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Give me your best points, pro and con.

About me, to give you places to come from
-I'm a libertarian, I believe in free will, letting people make their own choices and mistake.
-I believe strongly in letting people be themselves, being real, and forgiveness.
-My father is homophobic, my mother is not (she's a hippie)
-Jesus is (much) more than my homeboy.
-I am familiar with the Bible. If you would seek to go from that angle, I would ask that you read this first and give me a counterargument to it (it deals with the scripture from a pro-gay point of view). http://www.soulforce.org/pdf/whatthebiblesays.pdf
I encourage Christian responses from both sides.
-If you are a Christian, and don't have time to read that pamphlet, give me non-biblical evidence for it being wrong please.

Thanks, and happy convincing. Best answer to the most convincing arguments on either side. shoot!

2007-10-27 12:55:42 · 35 answers · asked by Mrs. Eric Cartman 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Avalon- there is nothing wrong with an adult asking the opinions of others. I don't know and can't experience everything. You listen, you learn, you think for yourself AFTER you listen. You can't just come up with the right answer from thin air. You are biased by how you are raised and your limitations.

2007-10-27 13:05:03 · update #1

I'm definitely straight. 100 percent sure

2007-10-27 13:06:12 · update #2

Why I feel it's important for me to decide:
Because I know several people who want to ban gay marriage or are homophobic. I know I influence them. I want to know which side to support and fight for.

2007-10-27 13:09:54 · update #3

Howie R: I really do want to see new argument that I haven't heard before. I really don't know what I think on this. I swear.

J Bare--atheist dude
Sure atheists can answer! If not, I owuld have put "Christians only"

2007-10-27 13:25:10 · update #4

35 answers

I have no desire to "convince" you of anything.

I was born with my sexual orientation. Simple as that. For anyone to even contemplate deeming it "right" or "wrong" is the height of obnoxiousness, not to mention egomania -- to think that they are worthy of passing judgment on a fundamental aspect of other human beings.

If someone thinks it's "wrong" or "gross," then they have every right to stop thinking about it. Frankly, I find it profoundly odd when someone supposedly straight spends a lot of time foaming at the mouth about the subject -- really now, why on earth do they find it such a provocative subject? I find the thought of eating cooked spinach utterly disgusting [it's just a nauseating food to me], but I never ever sit up nights wringing my hands over the thought of people out in the world eating cooked spinach.

I don't spend time salaciously imaging what anyone [gay or straight] is doing behind closed doors, but a lot of anti-gay folks love to talk about what us homos are doing. Gee, precisely WHOM is preoccupied with sex here?

And if some "Christian" feels it is their right [or duty] to condemn homosexuals -- even though Jesus never said a word about gay folks -- then I politely but firmly remind them that God specifically prohibits us from passing judgment on others.

EDIT: Gee, I just love some of the anti-gay remarks some of the other answerers wrote. I wonder why they're loitering in this section. They're like people who hate haircuts but keep visiting barbershops. If I were ill-mannered, I'd call them closet-case hypocrites -- but I'm not ill-mannered, so I'll stop here. :-)

2007-10-27 13:00:24 · answer #1 · answered by The Snappy Miss Pippi Von Trapp 7 · 10 2

I think that it's a subjective question...it depends. It is right or wrong depending on the person who wants to engage in homosexuality. I had a lesbian experience once and I could tell by the 3rd time with the person that it wasn't for me...I couldn't perform, just like an impotent man. I satisfied my curiosity and can say with total certainty that I am a heterosexual. There are some similarities between being with a man and a woman, but the 'essence' is different. If you are really hetero, you will miss the male chemistry and will become turned off to what you're doing because of the odd feeling that something is 'missing' (and I don't just mean a you know what...lol).

2007-10-27 13:04:29 · answer #2 · answered by lovebird 3 · 4 1

Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon of biology.

It is impossible for a natural phenomenon to be right or wrong. It may be desirable or undesirable, but that's the only dichotomy and a subjective one at that.

