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Personally, I think people working Walmart jobs are already used to living like dirt and distracting themselves watching Jerry Springer, but alot of libs like myself are living as debt free as possible to get ready to live off the grid.

2007-10-27 12:19:33 · 13 answers · asked by The President 3 in Politics & Government Politics

13 answers

This liberal is prepared. Debt free is the only way to go. With the Bush junta in office I wouldn't want to owe a dime.

2007-10-27 12:31:15 · answer #1 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 2 1


The biggest problem the American people and our government has is we don't plan for our countries future.

Case in point:
China went from an economic has been 20 years ago to world class today, that was done with planning. Their plans are transparent. Even you can see them. The USA does not plan for the future. The only example I can think of is Cheney's energy plan and that was held in secret.

The USA didn't have to plan for decades, because they were the only game in town. But with globalization leveling the playing field, the USA is now forced to plan for our future. But we would rather argue about things that do not affect the vast majority of us.

Lead on our childrens toys, but doing squat for their future. One is instant gratification, the other takes long term planning.

Neither party is in any position to say they have the USA long term health in mind. Nor is either one prepared for economic downturns. We just muddle along which served us well for decades, now we can no longer afford to do that.

However, our biggest problem today is divisive politics. The reason we're so divided is because of the talking heads filling our heads up with partisan garbage. This goes for the left and right.

A good example is one of the posters above, who blamed the dems and called them communists. That is the one size fits all attitude that is getting this country into a $hti load of problems. And what that poster fails to understand, is the one size fits all attitude is a basic communist principle. Life is simply not that simple, but the poster thinks it is.
In short, the poster appears to be more communistic then American.




2007-10-27 12:28:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I've heard-I'm not an economist-that many forsee a 'crash' because of the dollar. I pray not! But the business' would be OK I guess and those with paid off stuff. A water rationing also, Nat'l ID and HDTV in '08 and the HDTV '09. Is someone really managing these things I pray(again). God have Mercy!

2007-10-27 12:35:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think you should have more respect for peoples job. If they are putting food on the table and taking care of there bills responsibly who cares where they work. Recession has been upon us for a long time now very subtle though. In 2002 i was putting PLUS gas for 1.60. The gallon of milk was 2.49. Wake up we are already in a recession. What was holding america together was the Real state market. Do some research

2007-10-27 12:25:25 · answer #4 · answered by Dude.. 4 · 1 2

As an old NY City sportscaster always said to prove his point..."lets go to the video tape"

Based on the 2004 presidential election demographics your monkey boy theory does not hold water. Bush received the majority of votes from the productive Americans making over $50k annually...Kerry received the majority of votes from those less productive Americans making less than $50k annually. Here I will even use a trusted liberal news source CNN:


2007-10-27 12:30:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I would say Libs are, because many cons, especially the neocons don't believe that Bush can do any wrong so they are less aware of the ill effects of this administration. *sm*

2007-10-27 17:02:04 · answer #6 · answered by LadyZania 7 · 2 0

a lot of conservatives are in denial.bush has cause the largest deficit due to his spending in 40 years."what recession" Mel are u some rich conservative or just retarted

2007-10-27 12:37:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well to hell with that sh---...I'm not living on dogshit the rest of my life,,,"live of the grid,haaaaa,,now that's classic,,,,haaa,,,I want to be a millionaire man...not a dirt digger,,so REPUBLICAN DREAMS FOR ME,,,,but if I got to dig the grid i can do it,,,Goodwill's my second home haaaaaaa...chow freepress

2007-10-27 12:50:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I see that You are using a picture of the smart one in Your family

2007-10-27 12:33:20 · answer #9 · answered by Dan 5 · 0 1

bwaaaah haaaah bush recession
29 BILLION dollars in pork with the reid explanation...we didnt get our chance under the repubican budget
36000 carded requests for pork authored by PELOSI withotu debate, unrelated to defense
clinton, edwards and pelosi, EXACT QUOTE. we have no choice but to raise taxes
AND THIS IS BUSHS RECESSION???? thats rich....lmfao..tell me another.

2007-10-27 13:41:00 · answer #10 · answered by koalatcomics 7 · 0 3

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