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or do you think hes doing a good job

2007-10-27 13:57:04 · 31 answers · asked by blahblahblah 1 in Politics & Government Politics

31 answers

Just because I couldn't do better than Bush doesn't mean that Bush is doing a good job. I don't pretend to be capable of leading our nation. Bush shouldn't of either.

2007-10-27 14:02:54 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 11 7

I'm pretty sure I could do better than most, if not all, presidents in my lifetime. Reagan and older Bush would be hard to top though. Carter wasn't too bad.

I was a history major. I can't think of any president who has been this bad. I am not sure a chimp wouldn't be a better option.

2007-10-27 22:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by A D 2 · 2 0

My 8 year old nephew can do way better than Bush. And I agree with the others who said an ape can do better.

2007-10-28 00:12:30 · answer #3 · answered by Alan S 6 · 2 0

Not me, never wanted the job to begin with. It's easy to criticise the president, we don't have to make all the decisions that he has to make. How many of us would like having a job in which every thing we did was criticised, every decision was second guessed by someone? I don't think that we'll ever have a President that is liked by everyone. Even if it is a president you personally approve of, there will be times he makes decisions you disagree with. The current President is doing a decent enough job, he could do better though.

2007-10-27 21:47:06 · answer #4 · answered by Mike W 7 · 1 2

It is not an either or situation.

I wouldn't want the job! It doesn't pay enough for the headaches it causes.

However GWB is not doing a good job. Until recently he hadn't vetoed one pork bill - NOT ONE! He let all of his crooked cronies pass whatever earmark bill they wanted in return for their support.

2007-10-27 21:26:04 · answer #5 · answered by Bad M 4 · 1 1

I could not handle President Bush job. Being the President of the United States of America, you are not only responsible to what happens in the United States but has a powerful say to what occurs around the world.

I do believe that President Bush is doing an AWESOME JOB as the President of the United States of America. He is very passionate about helping All Americans, especially the poor and minorities. I approve of George W. Bush, I have always approved of George W. Bush, and I always will approve of George W. Bush. He is the greatest president in the history of the United States of America and I am proud to have voted for him twice in 2000 and 2004.

2007-10-27 21:09:17 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 · 3 7

On conducting war I an positive but most of you would freak totally out.
I also remember how Ronald Raygun got congress somewhat under control.
When they wouldn't co-operate with him he just vetoed or let die every bill on his desk until the boys would sit down and work out their problems.

Considering what Bush has to deal with he's doing OK.

My advantage is that since the entire world already hates us,and as that doesn't worry me at all it leaves me free to do what ever I want to because no one can beat us militarily.
Think that wont work, just what is Putin doing right now.

