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This is not homework, as you must know by now.

1. Word of Honor
2. Bloody Hands
3. Claustrophobia
4. Change of Heart
5. Moo Moo Raid
6. Long Hours, Short Pay
7. With a Smile
8. Ring of Darkness
9. Sweet Billy, Singer of Songs
10. The Whispering Tree

2007-10-27 14:57:04 · 3 answers · asked by I am Sunshine 6 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

3 answers

X 1. Word of Honor
X 2. Bloody Hands
X 3. Claustrophobia
X 4. Change of Heart
5. Moo Moo Raid
X 6. Long Hours, Short Pay
X 7. With a Smile
X 8. Ring of Darkness
9. Sweet Billy, Singer of Songs
10. The Whispering Tree

So I brought the alien pilot into service lock two, which was one heck of a feat of flying, if I do say so myself. If we got merit pay, I'd get some for that landing. But... military. Long hours, short pay, you know. Not that there was anything useful aboard the mothership to spend money on.

The outer lock clanged shut, the lock pressurized, and the gravity came on. The hydraulics in my arms groaned at the weight of the alien, and he screamed... yes, with his thousand pounds or so weight being suspended from his wrists, that must have hurt. I lowered him slowly to the floor.

The inner lock door opened, revealing a ring of darkness beyond. Captain Hayes, in a pneumatic spacesuit, stepped through, followed by a half dozen women who were dressed in ordinary uniforms... but for the impressive weapons they were carrying and pointing at my captive. I swear, one of those things looked like a shoulder-mount rocket launcher.

"Tamer, put him down, keep your laser on him, step back a few, and put your gun on him too," came Captain Hayes's voice simultaneously from my external pickup and my radio. "Then, raise your blast shield. I want him to see who caught him."

I did as Hayes ordered, with a smile. The alien dropped down onto all fours when I released my grip on him. Raising the blast shield uncovered the cockpit, so folk outside could look in, and I could look out. I was relieved. I got claustrophobia in there sometimes.

"Enemy pilot, surrender, and I give you my word of honor that you will not be harmed," said Captain Hayes.

"Not killing him right off?" I said, forgetting for a moment that my mike was still live.

"We've got bloody hands enough already, Tamer, no need to kill unneccessarily," said Captain Hayes -- radio only, the others and the alien couldn't hear that comment.

"Let me know if you have a change of heart," I said. I wiggled my handgun.

The alien did not move. I guess he didn't understand English. Then Captain Hayes showed why she was wearing a pneumatic spacesuit. She pulled off the helmet, and set it on the floor, then pointed at the alien, and gestured.

The alien understood. He ungasketed and removed his helmet, and set it on the floor. Ugly! It was a human face... almost. Much too big though. Did I mention that if the alien stood upright, he'd be about ten feet tall?

Captain Hayes peeled off her pneumatic spacesuit. The big alien imitated her. Hayes was wearing a coverall underneath. As it turned out, so was the alien. Funny. There was an insignia bar on Hayes's coverall indicating her name and rank. There was a similar insignia on the alien's clothing, not that I could make heads or tails of the alien writing and color bars.

2007-10-27 15:56:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

well this is a story about sweet billy,singer of songs
well ole billy was working man with a smile as big as the Mississippi.long hours,short pay was Billy's song every job he worked seemed to be the same well ole billy needed a change,seeming he was always gave people his word of honor,he assumed they'd do the same ole billy was wrong he was about to lose his farm when he went to his neighbor with whom he had helped along the way but his neighbor turned him down this enraged billy so he got him a bottle then went and sat up under the whispering tree to think.well they called it that for a reason a slave was hung there and ole folks say they can still hear him although its only a whisper people tend to stay away anyway as he was thinking he felt as if he had claustrophobia is everyone against him.something was forming around billy a ring of darkness all of a sudden he had a change of heart he wanted to hurt,mame,and maybe even kill someone.no this can't be me he thought whats happening but it seemed evil took over,his urge was too strong so he went down to the moo moo raid a little gathering the cowboys had every weekend will sweet billy walk away with bloody hands??hey i tried....hey kitty long as you know i came up with the western theme first and some of the things in your story are the same as mine hence the tree,you know whats that called right.

