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I know that most conservatives are just that conservative we don't like to scream about politics or how we are losing our rights and most of the time we just take things as they come. not saying that we are wimps because we are not, but most of the time we are unheard because the other side out screams us, meaning that liberals show up in great numbers. what I am trying to get at is, isn't it about time that the conservative side is heard loud and clear before we are completely shut down and shut up by those trying to hijack our country

2007-10-27 12:59:32 · 23 answers · asked by hmm 6 in Politics & Government Elections

23 answers

The question is: "What will it take for Conservatives to be heard?"

The answer is: "The Rapture".

These are the final days of mankind, there is no turning back. The Church is being overrun by "Apostasy". (mostly from within)

Timothy 4:1-3 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."

This describes not only the secular world, but the current incarnation of the New Testament Church. If you think I and others are insane for thinking so, look at TBN, SkyAngel, EWTN, & Daystar to see what mainstream Christianity has turned into...

Look at the "Big Guns" of the Jesus Club...

Joel & Victoria O$teen
T.D. Jake$
Creflo Dollar (and the last name fits him well)
Pat Robert$on
Rod Par$ley
Bayle$$ Conley
Je$$e Duplanti$
Benny "Mo' Money" Hinn
Max "Corporate Sell-Out" Lucado
Marilyn & Sarah "Feminism First" Hickey
G.E. Patter$on
Oral Robert$
Robert $chuller
Jack & Rexella "False Prophets" Van-Impe
Hal "False Prophet" Lindsey
Paula "Infomercial" White (have you seen her doing sales pitches at the "Leraning Annex" as of late? Her customers are really slipping to stoop that low)
Chuck "Franchise" Smith (The Calvary Chapel Guru that set a date for the rapture, but looked like a fool when it didn't pan out by 1981.)

Both Daystar & SkyAngel have more "Infomercials" than they do actual programs, EWTN spends more time refuting the reformation than it does anything (except when they are not pitching "Mary Statues" from their online store.) And TBN is just plain heresy scripted from the pit of Hell itself. (Satan was always a good Ad Exec.)

No dear, the so-called "Conservatives" have nothing left but to focus on the missions field, and look to the skies for the "Second Coming"...

So let the thumbs-down roll on this answer, but anyone with eyes to see, and ears to hear, cannot deny what is plainly in front of them! Listen to the Atheists! They tell it the best when they scream that Christians have turned into a bunch of money grubbing hypocrites! Does anyone actually listen to what the non-believers here are saying? They are screaming the truth right into our faces, and we are ignoring them!

2007-10-27 17:14:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I agree with most of that. But the neo-conservatives out the ones that we may have no choice to elect other then liberals right now. Conservatives have for a long time held the power in Congress and they lost because they got complacent and Bush screwed up. The country is still relatively conservative. To take back this country we need to stop having a pissy fit over war we may not like or agree with and stop electing moderate liberals who side with their party on important issues.

2007-10-27 13:12:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

If you are talking about REAL conservatives, you are right. We don't hear much out of you. I'm afraid the talk shows and radical stuff makes liberals totally turn off on true conservatism. The Neo Cons have given you all a bad name for a while. The Lefties are also destroying a true democrat. Moderates are the ones who will make the difference at the voting polls though. That is the vast majority in the U.S.

2007-10-27 13:08:21 · answer #3 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 7 1

I think you should be more concerned with the political party conservatives have aligned themselves with for 30 years. Richard Viguerie and others have written about how the republican party has not stayed in touch with the conservative values of many of its members.

As for non conservatives trying to hijack this country from you, they ARE part of this country. Liberals have as much of a claim to our American heritage as conservatives do, and vice versa,

2007-10-27 13:15:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Evidently you don't read many of the answers posted on here, do you? Conservatives are constantly lambasting the "liberals", calling them anything that comes to mind but, a child of God! The, so called "Conservatives", have run this country for more than 6 yrs., what do we have do show for it? If you can honestly say that things are better today than before President Bush entered the White House & can convince others of your view, then perhaps someone will listen to the Conservatives in a manner you approve!

2007-10-27 13:17:11 · answer #5 · answered by geegee 6 · 4 4

you are losing your rights because of liberals??? You are losing your rights because of George W. finds it ok to wire tap , torture lie about information that began a war that has cost us Americans billions of dollars. Presently george w. has vetoed many bills that would probably benefit the common man, our children.. George was handed ovet a surplus and a great economy under CLinton and ran up 100s of billions of dollars in debt. Wake up if you want to be conservative. You can follow and agenda which sides with the very rich large corporation , oil and the manufacturer of our war machinery and against education and health care. No matter how the republican candidates milk toast it we, the citizens are the least imortant part of the equation. So if you came up to most progressives we would listen to you but it is not as if we haven't heard the rhetoric before

2007-10-27 13:20:02 · answer #6 · answered by richard b 2 · 6 3

I'm not exactly clear how liberals are going to hijack the country from conservatives....you have a radically conservative President, two wars, and an evaporating middle class, a bankrupt treasury---how much more hijacking did you want?

You must have fallen asleep for 20 years?

2007-10-27 13:26:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

first off, for all the people who say all we hear in this country is from the conservatives... they don't call it the liberal media because it is secretly right-wing propaganda.

all we hear are democrats. democrats have had control of the congress and the senate since bush has been in office, and what memorable legislation has been passed? they do nothing but piss and moan and make accusations. they start wars and when life gets to real they all bail. democrats can't commit to anything but complaining.

as far as conservatives. we need to stick to our guns. i am not a republican, but i am conservative. president bush is a moderate, he switches sides to often, but i will say one thing for him. he stands his ground for what he believes. whether or not he is popular for that decision. conservatives need to step up to the plate and stop arguing because lying democrats are being devisive and hurting the national interest. why do we have such a massive deficit? the democrats spend any penny we save, and when they are done with the first 14 trillion, they ask for more and vote themselves in pay raises.

2007-10-27 13:13:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I'm confused. Conservatives have been running the country for years. They controlled the white house, and until the recent election, Congress as well. What has changed is that now the rest of the country has a voice as well. Do you only feel heard if yours is the only voice speaking?

To regain credibility, conservatives need to pick credible leaders. Republicans are deserting in droves because the leadership of their party has abandoned the principles they once stood for. This is the problem you need to address.

2007-10-27 13:08:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

You conservatives have been in power (with the exception of the Clinton 8) since the 1970s. Any complaint you have should be directed against conservatives.

On second thought, maybe you'd be happier as a liberal (even thought it does seem to be a nasty word, some of us like what it stands for: freedom & democracy).

2007-10-27 13:09:01 · answer #10 · answered by scottclear 6 · 6 4

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