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Who do you blame terrorism for and how do you feel about it. To be honest , I hope the world will be at peace one day because its all about war and having the latest fighting equipment I mean look at what happened in world war one and the Halocaust ,, it was disgusting and horrible. Do you think were going to go through it. Who do you blame for war and who do you think is to blame for terrorism. Best answer 10 points so make them good =D


2007-10-27 13:52:38 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

I Believe that you have no religon if you ae a terrorist because every religon says you cannot commit suicide, cannot commit murder or harm anyone and they are breaking major rules then.

2007-10-27 14:03:22 · update #1

Also if anyone wants to say on what they feel is happening in iraq ,, feel free, if you think its good or bad then write what you feel!

2007-10-28 07:13:15 · update #2

Also if anyone wants to say on what they feel is happening in iraq ,, feel free, if you think its good or bad then write what you feel!

2007-10-28 07:13:16 · update #3

27 answers

Terrorism is way poor people fight back. It's not a new thing, many terrorists have gone on to be "acceptable" to the west, the ANC is South Africa, The Stern Gang in Israel, Markarios in Cyprus, the IRA in both North and Southern Ireland, there must be other examples.

Forms of terrorism have also been supported by those that oppose terrorism today, former sponsors of terrorism are becoming our friends, Gadaffi anybody?

As governments and countries get more powerful they get scared of each other, which is what kept the peace for 50 years between the West and USSR, but there's still peoples out there who feel aggrieved, but the only form of retaliation they have is terrorism.

So in place of world wars and some pretty horrific major wars now we have terrorism.

Without supporting or condemning the causes of terrorism it really is time we looked to create an inclusive world, rather than the divisive world we have today. And the best way to do that is reward those that honor civil rights, democracy, freedom of speech, instead of punishing those that don't...seems to make sense to me.

2007-10-27 14:17:06 · answer #1 · answered by Luke Warnes 4 · 2 0

for me the word terrorism means causing ppl to be horrifically scared.
and i blame the governing bodies of each country. not the ppl of the country. when ever i see read or hear of ppl suffering i feel helpless as i have no power to stop their pain, so my instinct is to try to learn the trith independantly. which i hope i have.
i too hope the world will be at peace one day, but i think this may be in vain.
"guerrillas, millitants freedom fighters" what ever you want to call them are not, in my opinion terrorists.

leaders are however, as they have the ultimate power to inflict the atrocities we Half hear about through the specially edited media.
how can such a small group cause horror in a society ruled by powerful leaders unless those leaders allow it? then plant the word terrorism here there and everywhere to brain wash the ppl.

all iam saying is logically it doesnt make sense to me.
look at the super rich the celebrities some of us follow, how detailed are their lives? they cannot sleep in an 'unfresh' bed.

i change my sheets once a week. yet iam not dirty i just see it as reasonable.

the DETAIL is the key and lets give them credit they know exactly whats going on, they have one person specifically assigned to every detail.

2007-10-27 14:20:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well this is an explosive question. History has shown one persons terrorism is anothers freedom fight. The French resistance terrorised the Germans during WW2 the Allies won so this was a good thing. Nelson Mandela became free and eventually set up truth and reconciliation in South Africa, they are still working through this in their daily lives, but he is heralded (rightly) as a great man for the cause of freedom.
But the attack on Bhenazir Bhutto? that looks like an attempt to stop people being able to express their opinion and yet if you believed that someone was being funded by your enemy would you feel angry? And if you had the means to use violence to defeat your 'enemies' as you saw them would you use it? If you failed to 'defend' your people as their leader by all means possible would that make you a coward?

Once someone has built up a personal powerbase with followers who are fanatical and passionate for a 'cause' violence becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. If someone wants power and someone else wnats to deny them then anger is always the result.

2007-10-27 14:11:14 · answer #3 · answered by noeusuperstate 6 · 1 0

Terrorism has been around since the dawn of civilization and is likely to never cease. Its cause is weakness. Someone or some group of people want another group of people to do things their way but because they have little ability to change their minds and little power to force them to, they resort to random attacks. It has always been self defeating because it tends to anger the very people who might otherwise be on your side. Recent history has had the anarchists, communists, Irish, and now Islamo-fascists resort to terrorism. It often takes time. The Irish terrorists didn't lose their power base until 38 years of random killings of British citizens had passed. One sees the future with Iraqis now fighting their former foreign Islamo-fascist allies. Winning the war on terror means that the killings become few and far between enough that it does not affect how people go about their daily business. However, is it truly winnable? After the Islamo-fascists go the way of the Anarchists, will not some other group have some beef and go down that same, stupid, horrible path?

