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Why do I admire the illegal immigrants?

Let’s take the typical scenario. A young man in Mexico or some other Latin American country has a wife and child—but there is little work and no chance to better himself. So he heads for the US. He commits a civil violation (which is like a parking ticket) by sneaking across the border—sometimes risking his life and walking miles across a scorching desert. He lives on nothing, sharing a bedroom in n overcrowded house—so he can send money back to his family and save enough to bring them to America-where his kid can get decent medical care and a decent education—and a chance at a better life.

This is what the right-wing bigots revile and sneer at. Well—this man—and millions like him—are HEROS. I admire them.

Your thoughts?

2007-10-27 10:07:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Sentinaal: Under US law, entering the country illegaly is not a violation of the US Criminal Code--it is a violation of the civil code.

And--BTW--My father died fighting for this country. But he died FOR something--not as a pawn in an invasion of a country that never attacked us.

2007-10-27 10:34:18 · update #1

13 answers

Their story is the same as every other American family. with the exception of Native Americans. The ONLY difference is immigration is restricted now, which has the effect of making the "illegal" immigrants' wages even lower than the usually lower wages of immigrants.
The right is in a bind on this one, because their hatred of brown and black skinned people is what united them, but the leaders of industry, which fund the right, depend on the cheap labor provided by illegals, \which is why Bush was proposing amnesty, while many of his supporters scratched their heads and said "I thought he was one of us."
He's not one of them. His indifference to non-white people is not the same as their hatred and fear, and is over-ridden by his loyalty to Big Business, as always.

2007-10-27 10:25:09 · answer #1 · answered by commandercody70 4 · 0 5

Crabby_b..., ma-by your a coyote who transports these illegals making lots of money or a maker of false documents making lots of money that way. You might be an employer out to bust a union by hiring illegals. Talk to somebody who had been in the meat packers union.
Obviously, your not one of us taxpayers not making enough to afford health Ins. but still with our taxes supporting illegals using the emergency hosp. services. God help us I we get sick - end up street people. If we own a modest dwelling in some town are school taxes are skyrocketing up, even though we have no children, to pay for the special demands for all the illegal students and their special needs. That modest job we work at, forget any kind of pay raise or benefits to many illegals ready to jump in on the job Oh and forget becoming a for -man you have to be able to speak Spanish to get that job.
You mention people from Mexico or some other Latin American country who want to better them selves, how about the wonderful decent people who's very lives are at stake, I'm talking about that mess we have made in Iraq.
Fact is there are wonderful people all over the world who would love to be in America, my self I would prefer to see the people who do it the right way come and stay no matter where and the illegals kicked out on there *** along with tough fines, and prison for the facilitator & employers.

2007-10-27 18:29:17 · answer #2 · answered by Dave M 7 · 1 0

...and a criminal in all the sense!!!

He violates the immgration laws.

He works but doesn't pay federal and/or state taxes, the only taxes that illegals pay are sales taxes and we all know that the purchasing power of an illegal immigrant is next to zero, so what they pay in sales taxes is not even enough to pay the energy that a traffic light consumes in one day.

When he gets sick or have an accident, he is taken to an Emergency Room where he gets medical services "for free" because he doesn't have medical insurance AND, because he doesn't pay federal or state taxes. And, if he gets any kind of medical bill, he wont pay it.

He brings his family - illegally - also, and then they breed like rabbits, and: WHO pay for those maternity wards??????? The tax payer!!! Again, they dont have medical insurance, AND, they dont pay federal and/or state taxes.

His kids are sent to the schools PAID BY THE TAX PAYERS, and free for them, because they dont pay federal and/or state taxes.

They steal identities - which is against the law - and put us into all kind of problems with the government, not to mention that they ruin our credit.

They get a "fraudulent" drivers license and, when there's an accident, they fly the scene and we are left with the charges and the raise in our auto insurances.

The labor they do is in any way a benefit for the tax payers because you have to be pretty naive not to know that products are priced based on the *market prices* NOT on what cost to produce them.

Check a dictionary for the true meaning of a hero!!

2007-10-27 17:53:17 · answer #3 · answered by Millie 7 · 1 0

The problem with illegal immigration is the potential secuity threat and economc harm to the poorest American workers. It is a matter of supply and demand. If you have an endless supply of cheap labor flooding across the border, wages are going to be held down. The rich benefit from the cheap services but the poor and middle class in America get their living standards lowered by the illegals. A nation must have control over its borders. An open border is a wide open invitation to terrorists and drug dealers. I agree with the previous answer. We should respect the legal - not illegal - immigrants.

2007-10-27 17:29:01 · answer #4 · answered by Right Democrat 3 · 2 1

Since they broke the law to enter this country, What makes you think they are going to live by the law / laws once they are in it. This also is a slap in the face to the immigrants who went through the proper procedure/ processing to obtain US citizenship.

2007-10-27 20:38:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Illegal aliens lower the wages of working Americans. I might admire them personally, but that doesn't mean I think they should be allowed to stay in our country. They should be deported. Anyone who knowingly hires an illegal alien should be imprisoned.

2007-10-27 17:17:25 · answer #6 · answered by Zardoz 7 · 7 1

if you admire them fine that is your privilege as a citizen of this country and I am sure they are lining up to thank you.

How about doing something to help them? I know!
you can lead them back to their own countries and help them better their lives by bettering their own nations!

2007-10-27 17:47:44 · answer #7 · answered by Bishop 5 · 2 0

Such an argument floats free of truth since it's untethered by the gravity of the Whole Story.

2007-10-27 17:19:24 · answer #8 · answered by Kubla Con 4 · 4 1

With that logic you admire the guy that forceably enters a home of innocents at gunpoint to steal their valuables in order to feed himself and his family.

Your statement that they are heroes gives us a great insight into your character or lack there of.

2007-10-27 17:20:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

You are either uneducated, uninformed, or just lying for the fun of it! Illegally entering OUR COUNTRY is not a Civil Violation. IT IS A CRIME! If you do not know the definition of the word "CRIME", then may I suggest you try to educate yourself!
I do not think that we need to ask You what you think of our Brave American Military, who protect your right to say such garbage.

2007-10-27 17:19:28 · answer #10 · answered by Sentinel 5 · 6 3

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