If a trait is not prohibitive to reproductive success (evidenced by the fact that gay people have done and do continue to produce children), then that trait is neutral with respect to natural selection and can remain in a population's genome indefinitely.

2007-10-27 13:13:26 · answer #3 · answered by coralsnayk 3 · 0 1

I am straight, I am Not Christian, or religious at all. There is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. I don't see what the big deal is. You can't help who you love. i believe in free will, as long as the choices a person makes is not harming someone else. And being homosexual (thought I do not believe it is a choice) is not harming anyone, or interfering with anyone else's life. So I think there is nothing wrong with it, and I don't see why people get so bent out of shape about it.

2007-10-27 13:02:40 · answer #4 · answered by Stark 6 · 4 1

Right or wrong isn't a factor. Science has shown that people are born gay or straight. It's not a choice. Homosexuality is just the way some people are. It's no more right or wrong than heterosexuality.

2007-10-27 12:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

Well you should know a liittle fact that homosexuality was mentioned in the bible a whopping zero times.
other than that i wont convince you of anything besides the fact that dont listen to people when they say jesus says homosexuality is immoral.
People should have the right of free choice and i think that being against homosexuality is like being against free choice.

2007-10-27 13:01:10 · answer #6 · answered by Jack 2 · 6 1

What is 'right and wrong' but personal perception?

I may believe something is right... doesn't necessarily make it so... and truly, I don't have to prove it. That's called freedom of will. I think having sex with girls is WRONG for me. I can't prove it wrong, but I know that it is.... that is MY reality.

I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. Your beliefs mean nothing to me.
I find this all quite boring, actually.

2007-10-28 00:59:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The bible is many different mens stories all put together, and one person's opinion in a book does not mean its wrong. If you're attracted to someone, then you're attracted to someone, you just can't help it. If we deny somebody's right to love who they want then are we really doing the right thing? But its no use posting my opinion because people who are homophobic and against gay marriage will never change their opinions or be open minded.

2007-10-27 13:06:38 · answer #8 · answered by sri lanka s 1 · 2 1

Some of my friends are gay and I love them to death. i think people can't help who they love. And i think people shouldnt judge people like that. I say its right? What makes it so wrong? It doesnt make them less of a person.

2007-10-27 12:59:39 · answer #9 · answered by Hairdorable 4 · 6 1

thank you for your question:

i personaly don't think that it's rightness' or wrongness' should be up to straight people, after all, if they are straight, then the obviously don't know how it is to be gay, so how cant they judge us? we are great people, there is nothing wrong with us, we haven't chosen to act in a sinfull manner, we haven't chasen this at all!! nothing we do is any worse than what straight people do, have you noticed that in your answers, people seem to have very little legitimate reason why it is bad, but there are countless arguments as to it's "good side."

No matter what your opinion is after this question is done being answered, always remember that you can change it, and remember that you can find facts for yourslef, meet gay people and see if you like them(remember that we do not all act the same).

i would also like to comment on the last line of your question:"Thanks, and happy convincing. Best answer to the most convincing arguments on either side. shoot!" i do not think that you meant it to be offensive, but think for a second about how this is a serious subject for about 10% of the population, our very lives can depend on the view's of the general population, so i would appreciate it if this wasn't made into a game, thank you.

i hope you decide on love, vs hate!

2007-10-27 14:20:44 · answer #10 · answered by Narry 3 · 2 0

I am almost older than dirt but this is what I think.

A persons private sexual choice is just that and nothing more or less.

Personally, I am not very impressed by religion or by what any of its adherents say or think, be they contemporary or historical. From what I see in the world today and have read in many history books, religion is the root cause of many tears and much pain and suffering in this world.

So as far as a persons private choices are concerned why should it be of any concern to another person? I do what I do and you do what you do. So long as we don't harm each other in any way, who cares what we choose???

Non-violence is the supreme religion!

2007-10-27 13:08:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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