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hiya i was just wondering how i should act to better pass as a 19 year old girl. oh and i am not looking for the cliched lyke omg, totally awesome ect i dont want to act like a girl from clueless mainly because it is belittleing ok.^^

2007-10-27 14:47:08 · 4 answers · asked by gavinfreeman2001 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

oh and i am transgendered but because of my mum's forced masculising i lost myself

2007-10-27 14:48:20 · update #1

well answering issaac newton i cant change how i feel or think about it. it isnt going to go away if i try and force i have accepted that i am that way and dream of the day i get my wish to be my true self. i am much more feminine when i act normal and relaxed i truly hate being a guy no offense.
and lady of ... sorry anyway i just want tips on how to behave more in correlation to socioties idea of a female oh and i live in the uk

2007-10-27 15:01:55 · update #2

4 answers

Be yourself, and don't worry about whether you are being feminine or masculine. Why diminish yourself, why limit what you are with labels? Whether they wish to acknowledge it or not, all men have "feminine" traits and all women have "masculine" traits. It's all in how you look at it and what you choose to emphasize.

Nevertheless, I sympathize with your desire to blend and belong (the nail that sticks out gets hammered and it sounds like you already have more than enough to deal with). So to help you get in touch with your feminine side:

(1) Movement. Women are grace in motion - not that guys can't be graceful too - they can - but it is not the same- something about the distribution of this and that when we hit puberty - we move different than guys. Hips sway is more pronounced, other motions tend to be more graceful and expressive. On some level, most of us are aware of the beauty of our bodies (even when we think we are too fat) and express it in the way we move. Think of the way a cat moves and behaves, then of women. Women expect to be looked at and admired too! Rent some films and consciously watch how the woman move in them. Heels will be a big help to you in this - and yes, even as low as 1/2" or 3/4" is fine - most of my shoes are only 1" or less.

(2) Clothes. Feminine clothing that flatters your body type will also help you to feel pretty and feminine - and girls can wear both dresses AND jeans. Check out some of the women's magazines (I like For Women First and Women's World). Find some actresses or other public figures with a body type similar to yours whose look you admire and examine carefully how they dress - experiment with trying on different things until you find what suits you. If you want to avoid stereotyping, try classy and subtle - but in the end, you have to go with what feels good to YOU - if bright contrasting colors and wild designs make your heart rejoice, then go for it.

(3) Hair and makeup. I would recommend you take some classes to master the subtleties of hair and makeup. You want to highlight bone structure and sculpt appearance with highlighting and shadows to achieve a more delicate appearance. Women's bone structure is considerably less dense than most men's and their features are generally smaller and finer. I do NOT recommend plastering it on - the key word here is subtle. Also, hair and makeup are fun - you get to reinvent yourself - guys are limited in what they can do by perceptions of society - women can go all out and no one even blinks. Try different hairstyles and hair accessories. Shaving can be a problem - not sure about what would work best for you. Most women shave at least their lower legs and underarms and use deodorants, soaps, shampoos with light flowery scents. Don't forget the neck too - if you have a prominent adam's apple, you will need to camoflage it - that is something unique to guys.

(4) How women think is not always that different from men. But if you want to get a good cross sample of the strictly feminine viewpoint, I again recommend reading some magazines - I would recommend "Women's World" and "For Women First" as giving a more realistic and balanced view of a women's viewpoint, but you may also want to look at some of the big fashion magazines (keeping in mind that they are an exaggeration and represent only a small portion of the interests of most women). Even better, read some chick lit - check library and book store and online for this. I recommend anything by Jennifer Crusie for light-hearted, intelligent romance. For more serious literature, try "A Vision of Light" and "In Search of the Green Lion" by Judith Merkle Riley - it is a historical adventure/romance told from a woman's viewpoint, and is light-hearted and wonderfully intelligent as well. If you can get through some Jane Austen, that would help too - things have gotten a lot better for women (at least in the "developed" countries) since her day, but many of the underlying emotions have not changed that much. I love Jane Austen, but realize she is not everyone's cup of tea - if you do want to check her out, you could try the 1995 film version of "Persuasion" with Amanda Root and Ciaran Hinds. For TV shows, rent "Veronica Mars" seasons 1 and 2 - great example of a girl dealing with some serious female issues and combatting female stereotyping - and fun too.