2007-10-27 21:10:35 · answer #7 · answered by CFB 5 · 3 5

DEFINATELY, ABSOLUTELY, Most Assuredly So, I could/WOULD Do a WAY BETTER Job.!! The Reasons Why ?? Glad You Asked. Very Simplely, when I Entered The Military, U.S. Army (1968-1974) I Took "The Oath" where in I SWORE To Honor, DEFEND, Protect, and Preserve The CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. !! My Sworn Oath, Promise, and Commitment to This CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, the U.S.A. has Increased TEN Fold, since Long Time and Valued Friend Accused Me of Being "Apathetic" and "Complacent" not having a Dictionary nearby, didnt matter, my self definitions of these words to me meant, Lazy, UnCaring, Iffy, Listless, UnConcerned, and i thought Complacent(ency) meant self satisfied, set in my ways, or Smug. so I say to Him, "what the heck ya 'Talkin about. He says "THEY" Rigged/Stole the Elections in 2000... I Flashed Back to Nov. 22, 1963 where about 3 months I Realized that "They" MURDERED JFK. because the "Official" Story-Investigations DID NOT Add Up, then The Warren Commission Took Over to get The Facts and Report to a VERY Concerened and Shocked Citizens of America. The Long Awaited Warren Report.?? Glad You Asked #2.. "THEY" Put it, Un-Read in some Archive ? Huh ?? for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. ?? Say WHAT ??? !! ?? My Only Sib. Brother 2yrs older than I, was in High School. well BRILLIANT, )I thought) cause as Soph. He was ACEing Alg. Geom. Trig. Calculis. French, German, Class Pres. Varsity Base/Foot/BasketBall MVP's . I Myself D+ Algebra, B's in Hist,Geography, Eng. C's in English Lit. but Strait A's in Phys Ed. Driver Training, Captain, MVP Track Team as Jr. also got A's in REALLY Cute GF's and Basically Undefeated STREET Racer (Safety First) Running a "Sleeper" 55 Chevy, with 327c.i. Rated at 460 HP. My DAD Spray Painted the Body, Fawn Beige, and the Roof a BLACK ENAMEL, like Glass, ONE of a Kind.. Was Raised Roman Catholic, My Dad Kissed Mom EVERY Morn going TO and EVERY Day Back Home from Work. He Could FIX ANYTHING(Now in Heaven Repairing LawnMowers) My Mama was Loved By All that had the Fortune to Be in the Presense of Her Grace. Especially Her Skill at then called "Beautician" (Womens Hair Salon) was WELL Rewarded, Every X-mas, Cards at Least 60 Cards to "OUR HOME" Filled with Praise" and Lots of Silver Certificates. Mama, even though as "Queen of The Angels" is Still Working Wonders at Hair Styling.NEITHER Drank Alcohol, except, Out of Tradition and RESPECT, a Couple of "Sips" of Champagne at an ITALIANO Wedding. The Union Based on LOVE, TRUST, Large Family (Relitives) nearby(Central/15mi.fromInlandCoastal Calif. ALL HONEST, GOD Fearing, HARD WORKING, INTEGRITY, AMERICAN VALUES, and LOVE For This COUNTRY was Without Question. So, How Do Ya Like Me, So Far. ?? As a Presidental Candidate, Do I Qualify? or Match Up.?? I must Apoligize to The BUSH*Supporters, I will Just Drop Out of The Race... Sorry My Dad wasn't a Bushe Sr. as a CIA-agent, in DALLAS, Tx. on Nov. 22, 1963, THAT Days assignment being DIRECTOR of OPERATIONS, Later Bushe Sr. as CIA-Director of DrugTrade and as RayGun VP, Contra WeaponsforDRUGS. Like How CAN I DO BETTER, or Compete for Bushies Job. ?? Hell, He has an ADVANTAGE over MY FAMILY HISTORY.!! Shitt4Brains' GrandFather PRESCOTT was a HERO.!! when in BERLIN, GERMANY,Circa1934 GIVING FINANCIAL Aid to HITLERS NAZI Third REICH.!! This SCUMBAG-PRESCOTT, Assuredly GAVE National and MILITARY SECRETS to ADOLPH's Military, probably DIRECTLY Causing OLNY an EXTRA U.S. and Ally DEATHS. SO, I Must Concede To YOU BUSH-SUPPORTERS.!! How Could I Try to Live Up To The LEGACY of The DECIDER.?? Like He's The Man!! with an Astounding I.Q. WELL ABOVE 83, Topping Out at 83.27.!! PLUS I was REJECTED to Become a MEMBER of HIS SATANIC CULT, The SKULL and BONES SOCIETY.!! and PLUS, I would Not Be Accepted By IsraeliZIONISTS=in the PNAC, AIPAC, FEMA, CFR, Who The AMERICAN People Should STAND UNITED and Have These TRAITORS...REMOVED from U.S. Govt. No Later.. Than..... IMMEDIATELY.!! Oh Darn, I'm Booked Until ... Lets See here.... Hey, Next Week I'm Free All Afternoon!! How's Wednesday Sound For You.?? for These TREASONOUS-Slimeballs-Swinging at The Business of a ROPE. At The GALLOWS, You Can't Miss Me. I'LL Be The Guy Doing a Standing Ovation.!! Center Stage on THE FRONT ROW.!! .. http://www.the7thfire.com/politics_and_society.htm

2007-10-28 01:07:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

He's pretty much failed at everything even though smart people were telling him not to. Thus, I think there were plenty of people telling Bush the right thing, and he ignored it. I would have listened to 615 of the best security scholars in the world when they said the Iraq policy was wrong and misguided.

2007-10-27 21:09:03 · answer #9 · answered by C.S. 5 · 7 5

I think a snail could do a better job than Bush.

2007-10-27 21:00:55 · answer #10 · answered by Unsub29 7 · 9 7

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