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Thoughts? Clearly not like like the other Downie or Boulerice situation, but do you think that there will be a suspension? I haven't made up my mind yet, I can see both sides.

2007-10-27 09:45:51 · 14 answers · asked by Zam 5 in Sports Hockey

Zap- I live in Hershey, PA about an hour and a half from Philly. Watching it on Comcast, by far the most bias annoucers I have ever heard, its always been that way. They are acting like it was Bergerons fault "he didn't protect himself" "he turned away" "he got too low when he stopped." Seems like if it were up to them, Bergeron would have gotten the penalty. Keith Jones is the only one of them with a somewhat level head, and thats not saying much.

2007-10-27 10:30:57 · update #1

Bob- I totally agree. It was just unfortunate, I saw mistakes on both ends of the hit. I just wanted some feedback from people other than Jim Jackson and Dornhoffer. Those two suck almost as bad as the clowns who do the Caps games.

2007-10-27 11:32:41 · update #2

14 answers

I was on the traveling from Philly to a game in Long Island listening on WIP during the first period and picked up the Boston broadcast for the second and third. Tim Saunders and Brian Propp seemed pretty reasonable about the hit. Being homers as they are expected to be, I felt they played it as fair as one could expect them to. They did not blame Bergeron for his own injury, but did point out that he put himself into a vulnerable position. I did not hear the initial reaction from the Boston radio guys but by the time I picked up the signal, they also seemed fairly level headed about it. They read Jones' statement on the air between the second and third.

I waited until I could actually see the hit before posting despite using my Blackberry to check on the reaction here. I believe it was the only hockey highlight ESPN showed tonight. (As opposed to showing the Trinity football team 16 lateral play 3 consecutive times.)

Matt W: How can a man facing the board with his back turned to the incoming player be at fault?
I am not placing the blame on Bergeron, regardless, the answer to your question is quite simple. The official assessed a boarding penalty, not checking from behind which I believe was the correct call.
An excerpt from Rule 42 - Boarding in the NHL Rulebook:
"The onus is on the player (or goalkeeper) applying the check to ensure his opponent is not in a vulnerable position and if so, he must avoid the contact. However, there is also a responsibility on the player with the puck to avoid placing himself in a dangerous and vulnerable position. This balance must be considered by the Referees when applying this rule."

From the receiver's point of view: His head was not pushed down to the top of the boards, it was at that level because of the position he placed himself into. He knew he was in a foot race for the puck and in those situations, you know when you win that race you are going to be hit.

From the hitter's point of view: Jones had no other intention than to finish his check, which is something that happens repeatedly throughout a hockey game at all levels. His expectation, which is reasonable, is that the player is going to protect himself.

As the rule states, the onus is on Jones to ease up on when he has him in a vulnerable position but Bergeron shares a smaller portion of that responsibility to not put himself into the position to receive that type of hit.

I will not be shocked if this doesn't result in a suspension, however it will not surprise me if he sits a couple of games. This cannot even be compared to the actions of either Downie or Boulerice and a long term suspension would be completely out of line.

EDIT: The video of the hit is now available on the ESPN hockey section. 7-0, please watch that again and let me know when I can see Jones leave his feet. There were things wrong with it, that wasn't one of them.

2007-10-27 18:28:35 · answer #1 · answered by Lubers25 7 · 0 1

Zam- Was watching the game and I have DVR (TiVo or whatever it is called there) and I kept rewinding it and going in slo-mo. Bergeron does turn his back to him at the last second. Jones had time that he could have held up a little but guys learn to finish their checks. I think he will recieve a 2 game suspension.
I am watching the Boston feed and all I can say is WOW. Zap had the announcers names in his post but they mention it in the same breath as Downie and Boulerice- What morons.
Also, when Eager was fighting Lucic and Eager landed a punch and then when to land another, he totally missed the haymaker right over Lucic's melon and his momentum carried him to the ice and the announcer proclaims- " Lucic takes him down!!"
Bergeron does not look good and he made a unexperienced mistake by turning away and especially putting his head down towards the boards.