(5) Biggest difference I have noticed between most men and women - (a) most women seem to focus more on the details - most guys will skip this whenever possible, (b) men tend to define their sense of self-worth more on job and career success, women tend to define self-worth more on attractiveness and family, (c) most women tend to be less involved in playing team sports (and therefore many are less interested in watching team sports as well) - this seems to be more societal than biological, (d) most guys are more straight-forward in what they say and mean than most women - women are more likely to be circuitous and passive-aggressive - I'm not sure if that comes from being physically smaller and dis-empowered or if it is societal - I just know that if I say "that rose is red" to a guy, he is more likely to think I am saying "that rose is red". If I say it to another woman, she may think I'm criticizing her choice in rose color or sending some other message - I'm a woman and sometimes even I get confused by this stuff - and, yes, I do it too, (e) most men have a sense of entitlement, while most women struggle with their sense of self-worth - definitely societal stereotyping - women have come a long way - but we are still putting up with way too much condescension and bull; (f) yes, I think women are more emotional than most men - in part, because our society permits (and to some extent encourages) women to show their emotions and actively discourages men from doing so. And then there are those hormones which explode at puberty for both males and females and help to make those teen years fun - things do settle down and it gets better - but it never completely goes away for females because of the hormonal changes of the monthly reproductive cycle - just think of it as if we were getting pumped full of different drugs every week, because that is exactly what happens, (g) most women tend to be more in touch with what they are feeling and thinking - most men tend to be less self-aware and to focus more in an outward direction, (h) women are generally more verbal than men - women can sit around and talk all day every day about their feelings and the feelings of others, etc. ad nausum - most men would rather have splinters driven under their nails first, and (i) most men think about and focus on sex a lot more than women. Women definitely think about sex a lot, but most women focus more on romance and relationships. Again, I think this is biological/ hormonal programing at work.

So, more information than you wanted, but hey, maybe some of it will help. Good luck on your journey - work on acquiring good life skills and work skills, try not to take yourself or anyone else too seriously, try and be prepared for emergencies but don't dwell on the bad stuff - instead hope for and dwell on the best - and put effort into making the best happen for yourself. Dream good dreams. Push yourself at least a little bit out of your comfort zone now and then - at least enough to try something new at least once a month. If a great opportunity calls to you, don't be afraid to go for it - you need to take some risks now and again because you need to grow your spirit and your soul. Try to do the right thing, even when it is difficult - you are more likely to regret not having done so than to regret the effort or inconvenience or sacrifice of doing the right thing. Remember that 99 times out of 100 common sense, forethought, applied intelligence, courtesy, kindness and a calm, cool head will save the day in a crisis (without the melodrama - which is good for TV, but not so fun in real life). Do your best to be kind and courteous to everyone and to be thoughtful of the feelings of others - it is easier not to be rude and cruel in the first place, than to have to try and make it right afterward. Try not to make assumptions and try not to condescend or look down on anyone. Protect, cherish and respect the earth and all the forms of life on her - we all live on the earth and it is the only habitable planet we have - and the diversity of life on earth is quite likely one of the greatest treasures in the universe - how far we have looked with our telescopes, and yet we have seen nothing like it. Forgive yourself and others for not being perfect (no one is perfect). Love yourself. Try and love your fellow travellers too, flaws and all. God bless you.

2007-10-27 19:47:35 · answer #1 · answered by Copper Cat 4 · 3 0

The best way to 'behave like a girl' is not to TRY to behave like a girl.
If you're a transsexual girl, you already know how to behave like a girl; it's natural to you. You just have to 'unlearn' how to act like a boy. Forget everything you've been taught, or picked up along the way from boys and men, and just be yourself; however YOU behave is how the kind of girl you are behaves.

2007-10-27 15:05:44 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 3 0

um well if u are not actually a girl, then i dont believe u can have the mindset of one. guys and girls think very differently.
u cant really "act like a girl," becuz all girls act differently, some even "like guys." just go out to baltimore by the harbor or something, or to DC, and sit somewhere and people-watch. u can learn alot by doing so. plus its really fun :D
or maybe u culd take some sort of acting class.

2007-10-27 14:52:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

watch 1940s and 1950s Hollywood movies... that was the archetype of the "feminine ideal" ... as far as most people would tell you... when women were "women" and men were "men"... those are the stereotypes that few "real" people "live up to"... but hey... if you're looking for the blueprint... there it is....

2007-10-27 14:54:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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