2007-10-27 23:13:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


Dodge City, Kansas - Circa 1873

The cowboy’s life on the open range consisted of Long Hours, Short Pay, and little else--save for his pack of chewin’ tobacky, and if he’s real lucky, a flask of whiskey on his hip. So, you can imagine how Sam, feeling saddle sore and weary, might welcome a hot bath, and some feminine companionship. He had been dreaming, almost every waking moment, of seeing Sweet Sue, chanteuse at Miss Kitty’s Saloon in Dodge City, Kansas. He carried her picture next to his heart.

At the edge of town, Sam had to pass by the Whispering Tree, also known as the Hanging Tree. He had always shuddered whenever he saw anyone hanging by a noose from one of its branches. The tree was well-named, for it could tell no tales of the identities of either the dead or the vigilantes. Certainly, some of the vigilantes had bloody hands, since they took the law into their own hands, and many of the dead were later proven to be innocent. Lynchings and vigilante justice had almost become a thing of the past in Dodge now that they had a resident U.S. Marshall. Sam much preferred the relative tranquility to the lawlessness of the past.

Sweet Sue had given Sam her Word of Honor that she would wait for him to come back from the cattle drive, and even hinted that she might consider marrying him. He rented a room at Miss Bessie’s Boarding House for a week, took a hot bath and put on some fresh clothes he had just purchased at the General Store. He was feeling pretty good. And, looking good if he did say so himself!! “Yessir, I clean up pretty good, now that I’ve shaved off my scratchy whiskers. I sure wouldn’t want to give Sweet Sue any whisker burn,“ Sam thought to himself, and smiled in anticipation of holding her in his arms once more........

Imagine his profound disappointment when he strolled into Miss Kitty’s, expecting to hear the dulcet tones of Sweet Sue, only to hear a male voice crooning in her stead. Old Joe was still tickling the ol’ ivories, but Sweet Sue was nowhere to be seen. He spotted Miss Kitty working the bar so he asked her, “Where is Sweet Sue? Is she sick? Is it her night off” Kitty replied, “Nah, she took off with a rich prospector. He struck gold in Colorado. Nothin’ but the best for Sue from now on.”

Sam felt lower than a skunk when he heard that news. “All his plans down the drain…..What now?” He decided he might as well try his hand at cards for awhile. He set aside what he figured he could afford to lose, and would save the rest. He asked Miss Kitty to hold onto his bankroll while he gambled, so he wouldn’t lose all his money. He had been hoping to make a down payment on a ranch for Sweet Sue and himself,
He sat down at the card table, and noticed they had a new dealer. She introduced herself to him with a smile, “Howdy stranger, just call me Charmin’ Carmen. Everybody else does!!" She was a buxom blonde--very handsome indeed!! He was fast forgetting about Sue.

Another stranger sat down at the table, and introduced himself to Sam. “Sweet Billy, Singer of Songs, at your service, but you can just call me Billy.” Sam replied, “Oh, so that was you I heard singin’ a little while ago.” Billy replied, “Yep!” Sam said, “You took Sweet Sue‘s spot. Are all singers called ‘Sweet’ as a rule?” Billy laughed and said, “Yes, because we sing so sweet!! Us, and the canaries.”

The other two men seated at the table were Gaylord Ravenal, a professional gambler Sam had known from before, and Marshall Matt Dillon. He felt certain it would be a straight game with him there, and was glad for the company. Ravenal had been known to cheat, and he didn’t yet know if he could trust Billy.

Just then, the saloon doors swung open, and in walked Sunshine MacGillicutty and Sweet Sue. “Look what the cat dragged in,” said Sunshine. “I saw Sweet Sue at the train depot, and asked her if she needed a ride.”

Sweet Sue saw Sam sitting at the table, and rushed over to his side. She sobbed, “Oh! Sam! I am so sorry, I ran out on you. I have had a change of heart. I was blinded by all the gold, but I realized just as soon as we left town, that it was you I really loved, and so I caught the next train back. I am ready to honor my commitment to you, if you will still have me. Will you forgive me, Sam?” asked Sue.

“Yes, darlin’, I would forgive you anything,” replied Sam, as he scooped her into his arms, and kissed her right in front of everyone.

Sunshine said, “Congratulations you two!! Now I need a kiss too--it’s contagious!!” She ran over to Matt and planted one right on him. Miss Kitty fumed inwardly, “That brazen hussy!! The gall that woman has--right under my nose--in MY SALOON!!”

2007-10-28 05:05:01 · answer #3 · answered by soupkitty 7 · 1 0

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