder trial in a state that allowed the death penalty I am sure I couldn't vote to condemn someone to death. (I don't know if juries decide that or not...Glad I live in MN and I wouldn't have to face that decision.) So, I guess in the end I must be against the death penalty.

Wow, great question. It really made me think - even though my answer can't convey the process I went through to answer it.

Good luck with your paper!

2007-10-27 22:55:05 · answer #2 · answered by penguin 2 · 0 0

The best place to start is the Death Penalty Information Center. They have a very good resource specifically for students who are writing papers or debating. You will find it at http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/article.php?did=1917

Specific points to look at:
Risk of executing innocent people
Deterrence- does the death penalty deter others from committing crimes
Cost of the death penalty. Is it cheaper than life
Life without parole
Families of murder victims- closure

Good luck with your paper.

2007-10-27 23:32:27 · answer #3 · answered by Susan S 7 · 0 0

I don't think the death penalty is a good punishment at all. Why not just torture and imprison the person for life? Hmmm.... You tell me what's worse...

The death penalty is basically the easy way out. Killing someone for their killing of someone else is wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right.

2007-10-28 02:55:08 · answer #4 · answered by GOTHIC TARA J 5 · 0 0

If you did something wrong you should pay the price. Sitting in prison getting, full health care, 3 squares don't cut it with me. They should suffer the same pain and misery as they inflicted. It has always been "but what about their rights" They lost those when they did the deed. The victims did not get a second chance or an additional 10-20 years to live.

2007-10-28 07:01:09 · answer #5 · answered by Eminence Vox 4 · 0 1

My blood-lust says "Let the sucker enjoy his dirt sleep." I opt for life in prison WITH NO CHANCE FOR PAROLE. If evidence later is produced that frees a wrongly-imprisoned person someone can say "We imprisoned the wrong person" instead of "We executed the wrong person." The more heinous the crime, the fewer liberties granted. Serial murderers, rapist-murderers, maybe even drunks who drive and kill: 3 hots, a cot, and a place to squat. "What about their civil rights?" says you. "They're alive and healthy" says I. "If you want it so they can watch TV and phone their Mamas, prove'em innocent."

2007-10-27 23:01:13 · answer #6 · answered by kenny k 6 · 0 0

If you put the criminal in a prison for his/her entire life, they would reflect on the things they did wrong. I believe people can change, but you have to give them time and proper treatment.

2007-10-27 22:51:51 · answer #7 · answered by iamhere13270 2 · 0 1

Get a rope, 'git er done'.

VERDI; I gave you a thumbs down accidentally.
I agree 100% with your answer, sorry.

2007-10-28 00:03:20 · answer #8 · answered by SIMONSEZ 3 · 0 0

I think that of you murder somebody you should recieve the same treatment it's not fair to have LIFE in prison...Also I read that it cost more to set up the death penality then keep them in Jail for life so IDK

2007-10-27 22:39:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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