Note- This was posted about an hour and a half before Coach's Corner but here is a prequel from Cherry-

"If any of you kids and young hockey players are out there watching this, let me tell you what you never, never do. When you are chasing a puck and you know the hit is coming, never ever put your head down so that when you get hit, you will go head first into the boards. If Bergeron doesn't bend over with his head down, he is fine. Kids, please never do this."

2007-10-27 11:10:52 · answer #2 · answered by Bob Loblaw 7 · 1 2

Yeah, the result was ugly but it's a hit you see a dozen times per game.

Jones is also not a dirty player. I'd guess any suspension would be to send a message to the league as opposed to specifically punishing Jones for his act.

Zam, do you have the Philly feed? I wonder what their take is because the NESN guys are obviously panning the hit and Edwards, of all people, is promising "retribution".

EDIT: Yeah, figured as much. The B's guys have been walking the opposite end of that spectrum for the last hour. Hope the kid's okay, but it didn't look good. Appararently his parents were in the stands for the game.

EDIT 2: Broken nose and concussion seems to be the diagnosis for Bergeron. Looked like it could've been much worse so, good news, all things considered.

2007-10-27 09:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by zapcity29 7 · 1 0

Ya, I did see that hit and no matter what anybody says it was a dirty hit. Anyone who plays hockey or knows about the game should know not to do that and that that is a wicked wicked dirty hit. It was not Bergerons fault at all, he was going after the puck, he didn't have his head down he was just playing. Jones LEFT HIS FEET and put his arm into Bergeron's neck making him crash head first into the boards. I know he doesn't have a repuytation, but that was intentional. It was nobody fault but Jones'. Jones should get a suspension because that's the kind of hit where people can get paralyzed. That hit easily could've ended Bergeron's career if he hit in a slightly different position. If he doens't get a suspension thats just bull. And I also wanna give Ward some credit for going after Jones right after that.

2007-10-28 04:03:50 · answer #4 · answered by *Killer B's* 5 · 0 2

at the same time as I agree he placed is palms into Bergeron's head and it became undeniable he became analyzing the different gamers numbers. which already makes it an unlawful hit, Jones did no longer go away his ft. No excuse for what he did. Time for Jones to guy up, admit he became incorrect and practice for a suspension and high-quality. and there is Mel returned proving his mothers and dads have been the two from a human subspecies.

2016-10-14 05:25:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For any moron that thinks it's Bergeron's faullt:

How can a man facing the board with his back turned to the incoming player be at fault?

Answer: He can't.

Jones didn't try to stop or to put his hands down, while driving Bergeron into the boards.

Jones needs to be suspended. I understand completely that he has been a clean defensemen up until this point. I'm not saying that he's a bad guy at all even now, but he has to be responsible for this hit and will be.

2007-10-27 10:36:14 · answer #6 · answered by Matt W 2 · 2 3

Once is a shame but we get over it, two may be a coincidence but three is usually a habit. The league needs to smack Jones on this AND the Flyers coach.

I've seen it a good dozen times now at full speed. Jones saw he was looking at the numbers but still hit the guy into the boards. It has to be at least 10 games.

2007-10-27 12:17:08 · answer #7 · answered by PuckDat 7 · 2 1

Hey #1, let me throw a hit like that on you, and then you let me know, if you still think its a clean hit!!!! Since the league came back, after the lockout, with all these new rules, and phantom hooking calls, there have been alot more hits from behind. I really think its going to take someone being paralyzed, or worse, before the league does anything about it. But hey, just keep calling these lame hooking and interference calls, and all will be good.

2007-10-27 10:35:54 · answer #8 · answered by Puck me, puck u 5 · 2 0

It was indeed an ugly hit. I think whether or not Jones gets suspended will rely on the severity of Bergeron's injury. As I never saw him open his eyes as the trainers rolled him off the ice, it doesn't look good.

2007-10-27 09:56:56 · answer #9 · answered by San B 5 · 0 1

It doesn't matter if Bergeron stopped or not. Jones loaded up and hit him. I'm sure he didn't mean to injure him or anything, but he should get suspended. Simply because the NHL is in a bad spot right now, and can't afford to let anything go. He might just be a martyr, but it has to happen.

2007-10-27 11:00:12 · answer #10 · answered by Dustin B 5 · 0 2

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