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okay on CNN.com they said that they are strengthening up there guard. but we could just crush right through it if we wanted to. And they say if we try to attack such action will have an effect of the U.S collapse. is this true and why dont we just kick bush out of ffice. Also what are the possibillitys of a WW3? Im kinda losing sleep over this.

2007-10-27 11:08:15 · 7 answers · asked by Brandon G 2 in News & Events Current Events

7 answers

First off forget WWIII. WW means world war. Not many places have the capability to wage war against the U.S. on a real scale. No oneis going to risk it.
Second Kick Bush out of office. It is called a trial(impeachment) conviction, sentencing. You don't kick someone out. Who is "we". You could never get a consensus in congress, the U.S. or on here that High Crimes have been committed. (Needed for impeachment)
Third. Most contries are very nationalistic. Iranians, for the most part, do not realize that Iran is about the size of S. Carolina and Georgia, put together.
The U.S. is not going to collapse over any of this. We have been through a lot worse. Viet Nam had the same scare tactics.
What the Iranians say and what is reality are two entirely different things. WW takes bombs, not a bomb, but bombs. I am sure you can find better things to lose sleep about.
Since you have such a poor grasp of history geography and global politics, you are probably very young. Loose sleep about a football game or a friend. Not this none sense.

2007-10-27 11:17:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It has been predicted that WW3 will start in the middle east region. Is it possible? Yes unfortunately when that area controlls 1/3 of the worlds oil production and it could be cut off quite easily, then yes another grand scale war could happen as nations fight to get to the resource.

So the US can not afford to go into another country and get bogged down again. They have troops in both Iraq and Afganistan.

Both are costing way too much. If the gov'ts of those countries would outlaw guns (all types) then the soldiers could go through areas collecting them and anyone with one could be shot. Makes the job a lot easier to do when anyone with a gun is considered a combatant.

The US has to learn to not be the big bully and strike at a maybe thing, but rather work on things from another direction. It does so many good works and donates so much aid and yet all that gets forgotten when they stomp on another country that is almost a futile effort in reform.

The Iranians can and do fund terrorists and so there are chances that if a coordinated effort (like 9-11) were conducted on a larger scale and against different targets, the US would suffer a major economic blow.

Mind you I beleive that they have not thought about the US ability to revive and rebuild and get going from low levels to a high level of productivity when they have to. Most forget the US has a great deal of national pride and will respond to any action by another country or organization. Even with a crippling blow the US will revive very quickly.

2007-10-27 18:27:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't honestly know

Arguments for:
Relations with Russia decreasing
Iran developing Nuclear technologies and wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth
Israel already has Nuclear weapons
China's economy is growing and that will give them an increasing influence on world trade

Arguments against:
Each country depends on another to some degree
Don't want sanctions placed upon themselves for a sign of aggression
Every country knows that they will lose more than they can possibly gain from another world war

Yes we could smash the Iranian defences

2007-10-27 18:17:12 · answer #3 · answered by Alistair 6 · 0 0

Do not loose sleep over things you see on one news program.
Try to develop your own ideas by gathering information from a variety of sources.
If there is such a happening as WW3, we are already deeply involved in it .It is the war against terrorism being fought all around the world even as I type this.
Instead of loosing sleep , educate yourself and, do whatever you can to promote the strength and good name of The United States of America and its leaders.

2007-10-27 18:37:35 · answer #4 · answered by Bemo 5 · 1 0

'U.S. to strike Iran' if diplomacy fails
Intel official says Washington promoting Palestinian state to pay for Arab support
Posted: October 26, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Satellite image of Iran's nuclear facility in Natanz
JERUSALEM – A senior Palestinian intelligence official said that based on meetings with American diplomats he "understood" the U.S. plans to target Iran's suspected nuclear installations in two to three months if negotiations with Tehran don't generate a major breakthrough.

The official, speaking to WND yesterday on condition of anonymity, said according to what he "understood," the U.S. will "pay" for Arab support for a U.S. strike against Iran by creating a temporary Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and most of the West Bank by next summer.

The official met last week with U.S. secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her trip here earlier this month to prepare for a U.S.-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian summit slated for next month in which Israel is expected to outline a future Palestinian state in most of the West Bank.

Israeli leaders, including Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in recent weeks hinted at willingness to give away sections of Jerusalem.

The Palestinian intelligence official would not say if he was basing his information on any specific statements by U.S. officials that a military operation against Iran was in the works.

"It's based on what I understood from the Americans," he told WND.

His statements come as the Bush administration today imposed a series of new sanctions on Iran, accusing the country of an illicit nuclear program and supporting terrorism throughout the Middle East.

The sanctions specifically single out the elite al-Quds division of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terror entity guilty of weapons proliferation and aiding terrorism, including attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq and aid to Palestinian terror groups and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia.

The U.S. has made it illegal to do business with the Guard, the most powerful arm of Iran's fighting forces.

Rice yesterday announced the sanctions were part of "a comprehensive policy to confront the threatening behavior of the Iranians."

She repeated twice in a prepared statement that Washington remained committed to a "diplomatic solution" rather than military action, but U.S. officials have told the media in recent weeks Bush has not taken the military option off the table.

Iran denies it is engaged in illicit nuclear activities or that it is seeking nuclear weapons.

The sanctions follow the resignation last week of chief Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, a move widely interpreted as a hardening of Iran's stance regarding U.S. and international negotiations.

2007-10-27 18:36:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WWIII has already begun. It started just after WWII ended with the establishment of the state of Israel.

2007-10-27 18:26:25 · answer #6 · answered by Pixil 3 · 0 2

We don't want to attack Iran and they know it. That is why they can act so bold.

2007-10-27 18:16:10 · answer #7 · answered by October 7 · 0 0

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