2007-10-27 14:26:29 · answer #4 · answered by Caninelegion 7 · 2 1

All you have to do is look at history for your answer. Terrorism has been practiced for as long as can be historically recalled. It is a philosophy of might making right and is the enabling force of despotism. Does the name Stalin ring any bells among you folks?

You see 97% of all Iraqis voting in their first free election and you even need to ask if terrorism is a good thing? Saddam Hussein had those people by the throat for over 30 years, and as soon as he was made to let go the people showed how THEY felt about terrorism.

People in America don't have any sense of what terrorism really is.

2007-10-27 18:29:41 · answer #5 · answered by Doug 2 · 2 1

So-called terrorism is the result of powerlessness.

When people have no 'legitimate' way to fight what they see as an oppressive invader, authority etc., they will resort to the shooting/bombing of the enemy forces, their officials and their proxies, then the police that uphold such forces, then those who do collaborate with such forces. By this they may hope to drive the enemy out, by making it much too expensive - psychologically, politically and/or financially - for them to stay. If they cannot drive said enemy out - they may at last wear them down and force them into a compromise.

Unfortunately and sadly during such ops, sometimes innocents die - but this should NEVER be the aim (as was in 9/11) of an ops. However, we must remember, on the other side of it, the damage the oppressors have done.

2007-10-27 17:58:07 · answer #6 · answered by gortamor 4 · 0 1

Terrorism? Oh, I blame all of us for terrorism. The terrorists, the Unted States, the President himself. I believe terrorism is everyone's fault. Whether it is Asama Bin Ladin or Suddam Hussein. I think terrorism is sick and disgusting. People, innocent people, arekilled because of this nasty thing. People who commit it are homicidal assholes that don't deserve life. Every time 9/11 comes past each year, I light a candle for those who die and I watch nothing that day except for that movie United 94, the Twin Towers movie, and different shows about it on TV. I just hope one day, the world canlive in peace. That may sound corny, but I stand by it 100%

And for your added details, to the Muslim religio, and I do not know if this is true comletely but I know that if you are to kill yourself along with what is 'right', you will be sent to Heaven with 10 virgin women for you. I don't kow about the virgins but I know the suicidal par is true and it is sick. I feel ill thinking about it.

2007-10-27 14:20:53 · answer #7 · answered by Vyxxen 3 · 4 1

Terrorism has nothing to do with religion.
Religion is the tool that some people use to meet their goals but it is the goals of an individual that are the reasons for terrorism.

The failure to co exist with others and the need to be seen as the elite and have your beliefs admired bythe rest of mankind is the driving force behind terrorism.

If your chosen religion allows you to coerse, threaten and intimidate other like minded indiviuals into following your actions then do it in the name of religion.

Religion is only the vehicle that the terrorist travels in, it is something evil within the the organisers which is the driving force.

2007-10-28 00:04:50 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Terrorism is caused by the need for power, selfish inane thinking and the simple hate of people who may be of different creed, colour or thinking. But foremost, it is the need for power over others. The human race has many failings and this is one. Sensibly, no human should never kill or think of killing another. That's what is supposed to raise us above the animal kingdom, but alas it doesn't. Terrorists become so because they have misguided ethics backed by the need for POWER over others. What can we do about it? I simply don't have the answer .... perhaps we need a higher presence to intervene and that would be an excellent start if we all honoured the same god. People should realise that we are all members of the human race ..... no one is that different that they ( or their principles ) should be wiped off the earth. I fear for mankind and that terrorism may one day annihilate us all.

2007-10-27 14:17:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

In the same way I'd not blame anything on the bullies at school, I'd not blame terrorism on anything, terrorists are people with aparently sound bodies and minds, the take actions of thier choice to ruin the lives of others, this is selfish and should never be excused, or blamed on anyone else. They are responsible for thier actions, not others.

And no, I am not pro bush, I still think he has acted badly too, but niether is responsible for the others actions, they all need to grow up and accept responsibility for the way they are ruining other peoples lives.

2007-10-27 13:58:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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