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We all know how successful the Coalition has been with domestic and international policy, how will a labour government fair if in power?

2007-10-27 14:25:11 · 9 answers · asked by michael_k609 1 in Politics & Government Elections

9 answers

History tells us they'll screw it up!!!

Sure there might be queues at centrelink, but they are shorter than ever! Unemployment has never been so low. Welfare payments have never been so high. Perhaps the govt should lower welfare, and get even more people out there working!

2007-10-27 17:18:25 · answer #1 · answered by JGC 2 · 0 4

I would be interested to know what you define as "successful". From where I am standing the Coalition Government under Howard and his lot have done an abysmal job at almost everything.

We have had our international reputation dragged into the mud and we are now seen by the rest of the world as the lapdogs of the US. We have threatened, imprisoned and deported men, women and children who desperately want to escape the threat of annihilation, we have once again let the US come in here and do what ever they want with no questions asked, our job security and conditions are being gradually and ireversibly taken away from us, the rich are prospering while the rest of us go under, there is now an underclass of people in this country who are forced to live in poverty and have been demonised just because they need Government support to live, private enterprises are running everything that used to be run by the Government and mostly doing a really bad job, we are paying more tax now than we ever have...................the list is endless.

If you want to believe that you have never been better off, go ahead. I have worked hard all my life, I pay taxes and fulfil all my obligations but I have never been worse off and considering that this country is going through one of the biggest economic booms in our history (largely due to the mining boom) I would like to know - WHEN DO I GET MY SHARE?

To tell you the truth, I don't much care who gets in - as long as it is NOT the Liberals! I am sick to death of their soulless arrogance and ignorance. At least if the Labor Party gets a go we might see a little humanity come back into the equation.

2007-10-29 05:57:06 · answer #2 · answered by cutsie_dread 5 · 0 1

Liberal success....interesting. Locally services have been ripped appart. Our Indigenous people have never been more disrespected since the end of the white australia policies, people have lost the 'mateship' quality about us and its become the 'meship'. Price of living have gone up twice as fast as wages therefore increasing the poverty rate. Rich and poor have never been further apart, womens wages have dropped for the first time in 150 since workchoices were brought in, he reduced funding to TAFE's creating the biggest skills shortage in our history. Globally we have become a terrorist target, the world has never been more unsafe, illegal wars in Iraq, our relaxed and peaceful image has gone out the window and we are viewed as another state of USA. So when you say that Howard has done good, good for you and some others, but for the most disadvantaged, vunerable, needy an d workers this government has been negligent and ruthless. If you are well off then you won't see the social decay that he has left behind. Fortunately I am doing well, but I work with the people that aren't and the demand has never been so great and the increase rate is even higher. So think of the country as a whole, not just the people with money!!! This governmen has put the focus squarely on money, and people have become so money focused they are forgetting about each other!

Labor will put the balance back into the country, restore our care for each other, national pride and hopefully this country will become about the people again, not just abot whats in your bank account or what car your drive.

2007-10-28 00:21:38 · answer #3 · answered by Surfa101 2 · 4 1

A Hell of a lot more than Howard has done. You will have your chance to see them first hand in operation soon. Howard has been for Big business. Remember his brother got into trouble with his business, Guess who pulled him out of the mire. Yep, Little John. Sort of like Robin Hood in reverse. Labor has always looked after the people. Have a look at the squabbling in the Liberal Party. There is more steel knives out that BHP has to run 2 shifts to keep up with the demand from the Liberal Party. They are stabbing each other in the back. Trust them to run our Country? I think not.

2007-10-28 23:23:59 · answer #4 · answered by Dick E knee 3 · 1 0

They'll probably do what every politician in the history or politics has ever done:

If they're really good, they'll get assinated. Otherwise look forward to:

Raise taxes.
Reduce education.
Increase government debt.
Remove more liberties.
Social enslavement.
Decline in family values.

If you're lucky, they won't:

Become a dictator, and kill millions.
Start WW3.
Cause hyperinflation.

It always amazes me how average Joe always believes election promises, and thinks party X is the savior of the country. Media ... Amazing!

2007-10-30 11:20:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Michael mate come down to the Latrobe Valley and see how successful the coalition have been come for tea at my place one Friday night and we can spend the week end touring my friends and family if you come the right Friday you can come with me to the local centrelink and watch the parade of misery that waits for the pittance that Howard pays out enough that after you pay your bills you starve for 3 days waiting for the next pittance I'm not saying Labor will change this I'm saying after 11 and a half years Howard hasn't and looks like he has no intention of doing so i have to believe that some one will

2007-10-27 23:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by colin b 4 · 2 1

They will bring the fair go back into Australian families again in other words you wont have to be big business to get one in this country the way it use to be.
Our international standing will improve because we wont have a Bush puppet in power and much as it might amaze some people USA isn't the only other country in the world.

2007-10-27 21:43:56 · answer #7 · answered by molly 7 · 3 0

Better the devil you know than the devil you dont.
Labour copies all of liberals policies.
what can they copy when liberal isnt around?
people the GST will go up under labour.
For all of you who live in NSW labour has screwed this state.
The corruption in this state is so obvious. I myself have sited documents.
labour get loads of money from the federal gov and they spend it on beaucrats and the federal government wants to make more beurocrats to advise them. GIVE It to the hospitals to save people, the old so they can live, not another public servant manager on$200,000 per year.
IF labour gets in we are in trouble

2007-10-28 07:24:54 · answer #8 · answered by francesca_2003m 1 · 1 1

The British or Australian Labour?


2007-10-27 22:36:58 · answer #9 · answered by Kate 4 · 1 1

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